This Week in Earls Hill

Logan and Jack brought in fantastic Easter gardens. Well done.

Wearing our Easter bonnets

Enjoying Golden time

Frederick brought in an amazing Easter Garden. Well done.

Design and Technology – making a vehicle using axles.

Design & Technology – look at our brilliant vehicles. Fabulous work everyone!

Pirates Day in Early Years


Today we celebrated our Pirates topic by all enjoying a pirate day.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the day by making us cakes, sending in pirate stickers, pirate napkins and especially for making the children look so fabulous.

We hope the children enjoyed the day!

Have a lovely weekend.

This Week in Earls Hill

Science, we enjoyed the lovely weather and did a plant and flower hunt.

Reception had fun at Pirate Day

Outdoor explore and learn

Geography – In which continent are the deserts found?

PHSE – Using flour to show why we should wash our hands.

Football stars in thy making! Passing the ball skills

This week in Earls Hill

Learning facts about owls from our book “The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark”.

Learning outside and enjoying the lovely weather.

What facts can we remember about owls?

Football drills -learning to pass and dribble the ball.

Leading up to Easter – earning about Palm Sunday and how it makes us feel.