Hello everybody,

What another busy week we have had in nursery. This week we have been doing lots of of wonderful experiences based on The Gruffalo as some of the children were showing great interest in this. We have been for a walk to the forest and found some Gruffalo numbers. We also found some Gruffalo biscuits which we quickly ate before he came back looking for them. We did take lots more photos of the forest but sadly they wont all upload on here so some will also be posted on dojo for you to have a look.

We collected apples and pears from one of school’s trees and made a gruffallo crumble .It was yummy. We helped to chop the apples and pears and helped to mix in the flour and the sugar. We had to watch the teachers put it in the oven as we talked about the oven being too hot and we mustn’t touch it.


The next day, we  told the children we would be making Scrambled snake from the story, they quickly guessed it would be scrambled egg. The children helped Miss Hill to mix the egg and the dairy free butter into the bowl. We talked about how the mixture would turn into scrambled eggs, and the children knew we had to cook it. We put it in the microwave and watched it turn into scrambled egg. This was delicious and we enjoyed it very much.


We have enjoyed re telling the gruffalo story with puppets and doing some gruffalo colouring.


The children are fantastic and constantly learning, each opportunity is a learning experience. The children have enjoyed lots of other activities through their exploration. Here are some more wonderful photos.

We welcomed Jack into our nursery this week and he has already settled brilliantly. The children are developing each and every day and you can help at home by encouraging independence as much as possible. You could ask your child to put on their own coat, or their own shoes, or you could let them help prepare for mealtimes. The children are very independent and inquisitive learners and will keep growing in confidence with every opportunity given.



We say it every week but your children are wonderful. We look forward to next weeks adventures. Also, this week we have been inspired by Eva in nursery who wasn’t feeling very well so took Lenny dog home. Her mummy and daddy brought in a wonderful pic collage of her adventures. Thankyou for sharing these with us.

So we have introduced Henry and Henrietta hippo  who we will be sending home every week with one of the children in a special bag. Please share the book inside with your child and if you could take some photos that would be great. This week Henry and Henrietta will be visiting Winter-Iris house. We hope they have a lovely time.


Nursery Re-Opening 8th March 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last few weeks. The Key Worker children who have continued to attend nursery have coped fantastically with the changes to their usual settled routine. They have welcomed new children and staff into their bubble and adapted well to the new ‘normal’.

Lots of the children at home have really engaged with home learning. Many have joined zooms, made contact via Dojo and shared pictures of great home learning. This period has been unsettling for children of all ages (and most adults too!), but the resilience of the youngest members of our school has really impressed both myself and the Early Years team.  It is thanks to the parents and carers at home that the children have managed so well. So, a big thank you to all of you from all the staff on the Early Years team.

And finally, a thank you to those parents of the children who were due to start attending our nursery in January. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are really looking forward to welcoming your child in March and getting to know them as they begin their educational journey at Holy Trinity Nursery.

As you will be aware, the Government has stated that schools will reopen on the 8th March 2021.

Holy Trinity Nursery will reopen to all current nursery children on this date. If your child was already attending nursery, they will be able to continue with their normal sessions from Monday 8th March.

For the children who were due to start in January, we look forward to welcoming them into the nursery from the week beginning the 15th of March.

We have made the decision to stagger the intake for the sake of the children. The majority of nursery children have not been in the setting since December. They are likely to need some time to settle back into the routine and environment. Key Worker children will need time to adapt to the changes and be part of the larger nursery group again. By giving these children a week to settle back in we will be providing the new January intake with a more settled and calm environment to begin their nursery experience. The sessions that were agreed for the January starters will go ahead as planned.

May I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your ongoing understanding and support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 01691 654832.

Best Wishes

Mrs Allcock

EYFS Lead Teacher

Oliver Jeffers’ Story Time!

Every day at 6pm, Oliver Jeffers will be reading a story and talking about some of what went in to making it.

Here’s the link:


We will all be tuning in for his amazing stories!



World Book Day

Well done to everyone for dressing up. The children enjoyed telling us who they were dressed up as and what their favourite book is. We made some reading dens in Nursery where we were able to sit with our friends and look at books together. We also made some book marks.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning, Mrs Maltby and Mrs Dorofte dressed up as Goldilocks and the Three Bears and acted out the story for the children.