
Here are Receptions Tricky words

Reception Tricky Words

These should be learnt by sight. To practise them, try and encourage your child to write them in a sentence or write them on post-it notes and stick them around the house.

If Reception would like to have a go at some spellings – try them on the Kiwi spellings. On Friday we do a spell Check. This is basically a spelling test to see what they can remember.

Year 1s


As always, try and practise them every day! It would be really helpful to write them in a sentence! Don’t forget to do your Spell Check on Friday!

Tricky Words

Here are the Phase 2, 3 and 4 Red Tricky words that children in Reception class learn. I have sent them home previously, but have now attached them as a resource for you to use at home with your child. Most children are now fairly confident at reading the phase 2 and 3 words, and gaining confidence with phase 4. If you could encourage your child to learn how to spell these words, it will benefit them greatly. Encourage them to write a few known words and learn to spell one or two new words at a time. When confident, introduce another new word, continuing to practise known words. Perhaps challenge the children to write the words within a sentence..

Tricky words phase 2 to 4 to send home

Earls Hill Year 1 Spellings

This week’s spellings are:

Kiwis: sun, bag, dog, leg, has, she

Strawberries: chip, much, chat, chick, said, they

Cherries: play, spray, sheet, queen, have, some.

There is a spell check on a Friday so please make sure your children practise their spellings!