Harvest week in Earls Hill

Earls Hill Newsletter and Overview

Autumn Term Letter 1 Earls Hill

EH overview A 1



Congratulations Maraya- our Star of the Week!

What a wonderful week we have had! We are all so proud of the children who took park in our Harvest festival service at Holy Trinity Church this week. Have a look at a video of their song on our school Facebook page.

The children have enjoyed ‘harvesting’ apples and pears from our garden.

We have been busy finding out more about the local are where we live and we all created a map of our journey to school.

Map making

Creating a 3-Dmap using the blocks

And who loves ‘Dough Disco’?

Our Reception children of course!

Don’t forget that you are invited to attend one of our parent/carer Phonics information sessions next week. They are being held on Monday at 9am and Wednesday at 5.30pm. If you are unable to make it please let me know and we can arrange an alternative.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

Congratulations Nila, our Star of the Week!

We have had another super week I’m Earl’s Hill. We are all very excited about our trip to Holy Trinity church next week to celebrate Harvest Festival. We have been busy practising our songs!

We have been naming parts of our body and talking about our senses. Our Year 1 children have carried out an investigation to find out if our sight affects our taste. They were very surprised at what the found out!

We have enjoyed story time in the library and our Reception children enjoyed sharing stories with a partner.

As always we have been making the most of our wonderful outdoor environment.

Your child should have brought their new book home on Thursday, can you please make sure that they bring their book bag and book into school each day.
We would like to wish you all a lovely weekend and thank you for your support.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

Congratulations to Evie, our Star of the Week!

We have had a super week in Earl’s Hill. The children have been very pleased to take home their reading books. New reading books will be sent home each Thursday.
Here are just a few highlights:


Our first week in Earl’s Hill

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school. We have had a fantastic week getting to know each other and exploring our learning environment. Mrs Rhodes – Leader will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday whilst Miss Wright will be teaching Thursday and Friday. Mrs Phillips and Mrs Roberts will be supporting in class. Here are just a few pictures from our week. Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing all of the children on Monday.

Earls Hill Stars of the Week

Harry has shown a wonderful attitude to his studies, he is working hard at his phonics, speech and writing. He has made amazing progress and his teachers are all very proud of him. Well done Harry!

Freddie is working incredibly hard in all his lessons. Freddie has shown great progress in phonics and writing and has produced some wonderful written work in Geography. Well done Freddie.