What a great time Year 6 have had in our last couple of days!




Well – what a great end of the term we have had.

Yesterday the children all signed each others shirts and got their new Leaver’s Hoodies. A little bit too warm to enjoy them fully, but I’m sure they will get worn through the holiday and be kept and enjoyed.

The School provided us with a beautiful buffet sorted out by Rachel (our cook) and Larna’s mum. And Ethan’s mum kindly gave us all a very welcomed slushy! Thank you  

Today – we had the best day ever. It was so lovely to see the children have fun in the water, whilst learning some great skills and getting very wet indeed.

There are also a few videos on top of the post from our day, where a lot of teacher’s were getting very wet and Mr Kenyon was getting very paddle happy! – enjoy! I will try and up load more tomorrow as well as send you the final scene of our production.

Stiperstones Superstones

We have had a fantastic half term in Stiperstones. The children have made be very proud with the excellent work they have produced. We have all thoroughly enjoyed our Pharaoh topic.

Here are the children who have gone above and beyond in their learning this half term, and achieved Star of the Week.

Our Stars from this half term:

A fun Science day – Mental health and fitness week.

Hi – Everyone                                  Hope you are all enjoying the week?

We had a great day in Year 5/6 performing yesterday.

Today  is Science activities day and we thought you could get messy in the kitchen.

The following link gives you endless investigations which you can carry out at home with ingredients from your kitchen.


Fun With Density

Science Experiment Cola fountain


Only use ingredients with an adult present.

Please send us lots of great pictures of your investigations!

Stay safe everyone


Final day! Home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone

Hi Everybody,

You have probably found out by now that I am your new teacher for next year.

I am super excited to see you all in September and get back on track to where we all left off.

As it is the last day – we are just going to revise and reflect on this  year of learning.

I have left Summer Learning packs for all of you in Reception, so please collect today as I’m not sure when school is open.

Have a go at some of these activities please.

Hello Year 6 Maths Transition Booklet

Moving To Year 6 English Transition Booklet


Thank you to everyone that have followed and tried hard with your home learning.

Have a fantastic summer holiday and I will see you all in September.

Thursday 16th July

Hi Everyone

I was so impressed with some of your trolls yesterday. Well done!

I have added a few activities on Purple Mash today as they are some catch up activities that are needed to be done in Science.

Activity 1 – Matching young to adult animals

Activity 2 – A food chain quiz

Activity 3 –  Growing and changing

Activity 4 – Dangerous animals

Activity 5 – Tiger Life cycle.

If you have time – could you please pop in to school for your summer learning packs. Please bring these packs when you return in September.

Have a great day!

Wednesday 15th July Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning .

Only two more days left before you will be preparing for year 6 and Year 6 – you will be preparing for Year 7

English  – I would like you to finish your story today.

Maths – Looking at symmetry in the outdoors. Look at the powerpoint Symmetry Powerpoint

Can you make a symmetrical picture – using nature if you can.

Some leaf symmetry for you to print and finish


Finally – this afternoon – perhaps you could make a symmetry patterned picture using nature.

Tuesday 14th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone’s home learning.

Hi Everyone!

Hope you have been learning your last lot of spellings. Let me know your test scores for this week on Dojo

Keep learning these through the holiday. I am going to give you the Year 5/6 Statutory booklet that you can be learning and becoming familiar with throughout the holiday. It is also handwriting practice that will help you keep that handwriting as neat as it needs to be for Year 6   t-e-2549616-year-5–year-6-statutory-spelling-words-handwriting-activity-sheets_ver_7

I would like you to bring these booklets back with you for us all to see.

Maths – Challenge Cards maths – make sure you have finished all of the Maths challenge cards.

Today – I am challenging you to make a troll, gnome or fairy for your outdoor area out of natural materials.

If you have no clay then perhaps you could make some salt dough.

Have a great time and remember to try and use as many outdoor materials as you can as then the trolls will decompose it to the natural environment.