Last week in Ercall

Last week in Ercall we began our new fitness unit in PE with Neil, had a brilliant day dressing up for world book day, and started to learn about questions we could use branching databases for computing 💻

Whilst our star of the week was absent, we were able to celebrate Elsie’s achievement of competing in the Oswestry Youth Music festival,  where she achieved the grade Commended! Well done Elsie ✨ 🎵

Homework was to complete a time table sheet which has been stuck in homework books and spellings have been uploaded to our homework section.

This week we are completing some assessments in English and maths, will be looking at the Holy Week story in RE and developing some movements in our mindfulness unit for PE 🧘

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

The last week in Spring 1

Our last week in Ercall has certainly been a busy one! We have put all our football skills to use when we played a small game in PE, we presented our Oswestry homework to the class in a geography lesson and finished our independent write in English too! 😊

Congratulations to all those who received a certificate for reading and a big well done to Ollie who has now read over 100,000 words. Well done Ollie! 🏅 

Our value this term was perseverance – our champion of this was Maria! Maria never gives up and has been working so hard in her maths recently, not letting any mistake defeat her and even going back to correct them. Well done Maria 💫

Next term we will be continuing our multiplication and division unit before starting measurements in maths, we will start a fresh DT unit and begin learning all about what parts of the body are called in French 🇫🇷 Don’t forget world book day which is the first Thursday back too (2nd March)

We hope everyone has a lovely week off and we look forward to starting second spring term soon!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

After school clubs during the second spring term

After School clubs will be continuing after half term🙂They will run for 5 weeks up to Easter.

Prices and details are below.

From the week commencing 27th February, we will be offering:

Science Club with Mrs. Platt every Monday for 5 weeks. ÂŁ15.00

(please note if your child has been attending Science club for the last 3 weeks and you paid £24 you don’t need to do anything. Your payment will run up to Easter.)

Football with the Wright Way every Thursday for 5 weeks. ÂŁ15.00

Choir with Mrs. Rhodes-Leader every Thursday for 5 weeks. ÂŁ15.00

If your child would like to take part in either club, please make your payment via Parentpay. if you have any problems please go to the office upon school opening😊

World book day

Thursday 2nd March (first Thursday we return) is World Book Day. We would like to invite all the children to come to school dressed as their favourite book characters.

All the children will be given a FREE book token that they can use to choose a book. With books for beginning, early, fluent and independent readers, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The books will be available from booksellers from 16 February 2023 and can be redeemed at Booka, WHSmith, and Sainsburys.

Please don’t worry about buying a costume – check the links below which offer some tips on how to make them at home and other activities too.

This week in Ercall!

This week in Ercall we have made cave drawings in art, finished our Iron Man book in English and practised how to tackle in Football among many other exciting things!

our star of the week is Faith for her fantastic artwork and effort in handwriting. Well done Faith 🌟 well done to Demi, who has moved up to the next wave in swimming – congratulations! 🌊 and a big congratulations to Elsie who won a medal for her gymnastics! She’s been showing off her new moves in PE and it’s clear to see how much  hard work she’s put in 🤸

A big thank you to all who donated a £1 to the NSPCC today. Your support is greatly appreciated 😊

Next week we will be learning about prayer mats in RE, creating a poster on Oswestry in Geography and beginning our independent write in English✅

Homework this week is to ensure reading at home takes place and is recorded and to practice soundcheck on TTRockstars. This can be done on any device with internet by googling TTRockstars log in, going to log in, selecting school, then student, entering the school postcode (sy11 2lf) and then entering log on details which can be found in the front of reading records.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter 

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have been learning about Salat In RE, practised our anti bullying song in music and mirroring movements in gymnastics! We also had the chance to get up close to an air ambulance today too!

Our star of the week was Alfie, who has shown a mature attitude and really taken on feedback about how to improve his work. Well done Alfie ⭐️

Next week we will be practising more more division in maths, learning how to pass in football and making cave drawings with charcoal in art 😊

Please see our homework and spelling post for details of our homework project.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

The start to spring term

What a busy start to term we have had! We’ve began our new art unit on gestural drawing, our multiplication and division in maths, and our new book ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and class novel ‘Iron Man’.  😅

Our Star of the week this week is Ollie, who has been scoring 25/25 on his TTRockstars soundcheck. Well done Ollie, all the hard work is paying off ⭐️

Our new value this term is Perseverance. If you would like to send any pictures of an achievement or your child preservering in an activity, please do dojo me so they can be put on the school display🙂

Our homework this week is times tables and we have a spelling test Monday the 16th January .

Next week, we will be practising how to use use charcoal in Art, learning about subheadings in English and passes in football for PE.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Growth Mindset

At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery, we encourage children to become confident and resilient learners, allowing all children to achieve their full potential.

We know that in order to fulfill the full potential of our pupils, we need to be modelling the mindset of a learner to not be afraid of making mistakes or giving up when they find things hard, but who thrive upon them and understand that this is all part of the learning process. We want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others.

At Holy Trinity, we consistently endeavor to challenge and develop the attitudes of all pupils toward learning by considering what makes a successful learner. We have dedicated sessions in class on how we can positively approach challenges inside and outside the classroom and it’s lovely to see the school buzzing with talk of perseverance, challenge, risks, and celebrating mistakes.

Central to this attitude and approach to learning, are the theories and proven evidence of a Growth Mindset by psychologist Carol Dweck.

The theory behind Growth Mindset is based on two types of mindsets, that children and adults may possess, a ‘fixed’ mindset and a ‘growth’ mindset. Below is an overview of the traits of each:

Fixed Mindset

  • I like my work to be easy
  • I don’t like to try a challenge
  • I won’t do it
  • I can’t do it
  • I believe I cannot change how clever I am
  • I don’t like to try new things because I won’t be very good at it
  • I give up easily

Growth Mindset

  • I never give up
  • I like my work to be difficult – it means I am learning
  • I love challenges
  • How can I achieve this
  • I can do it
  • I want people to praise me for the effort I put into my work
  • I believe I can get more intelligent by working hard
  • I learn from my mistake.

We are very excited about the prospect of nurturing a growth mindset culture at Holy Trinity.

Key aspects of growth mindset at Holy Trinity:

  • We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them;
  • We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed;
  • We learn from each other;
  • We don’t compare ourselves with others;
  • We challenge ourselves and take risks;
  • We remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time.

There is a link attached below for you to share with your child:

Below are some videos we’ll be using this half term to learn about Growth Mindset from Class Dojo – they’re easy to watch and explains it really well.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


How you can help at home:

  • Praise the amount of effort your child is putting into things rather than how clever they are;
  • Talk to your children about their brain is like a muscle – the more they use it, the stronger it gets;
  • Encourage your children to not give up if they are finding something difficult;
  • Challenge your children to try something new or challenging.