Ercall’s week

Our first week back for Autumn 2 has been a busy one! We’ve completed a science investigation on evaporation, looked at healthy relationships in PSHE, and begun to learn about Romans in history.

Our star of the week was Luna, who is a wonderful role to all those in class and is an excellent librarian to our class. Thank you Luna! Well done ⭐️

Next week we will starting football in PE, writing a diary entry as a Roman in history and completing a diary recount in English 😀

Homework this week was a times table sheet. Lots of the children have been making good progression with this – thank you for all your support at home!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

Our week in Ercall

A big thank you to everyone for their effort this half term, we’ve had a wonderful start to the year! This week we have achieved personal bests in PE,  completed a Geography quiz and project, and edited our independent write in English 😊

New spellings were given out, a times-table sheet as homework along with a reading river. Please also make sure reading is documented in reading records.

The reading river can be completed in homework books or on a plain piece of paper if you have one. It is a river showing all the things we read everyday, this can include signs, wrappers, menus or anything else! There are some examples on the sheet handed out if anyone is struggling for ideas.

Most children are passing times-tables, however practising these on TTRockstars in addition to the homework, will help to support this.

Our value champion was Freddie, who is always trying to inspire others and has begun to take real pride in his work. Well done Freddie

I hope everyone has a lovely half term and bonfire night! See you all on the 7th November,

Miss Roberts

Last week in Ercall

Last week in Ercall we learnt about precipitation in science, scored a try in PE and began our independent writes in English. 😀

This week we will play a game of tag rugby,  create a profile on a country in Geography and look at absorption in science 💧

Homework was a times table sheet – lots of children are now starting to move up, so well done to those!

our stars of the week was Ariana and Jason. Ariana has showed brilliant resilience in writing and Jaeon is always trying to make sure others are as happy as he is. Well done both ⭐️

I hope everyone had a great weekend

Miss Roberts

Last week in Ercall

We’ve had a lovely week in Ercall again, shading in art, learning about changes of state in science, and practising accuracy whilst moving in PE 😀

Our star of the week was Lillie, who always tries her hardest and has recently been working very hard in English, writing a brilliant diary entry. Well done Lillie 🌟

This week we will be starting our independent write in English,  comparing capital cities in geography and learning more about networking in computing.

Please remember to return pantomine letters and pay the outstanding balance.

Homework this week is a times table sheet and spellings were given out on Monday and will be tested on the 23rd.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts

Our week in Ercall

What another wonderful week in Ercall! We have learn about diaries in English, conducted an experiment in science and preformed our harvest service in church 😃

Our homework this week is our times tables sheet, which we test on every Friday.

Spellings will be tested on Monday.

Our star of the week was Cody, who has been showing a much more calmer attitude and working really hard on his reading. Well done Cody 🌟

Next week we will be completing another experiment in science, starting our times table work in maths and practising punctuating speech in English.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts

Last week in Ercall

Last week we made continuous line drawings in art, wrote a diary entry in English and learnt about harvest in RE 😀

This week we will be attending our church harvest festival, making  lava lamp in science, and looking at flags in Geography 🌎

Our star of the week was Reon! Reon has a curious and calm learning in all lessons and we always love finding out the answers to his questions. Well done Reon ⭐️

Homework last week is a times table sheet and is due in Friday.

Please make sure harvest letters are returned by Tuesday and if you are able to help up walk to the church (we leave at 9) and back (likely to return for 11) please let me know. Thank you!

I hope everyone has a lovely week!

Miss Roberts

Our week in Ercall

We’ve had another lovely week in Ercall, we’ve practised our passes in tag rugby, learnt about particles in science and researched gorillas in English 😃

Our star of the week is Gwen, who is always ready to learn and shows such care and attention to all her work. Well done Gwen 🌟

Next week we will be learning about different countries in Europe for Geography, practising times tables in maths and learning how to play to glockenspiels  to mamma Mia in music 🎵

Homework this week is a times table sheet and should be returned next Friday.

In Year 4 there is a national multiplication check. This takes place during June and is an online check consisting of 25 questions with children having 6 seconds to answer, testing all times tables up to 12. Whilst children may know times tables in order, this check will not test them in order, so they need to be able to develop their fluency and confidence to prepare for this.

We aim to practice this using soundcheck on TTRockstars, which can be accessed at home (the link can also be found below). You can also practice individual times tables. Login information can be found at the front of reading records. Whilst there is no official pass mark, learning times tables is an important part of mathematical knowledge.

Spellings will be tested on Monday and new ones given out for the following Monday.

This Friday everyone received an accelerated reader book, which can be identified by a coloured band on the side of it. We have also wrote reading ages and the colour band book they should be reading inside of reading records. Please ensure older siblings/ an adult is listening to your child read 3X a week and making a small note of the book title, page number and comment on how they have read in reading records. When they have finished their book they will take a quiz on accelerated reader in school. This assesses if they have understood what they have read and calculates how many words they have read too. Once they have taken this quiz, they will be given a new accelerated reader book.

The children will also have a reading for pleasure book. This is a book they are welcome to read, but their accelerated reader book is the one which should be recorded in reading records and read 3X a week.

pantomine letters were sent home on Thursday, please let me know if you need another. It is payable in weekly instalments, but please see the office staff about this.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts

Our first week in Ercall!

I hope everyone had a lovely week last week – it was certainly busy! We started a new PE unit on tag rugby, read the start of our English book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, and learnt how to say ‘I am’ in French!

This week we will be practising Mamma Mia in music, finding about countries across the world in Geography and learning about the creation story in RE. Spelling tests will be carried out on Monday and please ensure homework is returned on Friday (either a book review or times table sheet). If you are having any trouble with homework, I am more than happy to help during a break time, just let me know. PE days are still Monday and Wednesday, however please ensure PE kit is kept in school encase this changes due to the weather.

Our  curriculum map and newsletter can now be found on our class page, offering some more information about what we will be studying this half term 😊

Our star of the week was Konrad who has come back to school with a very grown up and mature attitude – well done Konrad ⭐️

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is feeling refreshed ready for the week!

Miss Roberts

This week in Ercall

What a week in Ercall! We had sports day, a colour run and an RE day! 🤩

Next week we have move up morning, reports, and a vision day too!

Our stars of the week were, Tommy, Mano, Gabriela and Kaden. Kaden has made some wonderful progress with his reading, passing most of his book tests! Gabriela always tries hard in her maths, never shying away from a challenge. Mano was really brilliant in our sports day, giving everything a go and always makes those near him smile. Well done all 🌟 ⭐️ 💫

Homework this week is to ensure any railway projects are ready for the 17th as we do need this in our lesson.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter