Oliver Jeffers’ Story Time!

Every day at 6pm, Oliver Jeffers will be reading a story and talking about some of what went in to making it.

Here’s the link:


We will all be tuning in for his amazing stories!



The last week!

What a final week! We’ve been busy building huge newspaper towers, playing monkey ball  and completing a very tricky quiz! We have performed our hearts out at Holy Trinity’s Got Talent and built huge cities with wooden blocks. Our class was made proud by so many children: four children winning medals at sport’s day, two children being awarded the Christian distinctiveness award, our overall achievement award and two children having the 100% attendance!

Every single one of these children has made me so proud this year. They have all grown up so much. I wish them all the best next year!

Enjoy your Summer!

Miss Falcao


Looking back over our year!

In Lawley this week, we have been looking back over our year and talking about our favourite moments. Some of them were shared by a few children, like the zoo trip and the snow. Some were very specific like a tens and units Maths lesson! We enjoyed walking around and appreciating everybody’s art, and thinking about some brilliant moments.

The wild garden!

Over the last two weeks, Key Stage 1 have received letters from the King of Tiny Things. He has asked us if we could create a place where he and his friends can live. Lawley Class have risen to the challenged and have been exploring all the plant life in the wild garden. We have also been mapping out the area so we can plan a whole town fro the fairies to live in! It helped that the sun was shining! Over the next few weeks we will be building and creating lots of beautiful things to go in our wild garden. We are very much looking forward to having our guests come and stay!