Our week in Haughmond

We have had a busy few weeks since the start of our new Spring term 1

Haughmond have started our new book the Selfish Giant and have already written some fantastic letters and poems.

The children seem to be really enjoying this new book.

In RE this week we have been learning about the pillars of Islam and we have used the pillars to connect with our school value of Hope and how the pillars can help us connect with hope for our friends, our school, ourselves, our family and others around the world.

In PE we have started our gymnastic lessons and will now be having this lesson on a Friday instead of a Thursday.

In Science this  week we were able to study a real heart and learn more about the circulatory system. We were able to learn about how our blood cells collect oxygen from the lungs and travels all around our body.

Finally, we had a visit from PC Katie Le Clere – who is the Youth Engagement Officer – West  Erica Police. She gave us lots of information on how we can keep ourselves safe with particular emphasis on drugs and knife crime.


It’s beginning to look like Christmas in Haughmond

December has arrived and we have put up the Christmas tree and are getting into the Christmas spirit.

We have enjoyed making some stained glass windows which reflected in our RE learning ~ looking at are through religious education, we focussed on the Christmas theme.

We continued to work on our chassis for our moving vehicles and this week attached our wheels to an axil.

Finally, we are still enjoying our Music on Jazz  and our work on Web pages in ICT


Our week in Haughmond

What another busy week we have had in Haughmond this week.

We really enjoyed making our circuits and investigated what would happen adding more cells and bulbs.

We also celebrated Anti bullying Week with Odd Sock Day.

We have started a new Music unit of Jass and played a very tricky piece on our glockenspiels.

Our class took part in a special Picture News on the Protected Characteristics. These characteristics are part of our British Values and help us understand respect and tolerance.

Finally, we really enjoyed celebrating Children in Need



What a great first week back of our new Autumn Term

Good afternoon everyone.

Just wanted to say what a wonderful and busy first week back we have had.

We have started our new Electricity topic and will be getting all the components out next week.  We have written some amazing poems about tigers and learnt a range of vocabulary. We have also started our new topic on Early Islamic Civilization and have put some of the early events into chronological order.

We have all been working hard at fractions this week in maths.

Finally we said thank you to our soldiers that have fought for us during past centuries.


Haughmond take on Picasso and show off their Happy music skills.

We have had another busy week in Haughmond.

The children have all been learning about the artist of Picasso and have made some excellent fact files. This week they decided to look more carefully about the Cubist Movement of Picasso and wanted to draw their own Picasso faces.

Can you perhaps guess who they belong to?

In music – they have been learning how to put their percussion instruments to Happy

What a talented class we have.


Our first weeks in Haughmond

What a fantastic start to the new school year. All of Haughmond Class have really settled in well and are working really hard.

In Science we have been investigating how light travels in straight lines.

In PSHE we have been learning how to look after ourselves and how to keep ourselves healthy. We have been learning about the effects and risks of drugs and the importance of a healthy diet.

In art , we have been learning about the use of colour and researching the artist – Pablo Picasso.

In Geography, we have been learning about how pollution effects rivers and our wildlife.

In PE the children are making such good progress in swimming. We have also been choreographing a dance to the music of David bowie – Space Odyssey




Year 6 attend Lifeline 2023 and learn some essential skills for their future.

Year 6 attended Lifeline on Friday, where they learnt how to keep themselves safe in different situations. They learnt about road safety, first aid, safety at the sea side, the farm, the railway, drugs, cycling, internet and so much more. This day is sponsored by the Rotary Club and we would like to thank them all for a wonderful day.
Thank you also to Thomas Ethelston’s mum for volunteering to come with us.
Well done to George, Connie, Miguel, Florence,Jamie,Raahith and AJ who came first place for their team work.