Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Carrying on from yesterday, I would like you to look at the following questions:

Long Mynd Year 3:

If you have completed the work from yesterday and the True or False, please answer the following flash back questions.

Hawkstone Year 4:

If you have completed the work from yesterday and the True or False, please answer the following flash back questions.

Have a go and I will be posting the next sequence of maths tomorrow.

English – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today’s English lesson is based on the image – ‘PEGGED’.

Please answer the following questions :

  • What’s happening here?
  • Give the creatures names.
  • Why does the purple creature have a peg on its nose? Why are its cheeks bulging?
  • Is the large character an ogre? A troll? Something else?
  • Why does he have his foot in a bowl?
  • How is he feeling? Why?
  • Why are there flies around him?
  • Add thought bubbles to this picture.
  • Which character do you like the most? Why?
  • Which character can you best relate to? Why?
  • Why is the title ‘Pegged’? Give this image a new title. Explain your choice.

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone class

Each day we will be posting an English lesson, this could be a reading comprehension, SPAG or general skills. Tomorrow, I would like you to work through the sheet below and have a go.


Focus: Reading, Fronted adverbials, Story starters  up levelling the sentence and Art. Please have a go at some of the above.



Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

As you are aware we will be teaching remotely, to continue where we left off in December, we will continue the Maths lessons from White Rose. They contain a video link and a worksheet.  I will be posting daily Maths for you to work from.See below the work set for both Long Mynd and Hawkstone for tomorrow.

Long Mynd please focus on Year 1 and Year 3

Hawkstone please focus on Year 4 for now.


Year 3:


See below for work sheets to accompany the video –

Year 1:

See below for work sheets to accompany the video –


Hawkstone –

See below for work sheets to accompany the video –

Please work through the questions and have a go, if you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Hutson or Miss Kerr through Dojo. Thank you and  keep safe.


Home Learning WB 30.11.20

Home Learning Week beginning 30th November 2020 for children shielding or self isolating.


We are continuing to write our Fantasy Portal Stories focusing on setting descriptions.

Use ‘2Create a Story’ on Purple Mash to write a story with a Beginning, Build Up, Problem, Resolution and Ending.

Watch The Alchemist’s Letter

Re-write the story as if you are the man in the story. Describe the cottage from the outside and from the inside. Remember to use adjectives, metaphors, similes and personification.



LO To be able to subtract two 4 digit numbers with more than one exchange.

LO To use efficient methods of subtraction

LO To be able to estimate answers

Checking Strategies

One Maths lesson a week is dedicated to Times Tables. Don’t forget to practise your times tables at home. Use TT Rockstarz, Purple Mash or Mathletics to practise the times table you are working on.


LO: To understand that some materials can change state when heated.

Research the temperature that different materials melt at and create a poster demonstrating the different melting points.

Try researching materials such as…





Olive Oil



Candle Wax








