This week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have made our torches in DT, had Christmas dinner together and learnt how to dodge in PE😊

Demi received value champion for this term (trust) as Demi can always be trusted to make the right choice and even encourages others to trust in their selves ✅ well done Demi! ✨

Next week we will be finishing an independent write, creating our Christmas cards and completing a hot task in maths on our addition and subtraction unit📚

We have carols around the tree for ks2 on Wednesday straight after school and the church on Thursday morning.

Please also note that Next Friday morning the Year 4’s will be going to watch Polar Express. It is a free event and we will be getting a coach, but please do ensure children are wearing sensible shoes and a waterproof coat.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Our week in Ercall

This week has been filled with assessments, a visit from the pantomime and some learning some fun skills in PE ☺️

Our star of the week was Brodi who has learnt his timestables to 11 and made great progress with his handwriting. He also read over 80,000 words. Well done Brodi ⭐️

Another well done to Eddie who has read over 100,000 words. Well done Eddie! 📚

Next week we will be starting our independent write in English, learning how to pass in Netball and begin making our DT projects too! We have Christmas dinner and jumper day on Wednesday and carols around the Christmas tree after school too,

As I was out of class this afternoon, homework will be given on Monday.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter 

Last week in Ercall

Another busy week in Ercall! Last week we have made a circuit in DT, practised column addition in maths and learnt about Christian art in RE 📚

Thank you all to donated a £1 for comic relief. It was wonderful to see the school coming together for this charity.

Well done Dalia, our star of the week! Dalia has been working extra hard on her times tables and has 25/25 on her soundcheck! Well done Dalia ⭐️

Well done to Eddie too, who has read over 60,000 words! Great work Eddie ✅

This week we will be learning about switches in DT, similes in English and starting Netball in PE 💫

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter 

This week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have made a simple circuit in science, practised a canon in PE, and practised using the glockenspiels in music.

The science competition was judged by school council, and Odin won out of our class! Well done Odin, enjoy your sweets! 🍬 A big well done to our star of the week too! ⭐️ Some of us received our bikeability awards, congratulations! 🚲 Don’t worry if you haven’t had yours yet, as there are still more to be awarded.

Next week, we will be learning how to use column addition in maths, playing a rugby tournament in PE and learning more about a baptism in RE.

Please see the link below if you would like to see if a book is on accelerated reader:

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Our first week in Autumn 2

It’s been a busy start back in Ercall! We’ve had bikeability, a rock concert, started addition and subtraction in maths, and the holy trinity in RE 😀

it was brilliant to see some of the entries for the science competition. Winners will be announced shortly after a discussion between Mrs. Platt and school council.

This week we didn’t have a star of the week, but our first value champion (from last terms value, thankfulness) who was Elsie! Elsie always focuses on what she has to be thankful for, and spreads this positive attitude to all those around her. Well done Elsie ✨

A letter today has gone home about parents evening which is being held next Tuesday and Thursday. Please feel free to dojo or return the slip if you would like a meeting.
School photos were also sent home to order if wanted.

We hope everyone has a safe and lovely weekend if attending a bonfire!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter



The last week of Autumn 1

This week we finished our place value unit in maths, learnt how craters are made in science and evaluated our artwork among many other end of term activities! 📚

As we finished on a Thursday, we don’t have a star of the week but all the children have worked extra hard this term and deserve a big well done! ⭐️

Homework over the half term is to create a poster on sustainability in space, for our space day when we return in the new half term. Please see the post by Mrs. Platt for more details. Please feel free to create your own poster, but if you need any paper I did print a template off and give one to the children . posters will then be judged by school council and a winner will be selected for a small prize 🛰

Our PE days when we return are Tuesday and Wednesday again 😊 if you are taking part in bikeability, please remember to bring your bike on Monday 31st October (the first Monday back).

I hope everyone has a lovely half term!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter



Hi Key Stage  2

We had an introduction to our exciting Space Week this week. This year’s topic is all about sustainability in space and how we can help to communicate our ideas around the world so that we do not end up with so ,many satellites in Space.

You can research this topic, design your poster, and create it  in what ever way you would like to.

Your entries will be judged by Mr Kenyon and School Council and winners will be announced in assembly with prizes.

All entries must be given in by 4th November

Another week in Ercall


Our week in Ercall

What a week! We have been busy in forest school during our science lesson, discussed rights in PSHE, and practised different skills in PE.

Our star of the week was Jason, who always has an eager and keen attitude to learning and shows excellent listening skills in every lesson. Well done Jason 🌟

Next week is the last week of school before we break up! School is open Monday – Thursday. We will be finishing our place value unit in maths, independently writing a letter in English and evaluating our art ✅

We will be presenting geography projects next week, so please do ensure they are brought in on Monday.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter 😊

Harvest week in Ercall

Ercall curriculum map autumn 1 – Copy

Ercall Newsletter autumn – Copy

In our Harvest week we have been extra busy! We went to church, where everyone did an amazing job of explaining different elements of the Harvest, we finished some artwork in Art and started trying to combine movements in PE 😀 a huge thank you to all who donated what they could for our food hamper too!

Our star of the week is Eddie, who always tries his hardest and contributes to every lesson! Well done Eddie ⭐️

Next week we will we starting a narrative in English, learning some more ABBA songs in music and learning classroom commands in French.

For Science next week will be using forest school so please ensure that children have wellies and coats on Monday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter