Autumn Time in Nursery!

We have ended the half term by learning about Autumn and Harvest.

The children have been on an Autumn walk to the forest area where they had a snack and collected some leaves, conkers and acorns. We looked at the items we collected using magnifying glasses.

Some of our families joined us for our Autumn Inspire Day where they joined the children in making scarecrows and Autumn sun catchers and printing using vegetables.

We are very proud of how well the children have settled and adapted to all the different events which they have taken part in during the half term. They have joined whole school assemblies and special events in the hall where they have listened and sat amazingly well.

The children’s behaviour has been great and the majority of the children end the session on the ‘tip top’ of our ‘Behaviour Rocket’.

We are looking forward to the next half term when we will be learning about festivals and celebrations; starting with ‘Bonfire week’.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby.

Happy Birthday Trinity Ted!

In Nursery we have had a busy week doing lots of activities to prepare and celebrate Trinity Ted’s Birthday.

We talked about what we would need for the birthday celebrations. The children took turns to write their ideas on the birthday cake.

During Maths activities the children made play dough birthday cakes. They took turns to roll the dice, count the spots or recognise the numeral and then selected the correct amount of candles to put onto their play dough cake.

The children made birthday cards for Trinity Ted. They drew pictures on the cards and wrote their name inside. They then put the card inside an envelope and gave it to Trinity Ted.

Following on from the children’s interest in balloons we completed a science experiment using white vinegar and baking powder to inflate a balloon. The children thought it was “Really cool”.

We are looking forward to a busy ‘Space Week’ next week!

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby


Fantastic Start!

What a fantastic first couple of weeks we’ve had in Nursery!

A very warm welcome to all our new children: Eunice, Harri, Harry, Joey, Kabir, Riley, Jack, Charlie and Tsvetilina, and their families.

We are all amazed at how well the children have settled into Nursery.

The children have shown an interest in making ice-creams from sand, play dough and collage materials. This interest has been enhanced by having an ice-cream themed tuff tray, ice-cream role play and enjoying an ice-cream for snack!


The children have enjoyed using their skills to scoop, mix, pour and measure to make  cakes, pies and drinks in the mud kitchen!

Some of the children were listening to different sounds made by shakers and shells. Following this they have made shakers from macaroni, tapioca and porridge oats. They listened as they shook their shakers and talked about if they were loud or quiet.

We have picked the apples from the apple tree in the Nursery garden which we cut up, cooked in the microwave and used to make an apple crumble which we ate for snack with custard

We are very happy that lots of children have already  been ‘Out of this World’ on our Behaviour Rocket.

We are looking forward to an exciting week next week!

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby.


Reading in Nursery

We are having a focus on reading in Nursery.  We love to share books and to talk about the stories we have read.  Don’t forget you can borrow books from Nursery to take home you only need a book bag (any bag is fine as long as it is waterproof, but you can buy a school book bag for only £6.00 which will last for years) We only ask that you return the books for others to enjoy.  If you have any questions regarding how you can help your child to start reading come and talk to us.  Happy reading!