Home Learning – Art Lesson Desert Doodles

In today’s lesson we are inspired by an artist who loves to doodle on everything, Sam Cox.

Cass Art Interview | Sam Cox (The Doodle Man) - Pick up a pen and ...

You don’t have to copy the drawings exactly, for this lesson if you want to change the desert images or the colours that’s fine, it is your art!

The Kooky Drawings of Sam Cox | Scene360

If you don’t have the same resources as the artist at home don’t worry, just use what you have. You could even try and make your own for this lesson.

The Doodle Man: Artist interview with Sam Cox | Cass Art

I hope you have fun drawing or painting along.

Millicent Kaye Art Competition 2020

The Rotary Club of Oswestry established this award in 1996 in honour of Millicent Kaye, who died earlier that year.

The Award is based on a competition which is open to all students in Key Stage 2 at primary schools in Oswestry.

Prizes are awarded both to the individual artist and the school they represent. There is also an award for the school which has, in the opinion of the judge, made outstanding effort.

Each year the Club sets a theme for the competition which aims to be flexible and easily adapted to the curriculum. The theme for this year is ‘PLAYING‘.

The students can submit their 2D piece of artwork electronically and the Border Counties Advertiser and Oswestry Advertiser have expressed an interest in shwoing the winning entries in their papers.

Please send pictures of your ‘Playing’ themed 2D artwork to your class email by Sunday 10th May for judging.

Good Luck!


Home Learning Art Lesson 3

Today will be a lesson in surrealism! You’ll need a partner or even a group if there are a few people willing to take part at home.

Have fun and share your drawings!

Online Art Classes

Get your drawing tools and paper ready!

Every few days we will be posting up a new art session for you to take part in.

Our first lesson is Mark Making to Music and will be alot of fun! Some of you may have done this before and we look forward to seeing your creations!

Monday Work ideas

Good morning everyone, hope you have had a great weekend and are ready to learn loads at home 😊
Joe wicks is doing an online PE lesson at 9:00


I’m going to set some tasks on mathletics, I wonder if as many of you as possible could log in and go on live mathletics at 10:00 to play against each other?

For English, maybe you could write a letter to someone, you could post it and wait for a reply. Remember to put your address on your letter….

On one of the afternoons you could do a project on your local area. Find out the history, the geography and any local historical legends from your area. Let’s see who can find out the most interesting facts.

Don’t forget to post anything you do on your portfolios. Have a great day 😊