Whole School Collectible Worship – Forgiveness

Whole school collective worship –  Forgiveness

Good morning, so it is our third installment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home or in class.

This week the focus is Forgiveness.

A Christian Perspective:

Forgiveness is the means by which damaged relationships are restored. It is an act of the will, motivated by love.

For Christians, Jesus’ death on a cross it the ultimate revelation of God’s all forgiving love, and his sacrifice stands a source of inspiration to forgive others, no matter what the cost.

Luke 6:37 – Do no judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: – https://youtu.be/FpgNeZLLNEg  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the ‘The Parable of the Lost Coin’  which appears in Luke 15:8–10.

As a school, over the next two weeks we unpicking Jonah and the Whale from the old testament. We will  focus on the importance of saying sorry and asking forgiveness.

I have included a song for you to play and reflect upon, please listen to the lyrics and think about the following:

Talk together about:

-A time when you needed to say sorry

-A time you didn’t say sorry but wish you had

-A time when you had to forgive someone who had hurt or upset you

-How it feels when you are given a new start because someone has forgiven you

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value – Forgiveness –  click to download your copy – forgiveness

Activity sheet  – how-can-i-show-someone-i-am-sorry – activity

Prayer –

Dear Lord,

Thank you that you offer us forgiveness to all through Jesus. Sorry for the times when we have been slow to say sorry to others or not quick enough to forgive.

Please help us to ask for forgiveness when we make a mistake and accept our apology kindly.


Thoughts of the day:

World Book Day

Thank you everyone for helping to make World Book Day 2021 so successful. It was wonderful to see staff and pupils dressed as their favourite characters both at home and in school. Here are just a few examples:

We were very excited to receive our books from Booka Bookshop following our live author roadshows yesterday. You can watch a recording of the Roadshows by following the links below:



Finally, thank you to those children who sent us a video talking about their favourite book, here are just a couple:

Whole school collective worship – SERVICE

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving”

Good morning, so it is our second installment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home.

This week the focus is Love and Service.

Jesus was called the ‘servant king’: we are learning that his mission was to serve God and to serve all those people he met, through his teaching, his example and the way he led his life.

Hall of fame-

JK Rowling is best known for writing the Harry Potter novels. She was awarded the OBE for “services to children’s literature”. She used some of the money she had earned from her books to create a charity called The Lumos Foundation. This charity has changed the lives of orphaned children in Eastern Europe.

LOVE – 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it doe not boast, it is not proud.


SERVICE – Matthew 5:42

Learn to generously share what you have with those who ask for help and don’t close your heart to the ones who comes to you to borrow from you.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: – https://youtu.be/FpgNeZLLNEg  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the bible story:

Luke Chapter 10: 38-42 – At the Home of Martha and Mary

I have also included a video for you to watch and even sing along to:

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value SERVICE click to download your copy –service activities

Though of the day:




Whole school Collective Worship

Good morning, so every week on a Friday, I will be posting a whole school collective worship for you to complete with your child/ren at home.

This week the focus is Wisdom.

A Christian Perspective on Wisdom:

Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God. As a believer grows in faith so wisdom will increase. In the Bible wisdom is seen both as a gift from God and a characteristic of God. In his parables, Jesus taught that placing trust in God and recognising what is of value in life brings fulfilment.

Proverbs 4:6-7

‘Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you: love her and she will watch over you’.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: –  https://youtu.be/3e71ttF5CpA  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the bible story:

‘Matthew 7:24-27  – The Wise and Foolish Builders’.

I have also included a video for you to watch and even sing along to:

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value  WISDOM click to download your copy – wisdom

Though of the day:




Whole school music challenge – ‘Any Dream Will Do’!


We are setting you a singing challenge to complete over half term and including the first week back in school. We will be studying the Bible story ‘Joseph and the coat of many colours’ when returning to school. Your challenge is to watch and listen to the powerpoint below (made by Miss Younger) and learn a song from the musical of Joseph called ‘Any dream will do’. Once you have learnt the song, can you record yourself singing and together, as a whole school, we will collate the videos and make our own version of the song.

You can find the song and lyrics attached to the post, or on You Tube:

The moral of the story is forgiveness, one of our school’s Christian Values and therefore the story has an important part in our school’s ethos and well-being of the children.

Colossians 3:13,

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a musical comedy with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story is based on the “coat of many colours” story of Joseph from the Bible’s Book of Genesis and was produced in 1999.


Please see the PowerPoint below created by Miss Younger and complete the following tasks:

  • Learn the song
  • Record yourself singing
  • Please send any videos in to longmynd@holytrinitycepa.co.uk by 2nd March 2021, which then gives us time to edit and create the final video.

