Year 6 enjoyed their treat at Lazer Quest

All the hard work of the Fiver Challenge finally paid off. Year 6 had an amazing time at Lazer Quest with ice creams to finish off with.

Haughmond’s final Spots Day

Tha rain held off and Haughmond had fun on their final Sports Day.

Haughmond visit The Willow Art Gallery

Yesterday, Haughmond visited The Willow Art Gallery. We had a wonderful time completing some questions set by Mr Hughes on finding out about artists, the medium that the artists used and their thoughts about the different pieces.

There was a resident artist there who the children chatted with and asked questions to.

Finally, the children chose the art work to sketch that caught their eye.

Thank you to Mr Hughes for organising the trip. We really enjoyed it,


Year 6 at Crucial Crew 2023

The sun shone and we all had a great time at Crucial Crew.
The children learnt essential life skills yesterday.
This is an important part of their PSHE curriculum. . At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and bullying, stranger danger, the effects of hoax calls. awareness of the many dangers of the sea, water, electricity, railways, poor hygiene, smoking, building sites, internet, dog awareness, alcohol abuse and farm situations were all covered. As a result of attending, Year 6  are now more confident in themselves and in a better position to make a positive contribution to their communities as they mature into junior citizens. The children also take this information back to their families, and members of their communities who may not have been privileged to receive this training.