Our first week back has been a busy one! We’ve made panpipes in Science, drawn a setting in art and started our new book in English!

Our homework is a timestable sheet and new spellings have also been given.
Clubs will be starting next week too.

Next week we will be looking at Islamic prayer positions, investigating inside of Volcanoes and experimenting with sound and distance.

Our star of the week was Nick, who has increased his average soundcheck score to 25! Well done Nick 🌟

We were also able to award Gwen her certificate and pin as our value champion for last term. Well done Gwen 💫

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley

The end of Autumn 2!

It’s been a short but busy week in Ercall! We’ve had a Christmas party, met Father Christmas and made Menorah’s in RE!

As a little Christmas treat and big well done for working so hard, the children have had a small Christmas gift of Mrs Rowley and myself to take home. They have also brought home a calendar for the new year and Christmas card too 😊

Homework is to ensure timestable sheets are complete, reading is recorded and TTROCKSTARS is practised too.

I hope everyone has a lovely and relaxing break! Have a  very merry Christmas and new year.

we come back to school on the 4th January 😀

see you then!

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley

Another festive week in Ercall

This week we’ve been busy finishing our independent write, watching the pantomine and checking our reading progress! 😀

Our values champion was absent today, so will receive thier award the first week back.

Homework this week is to focus on reading and timestabes. Hopefully we will all be able to complete a book test and receive a fresh book for reading over the holidays (unless the book is very long!)

Next week we have a class party on Monday (come to school in uniform with party clothes to change into) and will be making our calendars and cards!

I hope everyone has a brilliant weekend.
Miss .Roberts and Mrs Rowley

Our week in Ercall

Another busy week in Ercall! We’ve made christingles, had a disco and found out that sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases!

Our star of the week was Marin who has really pushed himself with his writing, completing a brilliant piece on advent in RE. Well done Marin 🌟

Next week we will be completing our independent write in English, finishing a time unit in maths and learning about Hanukkah in RE 😊

We also have carols around the tree on Monday at 2pm, the pantomine on Wednesday (12.30- aiming for a 5.15 return) and church survive on Thursday starting at 9.30.

Our homework this week was to complete a times table sheet.   New spellings have also been given out.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley

This week in Ercall


This week we have learnt new skills in football, felt vibrations from sound  in science and practised different notes in music! 😊

Next week we are researching Boudicca, making Christingles and continuing our sound investigation.
We also have the school disco on Tuesday,  Christmas dinner and jumper day on Wednesday and the Santa dash on Friday.

Homework this week is a timestable sheet.

As the local nurseries were invited in for a pantomine, we didn’t have a celebration worship today, however all the children have worked very hard over the week!

New reading ages (R.A) have been noted in reading records along with reading book colours. Well done to everyone for their hard work and progression ⭐️

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and isn’t too cold!

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley



Our week in Ercall

What a fantastic week we’ve had in Ercall! We’ve started some assessments, researched celts and made Rangoli patterns in RE!

Our star of the week was Steven who has recently been working more independently and contributing to class discussions more frequently! Well done Steven 🌟

Our star of the week from last week also received his certificate too! Viktor always has a big smile and tries his hardest in all his work. Well done Viktor 💫

Next week we will be finishing our assessments, learning about advent and practising our skills on the glockenspiels 😀

Our homework this week is times table and new spellings.

We hope every has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley

Our week in Ercall

We’ve had a lovely week in Ercall, we’ve had a British values zoom, worn odd socks for anti bullying and started our Roman dance unit!

our star of the week wasn’t in today – but we look forward to their return!

Homework this week is to focus on reading and ensure some reading at home is taking place. We will be runnin a ‘reading in unusual places’ competition – send a picture reading in an unusual place and the winner will receive a small treat!
We would also like everyone to practice their soundcheck on TTRockstars.

Next week we have assessments, learning about the celts and football in PE to cover.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

Ercall’s week

Our first week back for Autumn 2 has been a busy one! We’ve completed a science investigation on evaporation, looked at healthy relationships in PSHE, and begun to learn about Romans in history.

Our star of the week was Luna, who is a wonderful role to all those in class and is an excellent librarian to our class. Thank you Luna! Well done ⭐️

Next week we will starting football in PE, writing a diary entry as a Roman in history and completing a diary recount in English 😀

Homework this week was a times table sheet. Lots of the children have been making good progression with this – thank you for all your support at home!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

Our week in Ercall

A big thank you to everyone for their effort this half term, we’ve had a wonderful start to the year! This week we have achieved personal bests in PE,  completed a Geography quiz and project, and edited our independent write in English 😊

New spellings were given out, a times-table sheet as homework along with a reading river. Please also make sure reading is documented in reading records.

The reading river can be completed in homework books or on a plain piece of paper if you have one. It is a river showing all the things we read everyday, this can include signs, wrappers, menus or anything else! There are some examples on the sheet handed out if anyone is struggling for ideas.

Most children are passing times-tables, however practising these on TTRockstars in addition to the homework, will help to support this.

Our value champion was Freddie, who is always trying to inspire others and has begun to take real pride in his work. Well done Freddie

I hope everyone has a lovely half term and bonfire night! See you all on the 7th November,

Miss Roberts

Last week in Ercall

Last week in Ercall we learnt about precipitation in science, scored a try in PE and began our independent writes in English. 😀

This week we will play a game of tag rugby,  create a profile on a country in Geography and look at absorption in science 💧

Homework was a times table sheet – lots of children are now starting to move up, so well done to those!

our stars of the week was Ariana and Jason. Ariana has showed brilliant resilience in writing and Jaeon is always trying to make sure others are as happy as he is. Well done both ⭐️

I hope everyone had a great weekend

Miss Roberts