Last week in Lawley


Last week, we tested our sense of smell. We used our noses to test which of the cups had the most perfume in and which had the least! It was really tricky.

In Maths, we have been using the language of “greater than”, “less than” and “equal to”. We then put numbers in order from greatest to smallest and vice versa!

Our favourite day of the week was definitely Welly Wednesday. We watched Mrs Dallow light a real fire and then we made popcorn and toasted our own marshmallows. We learnt how to be safe around the fire and had a go at building our own (although we didn’t light them!)

Lawley Class so far!

Lawley class have been very busy since the start of term! We have been working on all sorts across the curriculum as well as our Welly Wednesdays.

In Science, we have been learning about our body parts!

In PE, we have been practising our balances. In Art, we have been collect natural objects and making patterns with them. 

In Maths, Year 2 have been partitioning numbers up to one hundred and Year 1 have bene deepening their knowledge of place value to ten. In RE, we have been learning all about the parable of the lost son.

Forest School!

So this week, we are starting Forest School!

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Dallow is leading our class on an adventure into the forest! Your child will need to bring with them:
Wellington boots (or old trainers if you don’t have them)
Old tracksuit bottoms
A coat
All brought together in a plastic bag, clearly named.

Your child will probably get quite muddy so the clothes that they bring will be so that they can get dirty and it won’t matter. They need to be in a plastic bag with their name on so that, afterwards, they can be taken off and the mud is contained.

Please make sure your child has these items in school, otherwise there is a chance that they will not be able to participate with the rest of their class. This will be in place of one of their PE sessions and will happen every week.

If you have any questions, please send me a message.
Thank you!

A fun Science day – Mental health and fitness week.

Hi – Everyone                                  Hope you are all enjoying the week?

We had a great day in Year 5/6 performing yesterday.

Today  is Science activities day and we thought you could get messy in the kitchen.

The following link gives you endless investigations which you can carry out at home with ingredients from your kitchen.


Fun With Density

Science Experiment Cola fountain


Only use ingredients with an adult present.

Please send us lots of great pictures of your investigations!

Stay safe everyone