Whole School Collective Worship – Justice and Humility

The whole school collective worship is brought to you by Mr. Kenyon.

This week we will be focusing on Justice.

Collective Worship Mr Kenyon

Have a look at the hall of fame below to learn more about images and statues linked to Justice  (click link to enlarge):

If you are interested in ‘Lady Jusitce’ , please take time to look at ‘Verity’ created by Damien Hirst which is placed on the docks at Ilfracombe, Devon.

A 66 foot stainless steel and bronze sculpture named Verity, created by world famous artist Damien Hirst, stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour looking out over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. It has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to “truth” and Hirst describes his work as a “modern allegory of truth and justice”.



The bible story we will refer to this week is Jonah and the whale:


Justice could mean giving wrong doers the punishment they deserve i.e… the punishment fitting the crime- just desserts, an eye for an eye, etc. However, it could also mean giving all people- particularly the poor and oppressed – what is right and fair for them to have i.e… life, health, freedom, and dignity- this is social justice.

We have used many different bible stories to emphasize this: Jonah and the Whale is one.


Please join us for one of our daily prayers (click to enlarge):

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):

Whole school collective worship – Justice and Humility

As we start a new half term, our Christian values also change. We will be focusing on  Justice and Humility.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will aim the collective worships around the two values with links to bible stories.

Collective worship this week is from Mr Hughes,  where he will focuses on the word ‘Humility’. (click images to enlarge)


Please click on the power point below.

Justice and Humility collective worship

Within the worship, we focus on the bible story:

John 13: 1-17Jesus washes his disciple’s feet

We also look at

The Prideful Ant  – A Story about Pride and Humility

 Philippians 2:3-4, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Please join us with a prayer focusing on humility:

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Today’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Thompstone.

Mrs Thompstone’s Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Again we will be looking at our Christin Values – Faith and Belief: (Click on image below to enlarge)

Today, we are going to focus on the bible story where Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee.


Psalm 46 1-2 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…”


Please click on the image for The Lord’s Prayer:

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Collective worship this week is brought to you by Miss Wright. The focus this half term is Faith and Belief, Miss Wright as made a PowerPoint (see below):

Collective Worship Miss Wright

Within the collective worship we focus on:   Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Miss Wright asks:

An event you may see around id the ‘Big Asthma Bake Sale’ please feel free to support this event if you see  it around this month. (click image to enlarge).

Please join in with the ‘let love shine through song’:



Let us pray –  a prayer for my friends (click image to enlarge):

Collective Worship – Whole school Faith and Belief – Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This week collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Holland.

Collective Worship – celebrating cultural diversity

The focus this week us celebrating cultural diversity. We will look at the bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ -Luke 10:25-37.

Please join  in with the action song below:

We will end with a though for the day (click image to enlarge):

Collective worship – Whole School – NSPCC


Whole School collective worship this week is by Miss Scoltock, the theme this week is NSPCC

Collective-Worship-NSPCC (1)

Please click on the PowerPoint to access.

If you have time, please watch the following video:
We also have a bible link to Faith and Belief:


Let us prayer click image to emlarge:

Collective Worship – Faith and Belief – Pedal Power

This week we have a collective worship by Mrs Platt, she is focusing on believing in yourself and never giving up – The Big Pedal.

See Power Point below:

Collective Worship pedal power

Mrs Platt has included a few links having faith in what you do and when riding a bike.

See the song below and join in:

See the story below about faith:


Please click image below to enlarge the prayer:

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief (Genesis 1-2 – Creation / Earth Day).

Every Wednesday in class, the children will take part in a collective worship which will be teacher led. We will be posting the PowerPoint for you to join in at home if you wish.

The Christian values for this half term are: Faith and Belief. Each week the teacher led collective worship will focus on the Christian Values, with a story from the bible and a link to the wider world. We encourage all children to take part  in the discussions and come together to sing, listen to stories from the bible, pray and reflect.

The first collective worship is by Miss Hutson which has a focus on Genesis 1-2-  Creation and the faith and belief that God put in humans to care for the world he created. This also links in with Earth day on the 22nd April 2021.

Please see powerpoint below for the collective worship.

Collective Worship earth day

See below for the creation story Genesis 1-2

Please join in the action song – I’m part of Gods creation:

I have also provided on  the powerpoint a beautiful video linked to Psalm 104 – our wonderful world:

We also have a prayer to end (please click on link to enlarge):

Whole School Collective Worship – Perseverance.


Whole school Collective Worship – Perseverance

Good morning, so it is our fourth and final instalment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home or in class.

This week the focus is Perseverance.


As we develop this week’s value of ‘perseverance’ as a school community, we will consider the following:

  • How are we encouraged and given skills to persevere through difficult times?
  • How does our learning and teaching encourage and motivate children and adults alike?
  • Do we all understand that hard work and perseverance in all aspects of our lives is worth the effort?

A Christian Perspective on Perseverance:

Jesus frequently encouraged his disciples to “endure patiently” the difficulties and obstacles they encountered and to persevere in the face of adversity. He himself trusted in God even when his enemies tried to stop his work and plotted his death.

Please click the link for information and a worksheet on Perserverence – perseverance

Please have a go at the Growtrh Mindset learning zone and see what pushes you to  out of your comfort zone.  This activity is fort you to discuss where you feel comfortable with an activity and where  you push yourself, never give  up, persevere to achieve what you want. Comfort zone 

E.G I feel comfortable writing sentences with capital letters and full stops I am in my danger zone when asked to write sentences with expanded noun phrases .

E.G I am in my comfort zone when kicking a ball, I am in the danger zone when asked to go in goal.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bt5VYWoIL6Y1dYqUnTehkR_ArDKX3aLt/view please click the link. Within the video we focus on the ‘The Parable of the Lost Sheep’  which appears in Luke 15: 3-7


I have included two songs for you to listen to the lyrics focusing on never giving up: –


Inspirational people who never gave up!

Walt Disney – Disney was turned down 302 times before he got his dream of creating “the happiest place on Earth”, better known today as Disneyland.

Michael Jordan –  Jordan is widely considered to be the greatest basketball player of all time, however he was cut from his high school varsity basketball team during his sophomore year. That only inspired him to work harder.

In his words: “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s precisely why I succeed.”



 Let us pray :-

Lord Jesus,

When I feel worried about facing a new challenge, help me to persevere. When the going gets tough, help me to persevere.  when I feel like giving up, help me to persevere.
