Our week in Earls Hill

Congratulations to Zlatka who was awarded our ‘Values Champion’ this half term. Our value has been perseverance and Zlatka has shown this value in her attitude towards her learning.

The children have enjoyed performing their poem ‘ Don’t do that!’ this week.

Everyone really enjoyed their last session in the forest, the marshmallows were a real treat!

We would all like to take this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable half term and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 27 th February.

Our week in Earls Hill

Earls Hill have loved their time in the forest again this week, they have been exploring pattern and texture. The children used clay to make a resist. Below are a few highlights:

We are very proud of the progress all of the children are making with their phonics and reading, they are all so enthusiastic.

As part of our work on seasonal change; the children have been investigating the effect of sunlight on temperature.


We are looking forward to another busy week and would like to thank you all for your continued support.

Storytelling week in Earls Hill

It has been yet another exciting week in Earls Hill. Daily story times have been a little bit different this week; different members of staff from the Academy had read to the children which has been really enjoyable.

On Friday it was NSPCC Number day, the children took part in lots of number based activities and really enjoyed showing off their fantastic outfits. We would like to thank parents and carers for their support. Below are a few pictures from the day:


Here are a few more highlights from our week:

As always the children absolutely love their woodland work in our forest area:

Earls Hill

Another fantastic week in Earls Hill. The children have been incredibly busy again . This week they have been finding out about different climates and making boomerangs!

Our woodland work has been very popular again despite the cold weather, the children love exploring our forest area.

Here are just a few more highlights from our week:


Our week in Earls Hill

The children thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor learning in our forest area this week. Here are a few highlights of their ‘Muddy Wednesday’:


As part of our work on ‘Seasonal Change’ the children have been exploring the season which they were born in.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.