Final week before half term

What a busy week we have had, we started the week with a visit from a Jewish member of the community, sharing his knowledge and expertise about the Jewish faith, followed by a visit to willow art gallery on Thursday, where the children got to meet and watch a live artist and explore the art in the gallery. Year 4 were swimming and finally the queens jubilee celebrations.  Thank you for all your support this half term and please enjoy the jubilee celebrations next week.

First Monday back is staff training / pd day therefore children will return to school Tuesday 7th June 2022.

A note from the swimming team- please can you take your children swimming over the holidays to build their confidence in the water. Thank you

Thank you

⭐️Star of the week 🌟

This week, we had TWO stars of the week it was so hard to choose so I went with both!

Firstly, we have Isla Smith

Isla is a star of the week for settling in well to our class. She has found a great little group of friends and is becoming a great asset to the class. She is passionate about her work especially the writing unit for whales -sharing her own knowledge with others. Well done Isla!

We also have Florence Cattley

Florence is also a star of the week for her dedication towards the year 4 multiplication check. She is making great progress towards this and always tries her best to beat her previous score! Keep it up Florence!


A week in Ercall

Well where do I start, what a wonderful week had by all and this was topped off by winning the ks2 class  attendance award.

We have started our new English unit and been writing a letter to David Attenborough sharing our facts about whales and asking him questions we would like to be answered. We also went outside onto the play ground and measured out 30 metres – the length of a Blue whale.

In maths we have be converting money, adding and subtracting amounts. We have also been buying items with a given amount.

For science, Year 4 have been growing cress to different types of music: rock, classical and no music to see if it has an effect on its growth.

For music we have been playing he the glockenspiel along side our dragon song 🐉 the children enjoyed playing the instruments.

We have no completed our Geography unit where we have been comparing Oswestry to Bologna. We have created a fa tile for bologna as well as a persuasive poster for Oswestry.

In RE this week we have focused on Holy Week and created Easter eggs to match each day.



Christian values champion in Ercall

Well done to Lola who is Ercall’s Christian values champion for last half term. The value was courage and Lola displayed this daily in all areas of the curriculum but especially maths.
We have been learning to multiply and divide 2 and 3 digit numbers, learning new strategies to help us. This was something the children found difficult but Lola persevered and never gave up.  Well done and keep up the hard work.

World book day in Ercall 📚

Thank you to all parents, carers and children for their fantastic effort with World Book Day, here are a few image of the day.

We took part in a Puffin book zoom where we were able to listen to a selection of authors and illustrators about this favourite books.
The children came home with a pack to follow on from this.


From Harry Potter, Spider-Man, Slime, 101 Dalamtions to footballers and cats. We all had a fantastic day.

Year 4 science in Ercall

Yesterday we had our final lesson for electricity. Over the unit, we have been focusing on simple circuits adding buzzers and switches. We have also identified which materials are good conductors, for this we tested a range of materials to see if we could get the bulb to light. For our final session we created a hoop game where we could get the buzzer to sound by creating a closed circuit. This is what the children achieved.