Steam Power! Long Mynd Trip

This week, Long Mynd class visited Llangollen as part of our topic ‘Water, Water, Everywhere’.

Firstly, we walked along the famous Llangollen bridge over the River Dee and looked down onto the rushing rapids below. The children were fascinated by the fact that the river also ran through Chester. We discussed the fact that this was a natural water source and what that meant.


Next, we arrived at Llangollen Railway station and looked at the impressive steam engine that we would be riding on. The children enjoyed looking at the engine as the steam ran off it and were curious as to how the steam was made inside. Then, we boarded our carriage and our journey through the stunning countryside began!


The children really enjoyed eating lunch on the train and going through a long, dark tunnel. When we arrived back at Llangollen station we walked along the river to the park where the children could stretch their legs.

Finally, we went up to the canal where we saw the horse drawn boats. We walked along the canal and saw ducks and fish. We discussed who made the canals and why we thought they were there.








Long Mynd Roman Mosaic Inspire Morning

Long Mynd have been studying Roman mosaics in art and have had a fantastic Inspire morning which was well attended by parents and carers.




















The children really enjoyed looking at the different mosaic pieces and designing and making their mosaic patterns.

A huge thank you to all parents and carers who were able to attend!



Viking Inspire Day Part 1!

As year 3 have been learning about the Vikings and their invasion of Britain we have had a fantastic Inspire Day, where the children were able to make shields, swords and helmets.


Long Mynd class worked brilliantly to help each other design and craft their Viking equipment and everyone agreed they really enjoyed the morning.

Afterwards, the children were able to paint their creations using Viking inspired patterns and colours.

I would like to say a personal thank you to everyone who donated cardboard so that the children were able to have this Inspire Day. Also a huge thank you to the parents and family who were able to come to the Inspire Day to help and spend time making things with their children.

Long Mynd class will be practising Shield Walls, battle cries and will be taking part in a re-enactment battle next week!