šŸ’« star of the week šŸ’«


She has shown courage and perseverance all week in her PE sessions. Matylda has been focusing on her forward rolls and the technique needed to enable her to successfully roll and stand. This was something that didnā€™t come easy to Matylda and her confidence grew each week. She was such a super star in all PE sessions.
well done.

Ercallā€™s superstars ā­ļø

What a wonderful week, we started off by writing a letter based on our book ā€˜Escape from Pompeiiā€™. The children have been learning to include past tense verbs with a focus on the destruction of the city and its effects on the Roman citizens. We have also been editing and improve our work to up level our sentences.

To finish off a wonderful music unit ā€˜Reggaeā€™ with a focus on 3 little birds by Bob Marley. We have learnt to play cords on the glockenspiel alongside the song.

In science, year 4 have been learning about conductors and insulators, testing different metals with the aim of lighting the bulb. We were able to also test other objects to see the effects of insulators on a light bulb šŸ’”

As part of our PE unit, we have been mastering our forward rolls, something which some of us found difficult in lesson one. The children have preserved to achieve a successful forward roll.

For our Art unit this week the aim was observational art, what fantastic end results.

Mediterranean Day

As part of our geography unit, we have been learning about the Mediterranean Sea. First we discussed the ā€˜Strait of Gibraltarā€™ and how a sail ship can enter the Mediterranean. Over the week we have focused don four main themes. Culture, Tourism, Economy and Natural land mass.

First, discussed tourism Ā – the positive and negative effects on different countries, then we chose 4 countries we could visit according to the sea current: Spain, France Italy and Greece. Our Pe sessions was traditional dancing, and our Dt session was traditional foods.

To finish we created fact files about the country after researching Atlases, travel brochures and tourists sites. These included: landmass, population, landmarks, famous people and the capital city.



šŸŒŸ star of the week šŸŒŸ

AJ Royce-

AJ has shown so much determination Ā the last few weeks in his learning especially writing. He will complete IDL daily to secure his knowledge of spellings and use all resource to ensure his spellings are correct. He is more confident using the year 3 / 4 spellings and common exception words.

Well done keep up the excellent work.

New year in Ercall

Since returning to school after the Christmas holidays, all children have returned with a positive outlook on their learning and this is lovely to see.

For our geography unit we have been looking at the world and its 7 continents, with a focus on Europe.

In science, year 4 are learning about electricity and this week simple circuits. We then added components such asĀ buzzers, motors and switches.

Year 3 have been learning about friction, sending cars down a ramp with different surfaces to see how far they travel.


Our Pe unit is gymnastics, so far we have focused on different ways to travel around the room and different rolls.

This week has been so much fun and lots of exciting new facts Ā and information learnt, we canā€™t wait to see what next week holds.

Ercallā€™s star of the week šŸ’«

Amelia Ryan
Amelia has shown a wonderful attitude returning back after the Christmas holidays. She has completed all homework tasks, all work set in class, and to a good standard. Every day she has a smile on her face and is a delight in class. She has set herself a target of forming her letters correctly and this has been evident all week in her work.
Well done Amelia.

Christian values champion- compassion

Well done to Jamie for being the Christian values champion for last half term.
Jamie is always a polite and well-mannered young boy in and out of the classroom. He has a lovely and charming sense of humour with impeccable behaviour. Jamie has a caring nature which is displayed daily in all lessons. He is such a delight to have in the class. I am extremely proud of the effort he puts into all assessments and tackles each one head-on.