Year 5/6 Jungle Book Production

All of the Year 5/6 children showed off their amazing acting, dancing and singing skills in our end of year production.
We were so proud of you all. Well done on an amazing performance.

Year 6 visit Crucial Crewe

The children had great fun and we would once again like to say a huge thank you to all the services that supported this fabulous event.

Year 6 learnt some crucial lesson at Crucial Crewe
They mixed with other schools to learn about all sorts of vital lessons for the future.

Crucial Crew provides today’s children with an opportunity to acquire essential life skills at an impressionable time in their development. At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and bullying, stranger danger, the effects of hoax calls etc. For many organisations, it is a rare and most cost-effective opportunity to raise awareness of the many dangers of the sea, water, electricity, railways, poor hygiene, smoking, building sites, internet, dog awareness, alcohol abuse and farm situations. As a result of attending, they are more confident in themselves and in a better position to make a positive contribution to their communities as they mature into junior citizens. The children also take this information back to their families, and members of their communities who may not have been privileged to receive this training.




History Home learning

Good afternoon Year 5 and 6

This is the final lesson of History on our Anglo Saxon and Viking Topic

Read carefully through the power point ( on the link below) and create a double page spread on paper, or a Google page or Word page on reasons as to how the Viking Era came to an end.

Miss Owen’s Y5 group- Online learning

Good Morning

Year 5’s.

Please find below your online learning activities for today- please do send me messaged through Dojo, if you are at all stuck on something, or you need to ask any questions.

If you are struggling to access any of the learning site we use in school, please click on the link below, to access them through the class portal page.

Year 6’s work has been set but please use this day wisely for SATS revision. The link to SATS bootcamp can be found below.


For our math session- we are going to continue with our decimal work

In this small step, children will extend their knowledge of subtraction decimal numbers to include numbers with a different number of decimal places. It is important that children continue to practice lining up the decimal point carefully and ensure that each digit is in the correct column. A place value chart could be used to reinforce this. In the
column method, show children how to “fill” empty columns with zeros, which will support them when exchanges are required. They need to be secure with the fact that, for example, 6 and 6.0 have the same numerical value, as do 4.7 and 4.70 and so on

Click on the link below to access the lesson guidance:

Year 5 summer term block 3- subtract decimals with different numbers off decimals 

Year 5 Subtract decimals with different numbers of decimal places

Once you have read the lesson guide and watched the teaching video, have a go at completing the following worksheet.

Worksheet- subtract decimals with different decimal places


English- Manfish: A story of Jacques Cousteau

Following on from our new text Manfish please create a fact file of Jacques Cousteau,

Use the following link to help you with information.

Powerpoint- All about Jacques Cousteau


Please continue to practice your spellings at home. I have attached the spelling list as a reminder.


SATs Bootcamp




Year 6, please use this revision day wisely. There are many practice tests and revision sessions on SATs bootcamp. 

If you need your login, please send me a Dojo message and I can give it to you. 

Miss Scoltock’s Y6 group- online learning

Good morning Y6,

Please find below your online learning activities for today- please do send me messaged through Dojo, if you are at all stuck on something, or you need to ask any questions.

If you are struggling to access any of the learning site we use in school, please click on the link below, to access them through the class portal page.


Start of the morning activity 


For our maths session- we are going to continue with our statistics work.

In this small step, children are introduced to pie charts for the
first time. Discuss with children why a pie chart is a useful way to
represent data. They should realise that a pie chart quickly and
easily shows information as part of the whole. Discuss the fact that
bar charts may show the numbers of most/least popular items
quickly, whereas pie charts show something as more/less than a
half/quarter etc. of the total.
Children first look at simple pie charts to identify the greatest/
least amounts. They then move on to using the total number
represented by a pie chart to work out what each equal part is
worth. Finally, given the value of one part, children work out the
total and/or the values of other parts of the pie chart.

Click on the link below to access the lesson guidance:

Y6 Spring Block 6 SOL3 Read and interpret pie charts

Year 6 Spring Block 6 TS3 Read and interpret pie charts from White Rose Education on Vimeo.

Once you have read the lesson guide and watched the teaching video, have a go at completing the following worksheet.

Y6 Spring Block 6 WO3 Read and interpret pie charts 2022


Reading – Cracking Comprehension

Click on the links below to access the model teaching text for this.

Comprehension – Teaching text

Following the completion of this comprehension- I have set a supporting ‘Knowledge Test’ on Boost for you to complete.

If any of you have not got your Boost login, please send me a Dojo message and I can give it to you. 


SATs Bootcamp

Year 6, please use this revision day wisely. There are many practice tests and revision sessions on SATs bootcamp. 

If you need your login, please send me a Dojo message and I can give it to you.