This week in Ercall

This week has been a busy one! We’ve had sports day, visited the art gallery and finished the assessments!

our star of the week was Gwen. Gwen tries her hardest all day, every day. Well done Gwen! ⭐️

Next week we will be starting a new shape unit in maths, learning about Jewish festivals in RE and living things in Science.

See you Monday!

Miss Roberts

Last week in Ercall

Last week we made shofar horns in RE, investigates a WAGOLL in English and made Father’s Day cards too!

Our star of the week was Luna. Luna tries hard in every lesson and her resilience is inspiring to all those around her – well done Luna 🌟

This week we will be competing in sports day on Friday, learning about nutrition in DT and visiting the Art Gallery on Thursday.


Our week inErcall

It’s been a busy week for our first week back! We’ve practiced sports day, started a new english unit and created a science poster about our topic last term!

Next week, the year 4’s will finish their multiplication check, we will look in lunch boxes for DT and start to learn about Egyptians in History!

Fresh spellings have also been set.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve made flowers, finished our time unit in maths and visited the library!

Our values champion was Lillie. Lillie constitentky displays the values of determination, respect and positivity, never giving in and always trying her hardest. Well done Lillie ✨

Homework is to finish a story starter, times table sheet and spellings.

I hope everyone has a lovely half term and we’ll be back in school on Tuesday 4th June 😊

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

What a lovely week we’ve had! We’ve made switches in science, discussed risks in PSHE,  and learnt about time in maths.

Our star of the week was Sophia! Sophia has returned to school after breaking her elbow with a positive and resilient attitude. We are so proud of all her efforts and how she brightens the class everyday with her can-do attitude! Well done Sophia 🌟

Next week we will be visiting the library, learning about different coasts and pilgrimages in RE!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve made circuits, practised for sports day and made printing blocks in art 😊

Our star of the week was Kabir. Kabir has worked really hard on his art this week and created a lovely printing block. Well done Kabir 🌟

Next week we will be writing an independent piece in English, learning about time in maths and coasts in geography 😀

Homework includes times tables and new spellings were also given out.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

Another lovely week in Ercall, we’ve learnt new skills in netball, had a go at creating different shapes in computing and talked about strengths in PSHE 😊

Our star of the week was Faith, who has been trying especially hard with her reading. Well done Faith 🌟

Next week we will be making circuits in Science, learning about coasts in Geography and time in maths 😊

Have a lovely weekend and please remember no school on the bank holiday Monday!

Miss Roberts 

Last week in Ercall

Last week we had fun making shapes in computing, learning about the rainforest in English and religious milestones in RE 😊

Our star of the week was Keedie, for being a wonderful friend to all those in class. Well done Keedie 🌟

Homework was a times table sheet.

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve returned to the library, started our typography in art and played the glockenspiels in music!

Our star of the week was Eunice. Eunice could be a star every week for her consistent dedication  and hard work. She also completed a brilliant homework piece on protecting the ocean, well done Eunice ⭐️

Next week we will be learning all about rainforests in English, learn about animals in French and starting our electricity unit in science 😊

spellings will be tested on Monday and homework is timestsbles.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts