Friday 10th July Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s homelearning.

Gosh it’s the end of the week already! It wasn’t really the week to be doing lots of outside activities we had all planned to be doing in this awful summer weather, but most of you managed to get lots of out door learning done. Well done! Looks like a better day today.

English – You have managed to plan all of your story now, so I am looking forward to reading the introduction – which should include the first four sections of your planning. The beginning, the setting, the characters and perhaps the problem.

Maths – Try out investigation 6 now.





This afternoon – you could have a got at making a leaf basket. Perhaps collect some flowers to arrange in your basket.

Have fun x

Thursday 9th July Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Good morning Everyone

Hope you are all okay?

Take a look at investigation 4 today Learning Objectives week 1

English – Worksheet04_WILD-ABOUT-PLOT 

Now you have thought about your animal character, you can complete worksheet 4 – planning your plot to your story.

This afternoon we are going to engage in some fun activities.

The second activity is to complete an outdoor alphabet treasure hunt. What objects can you find outside with each letter of the alphabet?

a  =   acorn

b =  bush

Can you complete the whole alphabet? You may have difficulty with certain letters such as Q and Z

Have a great day!!!!

Wednesday – Hawkstone and Stiperstones home

Good morning Everyone!

It was lovely to see Everyone’s nature pictures and photos yesterday.

Today is investigation 3    Learning Objectives week 1

English – Worksheet03_WILD-ABOUT-CHARACTERS

Think about the characters you would like to use in your wildlife story.

Draw your characters.


Choose one of the stem activities to do outside or build a den. Send me some photographs of the chosen activities.

Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s Home learning for 7th July

Morning Everyone,

Hope you are well and are enjoying the outdoor activities.It was so lovely to see your faces on screen yesterday.

Spelling – Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet

Word Search

Learning Objectives week 1 – Maths investigation 2

Challenge Cards maths

Make a beautiful picture from nature or a photo frame. Look at the ideas in the link.


Don;t forget to post me your lovely photographs.



Out door home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone – Monday 6th July

Good morning Everyone!

I hope you have had a great Weekend.

Don’t forget Stiperstones- at 10.00 am we are having a Zoom meeting.Get your devices ready. Can’t wait to see you.

So….. this week and next week – we hope to be having fun in the outdoors.

Maths – Learning Objectives week 1  We are only doing invstigation 1 today

English – Remember when we did some riddles earlier in lockdown on Henry V111

Here is your chance to do some more, but this time on wildlife and the great Outdoors

cfe-t-2544987-what-am-i-outdoor-treasure-hunt-activity_ver_3 riddles

Try not to cheat and look at the answers. Can you now make up two of your own riddles and perhaps illustrate your answers.

It is now time to find out more about the trees in the UK and to see if you can identify any perhaps in your garden or out near the area close to where you live.Printable Nature Worksheets – Let’s Grow Wild

Look at the sheet on the leaves and try to identify any leaves that you can. It is on page 20 of this booklet.

Some of the activities in here at quite young for you – but if you would like to do any of them – then feel free and post them on Dojo.

Also try to make this leaf identification wheel. It’s a cool way of starting to identify the trees around us.leaf-idial-sheet and leaf-id-sheet

Have fun outside today.


Foody Friday 3rd July – Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Good morning

I don’t know what happened to the Maths yesterday but this should have been your first activity on measuring angles.

Watch the video

Interactive worksheet – Year-5-Measuring-with-a-Protractor-Interactive-Worksheet

Worksheet 2 –

Art – This afternoon we are going to look at the famous artist Arcimboldo. Look at the link and using food magazines or  pictures, create your own Arcimboldo picture.


Thursday 2nd July – Hawkstone and Stiperstones home learning

Hi Everyone

Today is an unhealthy day. We know we shouldn’t think about being unhealthy too often, but we can indulge in naughty things occasionally.

Task 1  What would your plate of unhealthy food look like? Draw it.

Task 2    Write a poem about your unhealthy plate.

Task 3 Maths Today – we are exploring angles


Task 4 – Design your own chocolate bar      .Chocolate bar task

Or you could use this sheet

Have a go at naming all these chocolate bars

How many do you know?

Have fun today!

Wednesday 1st July – Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Good morning! Hope you enjoyed your pizza’s yesterday!

Today is healthy eating day. Part of our PSHE  and Science is knowing what the importance of a healthy diet is.

Here is a Healthy eating Powerpoint to watch t-t-29213-healthy-eating-divided-plate-sorting-powerpoint-_ver_3


Have a go at taking this Healthy Eating Quiz


Now it is your turn to design your own healthy snack

At school we are going to use fruit, but you can use vegetables if you wish or any other ideas you have for a health snack.

Show me your ideas on this sheet. D&T design sheet-designing a healthy snack KS2

Maths –

Hope you have a great healthy day! Don’t forget to send me some pictures of your healthy snacks.

Tuesday 30th June Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s Home learning

Good morning. Hope you all enjoyed your french day yesterday?

Today is Italian day and we are making pizza!

English – Create an advert persuading everyone to buy your pizza! Don’t forget to give your pizza a name, price and some alliteration – similar to what you did to advertise your Theme Park. Look at the Success criteria to ensure you have included everything you need.

Spellings Word Search

Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet

Enjoy your day and send me some pictures if you get to make your pizza!

Monday 29th June Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Good morning to you all. hope you had a wonderful weekend.

This week our topic is Food Glorious Food!

We are going to have some themed food days and today is French Day.
Here is a clip on how to make crepes.

English – Can you design an instruction card on how to make these wonderful crepes? You will need subtitles such as ingredients, equipment and method.

If you have the ingredients – this will be your afternoon activity.

The next clip is some French words around the topic of food.

Maths – More work on subtracting decimals

Clip –

Interactive game

Hope you all have a great day!!!! xx