Wroxeter Roman City Trip

For our Roman topic, we recently went on a trip to Wroxeter Roman City. The children had chance to explore the Roman Remains, visit a Roman Villa and take part in activities such as Mosaics and roll play.


William Shakespeare’s Macbeth!

Grinshill class are currently studying drama and playscripts and have been acting out parts of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The children have also been empathising with characters within the play and have considered Macbeth’s struggles with his morality throughout the story. They have really enjoyed carrying out a Conscience Alley where they have tried to persuade Macbeth when he is given a choice in the story. 

Science in Grinshill

This half-term the year fives are studying Forces in Science. Currently, our year fives are carrying out an investigation into air resistance. They have discussed and chosen different materials they could use to produce parachutes and how to make it a fair test. They have also written predictions and are enjoying testing their parachutes.

The year fours are looking at States of Matter in Science this half-term. They have been carrying out an investigation into gases this week and have been deciding whether gas is weightless.