Monday 15th June Home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone

Good morning Everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

We are starting a new topic for this week on the Olympic Games – as of course they have had to be cancelled this year due to Covid 19.

Maths – Today’s session is about thousandths as decimals. Watch the video tutorial and then complete the activities provided.

English – Re watch the video that you watched on Friday – The Present

  • Why doesn’t the boy want to go outside at the beginning of the story? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
  • Pause the video at different points (e.g. 0.09, 0.44, 1.05, 2.40 and 3.10) and describe how each character is feeling. How do you know?
  • What does it mean to be disabled? What types of disabilities are there and how do they affect different people?
  • Investigate the achievements of disabled people around the world.
  • Find out about the Paralympics and investigate the achievements of athletes with disabilities.

Science – Some of you have already started your animal life cycles from the pack. If you haven’t you could choose one of the following. Watch the power point first.  Lesson Presentation Comparing Life Cycles

Activity Sheet Life Cycles Research

Activity Sheet Life Cycles Research

Friday home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone.

Good morning Everyone.   Hope you are all well.

This week in maths –  we are going to revise decimals as fractions. Watch the video first.

Play the interactive game.

Now try the worksheet!

English –  

  • Pause the video at different points and think of some speech / thought bubbles that you could add to each frame of the animation.
  • Create a character profile about the boy. How would you describe him? Does your opinion of him change throughout the story?

This afternoon – I would like you to finish your Ocean Projects. Perhaps think how you are going to achieve your Blue Peter Badge. We are making ocean pictures at school with a meaningful slogan. Also finish your science and other learning from this week.

If you want something further to do – research a sea creature and create your own annotated drawing and fact file about it.

Have a great weekend and I will see you later.




Thursday 11th June Stiperstones and Hawkstone Homelearning.

Good Morning Everyone

It has been a while since we have done a mental arithmetic test. Have a go at this one and ask one of your parents to mark once you have finished.  Y5_Core_Arithmetic_Test_1

English – In your pack on p.8 – there is a Subordinating Conjunction Grammar Sheet. We have done this in class and there are two clips in order to watch to help.

Can we earn a Blue Peter Badge?

Tuesday 9th June Stiperstones and Hawkstone Home Learning

Morning Everyone!

We are going to continue with the Power point from yesterday – Lesson Presentation Bubble Blast

There are 3 different levels to choose from. You can complete all three if you feel confident. Bubble maths sheet

We have reached the final six weeks of spelling. I would like you take the last test. Look back at the final six weeks of spelling and try the dictation sheet .

Dictation Script Sheets

This week’s spellings, word search and handwriting are also attached

Word Search     Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet.

Science – Can you make bubbles just with water? Do bubbles last longer in the shade or in the sun? On a dry surface or a wet surface? Do bubbles make shadows? What colours can you see in a bubble?

Have a look at this power point to investigate more about bubbles.

Bubble Trouble – stand alone investigation

Monday 8th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone Home Learning.

Morning Everyone – hope you have all head a lovely weekend.

What a great week of home learning we had last week. I will take a photograph of some of the lovely bubble art that Year 6 did last week today.

We also have some Bubble Maths Work following on from the fraction work last week. this work is not in your pack (Sorry – I only just found it as it links with all the work we have been doing.) Just complete all powerpoint questions by working through step by step. then complete Bubble bingo! We will do the remainder of this tomorrow. Lesson Plan Bubble Blast    Lesson Presentation Bubble Blast

English – today I would like you to continue your story. The next planning bubbles were: Where is your bubble going to take you? Your journey along the way? Describe your new setting. where are you? What can you see? Do you meet anyone?

Have a look at what activity you would like to choose and send it to me for Mrs Thomstone please.

Friday 5th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone home learning.

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are okay?

Well done for all of your Maths yesterday!

English – Use your planning sheet from yesterday to plan the first part of your story The Bubble Adventure. I would like to see an introduction to your character and for you to describe the setting at the beginning of the story. Here is the plan again.Bubble adventure plan

Bubble- PSHE

We are currently living in various ‘bubbles’- using the worksheet attached to the link below, who is living in your bubble with you at the moment?

I hope you all have a happy and safe day 🙂

Thursday Hawkstone and Stiperstones Home learning!

Morning Everyone!

I was so impressed with your Maths work yesterday. We did it in class as well. Remember the 4 as a whole = 4/1 X 2/3 = 8/3 = 2 2/3

So we are carrying on with multiplying a fraction by a whole number.Watch the video carefully first. play the game and then try the worksheet!

I have sent you a link to the home learning pack which is now available for collection at Reception from 10.a.m.

English – Could you please have a go at Activity on The Homophones sheet and Modal verb sheet.Page 6 and 8. We have had a lot of work in spellings on Homophones and you watched a Bitesize video on Modal verbs last week.  

Watch the link on Literacy Shed

As part of our Bubble Topic – we are going to watch the clip and begin to plan a story on the clip you have watched. Use the planning sheet.

Bubble adventure plan

Wednesday 3rd June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone – Home Learning.

Good morning and welcome back Year 6 pupils.

From this morning Hawkstone are joining us. Welcome Hawkstone!

Maths – we are going to go back to Classroom Secrets-We left off on add and subtracting fractions and now we are going to start learning how to multiply them.

There are two videos to watch and a game to play. Then have a go at the work sheet linked at the bottom.

English –

Art – We are looking at Bubble Artwork

Try any bubble art  based on these ideas! Have a really great day!

Monday 1st June Stiperstones Home Learning

Hi Everyone

Welcome back to home learning. Hope you all had a great holiday. The weather was beautiful so I spent lots of time gardening.

I am going to be back teaching in Stipertsones from Wednesday, so won’t have as much time to get straight back to you like I have been doing.

As a whole school – we are starting a new project on Bubbles as from Wednesday – we will all be working in Bubble zones.

Maths and English will be as normal. However, when Year 6 start on Wednesday, we will all work together on Bubble themes.

Today in maths – we are looking back to some revision on multiplication. Have a careful look at the sheets and follow the instructions carefully.


English – Synonyms and Antonyms – You should already know what these are , but here is some practice on BBC  Bitesize incase you have forgotten.

Today is Science Stiperstones and Hawkstone Year 5 and 6  – Remember that last week, before half term we dissected a flower and labelled it. Some of you matched those labels to the functions of each part of the flower. If you haven’t done this activity yet – it is in the pack. Also look at Ellis’ example on Dojo. Today we are discussing pollination. Look at the star sheet 2 and fill in the blanks and pictures correctly .Activity Sheet Pollination   

This clip wil help with your learning. Have a great day Stiperstones!

Monday 18th May Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning Stiperstones – I hope you had a great weekend!

Maths – Today we are starting a new unit on Measurement. Kilograms and Kilometres.

Year-5-Summer-Block-4-Step-1-PPT-Kilograms-and-KilometresYear-5-Summer-Block-4-Step-1-VF-Kilograms and Kilometres


Science How plants reproduce

Highlight and right click on the links above – they will take you to the correct pages.

Hope you all have a good day!