Friday’s Home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone

Hi Everyone,

We are at the end of our roller-coaster week. Hope you have had more ups than downs.

English – Write a Magazine Review on your Theme Park. Here is a WAGOLL

Zero Gravity Review

Here is template for your review.Mega Drop Magazine Review Template

Maths – Work out the profit you have made after a year of running your park.

Theme Park Presentation Lesson 6 

Lesson 6 Annual Profits Activity Sheet

This afternoon you can perhaps add some other models to your park or make a lego model of your park. If you don’t want to do this perhaps you can do a picture similar to the ones below.’-roller-coasters

Have a great day and a lovely weekend!

Thursday’s Home learning for Hawkstone and Stiperstones

Good morning Everyone

I am so looking forward to seeing your roller-coasters. I hope you enjoyed making them.

Theme Park Presentation Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Working out Entrance frees

This may take you the morning to sort out.

Theme Park Presentation Lesson 5

Create a great advert for your theme park and finish off your roller coaster.

Have fun xxx

Wednesday Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Morning Everyone

Today you will be concentrating on the running costs of your park.Theme Park Presentation Lesson 3

In the afternoon you can start to make a rollercoaster. Here are some ideas.


Design and Build Your Own Rollercoaster PowerPoint

Have fun building your own roller coaster!

Monday Home learning for Hawkstone and Stiperstones

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Our topic this week is Theme Parks. We have some exciting projects for you.

Start by watching some of the rides here at Disney Florida.

Some of these rides could appear on your theme park.

The Maths and English themes are combined today. It will probably take you most of the day to get through this planning.  Have fun!!!

Theme Park Presentation Lesson 1 This Power point will help you plan the beginning of the design of your very own theme park. You will decide on a name for it and be given a budget.

Follow the instructions for your first draft plan.First Draft Map Activity Sheet

Keep a running cost of your budget in these notes.Building a Budget Activity Sheet theme-park-notes (3)


Thursday 18th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s homelearning.

Morning Everyone    Hope you are well.

Maths – You did so well with your Arithmetic tests last week. Here is test 2

Y5_Core_Arithmetic_Test_2 – get a parent to mark once you have finished.

English – Produce a travel guide on your chosen country (or a different one)

Art – Choose from any of these ideas below.

Art/DT –  Make your own Olympic torches

Make your own clay Olympic medals

Olympic chalk photo art (Playground)

Origami Olympic Rings

Don’t forget to show me a picture of all your art work!

Have a great day xx

Wednesday 17th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s Home Learning.

Good morning Everyone

Hope you are all well.

Today’s session is about comparing and ordering decimals. Watch the video tutorial before having a go activities provided.

English – On Purple Mash write a postcard as if you are staying in the country you learnt about yesterday. (Ignore that they have chosen Tokyo)  I have set as a 2do task.

Topic –  Geography – Choose 3 of the countries that compete in the Olympics, learn about their capital cities and their flags. You could make one of the flags.

Have a great day x

Tuesday 16th June Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Good morning Everyone.

I really enjoyed seeing your Life Cycles yesterday – well done!

Maths today – Rounding  decimals – Watch the video

Spelling – New term. These new words are already in your learning pack – if you have one. New packs will be left at reception after 10.00 if you wish to collect.

Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet

Word Search

Let me know what you get in this week’s spelling test.

Topic – Research the Olympics, choose a country that you don’t know much about and produce a fact file about the country.