Whole school song – Joseph powerpoint

Any dream will do – song lyrics

Thank you for all your continued support with home learning at these difficult times that we are faced with.


Matthew 5:16

 ‘In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’.

Blue Peter badges

During the summer term, we posted how you could earn yourself a Blue Peter Badge. The teachers applied for the key worker children who were in school during lockdown while at home we posted weekly activities which you could complete in order to earn a badge. See link below


The badges were for children aged 6+

After speaking to a number of parents and careers, I can confirm the Blue Peter Badges have started to come in!

I would like the say a well done to all if you have received a badge or applied. If you can send an image of your child with their badge to admin@holytrinitycepa.co.uk we can celebrate together the achievements during lockdown. There is a 14 week wait for badges as so many children applied.

Read details below:


Every week for 6 weeks, during the summer term, I posted a range of activities to complete to earn a Blue Peter Badge.

The iconic Blue Badge – Blue Peter fans can earn one of these by sending in a letter or picture; you could make a rainbow for the NHS, create your very own ‘thank you’ jar, or even make a delicious bake to show your appreciation for a friend, family member or neighbour!

Silver Badge – If you already have your Blue Badge, do something different, have a midnight feast, or discover awesome kitchen science. Tell us what you’re proud of doing and apply for your Blue Peter Silver Badge.

Green Badge – This one’s all about the environment. If you’re passionate about the planet, why not try planting a seed, making a bug hotel or bird feeder, creating a window box garden or looking out of your window to see all the different types of wildlife you’re able to spot? Write in or send a picture about how green you are to apply.

Purple Fan Club Badge – Fancy yourself a Blue Peter superfan? Then this badge is for you! To get your hands on one of these, join the Blue Peter fan club, fill in the form and tell us what you’d like to see in the show and makes you a Super fan when you apply for your Blue Peter Purple Fan Club Badge.

Music Badge – Are you all about the music? If so, why not see if you can earn yourself a Blue Peter Music Badge? This one was designed by the one and only Ed Sheeran and you can earn one by picking up a musical instrument, creating a playlist of musical memories or sharing your favourite songs of all time. Fill in the form and include a picture and apply for your Blue Peter Music Badge.

Sport badge – The Sport badge is awarded to those who’ve found new ways to get active. You can hold a DIY sports day in your garden or at the park, set up an awesome obstacle course, complete a skipping challenge, or try out a totally new sport you’ve never heard of before! Fill in the form and include a picture to tell Blue Peter how you’ve been sporty to earn your Blue Peter Sport Badge.


Now to follow on the 6 badges of summer. Blue peter have another competition- the gaming competition.

Would you like the chance to meet a superstar gamer and record a video with them about the hottest games of 2021? What about the opportunity to design an in-game skin for a character from the hit game Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout?! Well, you can win both! All you need to do is record a video of yourself talking about something you really love, design a character skin and tell us about them and the world they live in.




Thank you for your continued support during lockdown and home learning.

Poppy competition winners

Well done to parents, carers and children who took part in the poppy art home learning competition. We have had a huge contribution across the school and what we have received is to a fantastic standard. From water colour canvases, 3D poppy fields to giant poppies.

It was so hard to pick one winner from each class that we decided to pick two. Each winner will receive a certificate and a sweet treat.

Here are all the winner from nursery to KS2:

As a school we thank you for your continued support in all the home learning projects. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one…


Watch this space!

Meet your new teacher!

As we are unable to have a normal transition into our new classes, the teachers have produced a short video to introduce themselves to their new pupils. We are all looking forward to meeting you properly in September.  Have a wonderful Summer and stay safe!

Nursery with Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby

Clee with Mrs Meddins

Earl’s Hill with Mrs Allcock

Wrekin with Mr Hughes

Lawley with Mrs Thompstone

Caradoc with Miss Wright

Longmynd with Miss Hutson

Hawkstone with Mrs Holmes

Stiperstones with Miss Scoltock

Haughmond with Mrs Platt

Home Learning – Art Lesson 6 Colour Monster

Hi everyone! Welcome back to your Art lessons online. I hope you have fun drawing along with the artist today.

Ceramic Artist James DeRosso . TV | OPB

In today’s lesson we are inspired by an artist who loves to draw and create little monsters. We are also going to learn a little bit more about the different type of colours and their names.

Bat Flop | ART Elements GalleryA Monster Party in the Art Room...James DeRosso inspired Monsters ...

You don’t have to copy my drawings exactly, for this lesson if you want to change the colours on your colour wheel or how your monster looks that’s fine, it is your art! If you don’t have the same resources at home don’t worry, just use what you have.