Our last week together in Earl’s Hill

Wow, what a fun filled last week we have had together in Earl’s Hill class.

We have had lots of different fun, games and activities taking place this week. Please look through some of the pictures we have taken of our week!!


I hope that all of the children have the best summer holidays. You are all amazing and I will miss you very, very much. What a fantastic year we have had together.

A super busy week!

This week we have had another busy week as we approach the end of term.

Reception children have enjoyed rewriting the ‘See Saw’ story in Literacy this week. I have been blown away by how fantastic their writing is. They have all used a capital letter, full stop, and have sounded out words.

Year One children have rewritten our story of ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear’. We changed the main character to a fox and chose to write about a new setting. Once again, the children all tried extremely hard and should be so proud of the stories they have written.

On Thursday Year One children enjoyed our great fire of London day. We had lots of different activities and the children worked in groups across KS1 to have a turn at everything. They enjoyed making bread, painting the fire, writing a diary entry, and doing a hunt on the field.

Year One have enjoyed some golden time at the end of the week as they have worked so hard.


Year one children have also completed the end of unit quizzes for History and Science and did fantastically well.

On Friday we discussed the holi festival. Each child designed their own holi t-shirt.


We ended the week with our colour run which was so much fun! 

Well done Earl’s Hill. Next week is activities week to end our term.

Another fantastic week in Earl’s Hill

This week we have had another fantastic week. We have been busy with the graduation, watching the KS2 production of the Jungle Book and lots of learning.

We have all enjoyed dough disco this week.

On Monday reception children enjoyed using paints and glitter to create sea creature artwork after reading about the beach in our Literacy text.

This week Reception children have been ordering numbers.

Year One have come to the end of the topic ‘The Great Fire of London’. On Monday we recapped the story and then used our knowledge of the fire and buildings to recreate Pudding Lane as a team using the watercolour paints.

Reception have enjoyed role play and lego in LEX time this week.

On Thursday Year One children made fruit butterflies as part of our D&T. They were all fantastic. Here are a few examples..

Well done for another busy week.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill this week.

On Tuesday reception children enjoyed our teddy bears picnic! Thank you so much to the parents and carers who came along and joined us. I am sure you will agree it was fantastic and the children had a lovely time.

Lunch followed by lots of outside fun in the sun!

This week year one children have been using Scratch Jr on the laptops as part of our final computing topic this year.

Reception children have enjoyed practising their scissor skills this week and have made their own teddy bear picnic scene.

Reception children have also shown fantastic team work skills this week after deciding to make a train track. We talked about the journey Sofia and her grandad went on in our Literacy text.

In Maths this week Year One have been learning about left, right, forwards and backwards.


Reception children finished off their Maths on Friday with finding 2D shapes in 3D shapes. They were amazing!


Well done everyone for another great week. Next week we will be enjoying graduation day for our reception children! How exciting.

Another great week!

We have had another super busy week in Earl’s Hill. Well done to all of the children for sports day. Both reception and year one children did so well and we are so proud of them all.

This week in Maths reception children have been working on recapping number bonds to 5. We have used different resources such as five frames, part whole models and matching games to help us.

On Monday reception children also learnt about the artist ‘Georgia O’Keefe’. We read a story all about her and then had a go at recreating some of her artwork using water colour paints.

Reception children have enjoyed the sun this week in LEX time. We have had lots of outside play.

The whole class have enjoyed our dough disco sessions this week.

On Thursday in Design and Technology year one children discussed how to safely use cooking utensils. We talked about different utensils and what they are for. We then all had a turn at slicing a banana up. Next week we will be designing our food product.

To finish off the week reception children have been exploring different 3D shapes. We then went on a 3D shape hunt to see what we could find. The children were fantastic!

Our week in Earl’s Hill

What another busy week we have had in Earl’s Hill this week.

The children have particularly enjoyed our sports day practice sessions. They can’t wait to show off their skills next week!

Reception have enjoyed brilliant brushers…

On Monday in Maths reception children used their subitising skills.

The whole class have been very excited watching our butterflies emerge this week. We have had lots of conversations about life cycles and how to care for our friends. We have let the butterflies go towards the end of the week.

Reception children have enjoyed focusing on ‘picnics’ this week as part of our Literacy. We talked about what we would take on a picnic and used this in our writing and role play.

In computing this week Year One thought about programmes and outcomes. We talked about how to use ‘Scratch’ ready for when we get the laptops out in a few weeks.

Year one children have also been learning about time this week in Maths. We have been singing days of the week and months of the year songs. I am sure the children will be confident in sharing these at home with you.

Well done Earl’s Hill- you have worked hard this week!

Our first week back after half term

What a lovely first week back we have had after the half term break. We have been very busy and have been enjoying observing our new friends- the caterpillars!

On Tuesday in RE to begin our new topic we looked at different pictures of our world. We talked about what a creator would be like.

In Music we are recapping on the songs we have learnt over the year. We took it in turns to stand at the front and help our friends remember the lyrics.

Reception children have been reading the hungry caterpillar story. We have been sequencing the story and ordering the days of the week.

Reception children have enjoyed predicting what our new literacy text will be about. We talked about the setting and what we think the characters might be doing.

On Friday we discussed time in reception. We looked at pictures from when we were babies and toddlers and compared them to how we look now.

The whole class enjoyed going onto the field to look for leaves as part of our science/understanding the world topic.

On Friday we moved our chrysalis to the net. We can’t wait to watch them transform into butterflies.

Our last week before half term

Reception children had a wonderful start to the week with a visit to the museum in Oswestry. All of the class were so sensible walking and the adults were extremely proud of how well they listened to our talk. We looked at fossils and enjoyed lots of activities.

On Monday as part of our ‘Sunflower challenge’ in reception we looked inside different foods to see if we could find seeds. We talked about the different fruits we have and used magnifying glasses to become seed detectives. We then used the fruit and vegetables to paint with. We talked about the different shapes we made.

On Tuesday the whole class enjoyed dinosaur day. Some children chose to wear ‘dinosaur’ themed clothes and bring in a toy/book for our special show and tell in the afternoon. In the morning we made dinosaur nest cupcakes and then made our very own fossils using salt dough.

We have all enjoyed counting songs this week.

On Thursday the reception children noticed how much the sunflowers we planted had grown. We took time to really look at the sunflowers and observe what had happened to them. We listened to a story about planting sunflower seeds and watching them grow.

The whole class enjoyed a visit to our new garden of hope on Thursday morning. We talked about the rules when in our garden. We also talked about what hope means and what we hope for.

We have enjoyed performing our final song in Music.

The whole class have made a card for our local care home.

To end the week we have been comparing deciduous and evergreen trees in Science. Well done Earl’s Hill. Have a lovely half term break and I will see you when we return!