Hawkstone Homework

Every week on a Friday your child will be given Spellings, Reading and one other piece of homework to complete. This may be Times Tables, Maths, Reading Comprehension, Science or Topic.

Some children will also receive weekly Handwriting homework.

Your child will also have access to Purple Mash Spellings and Times Tables activities, Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars to complete online – this is not compulsory but is a fun way to practise.

Your child is expected to read for at least five minutes, at least four times a week and to record what they have read in their Reading Diary. This may be to a parent, a sibling, another relative or to themselves but whoever has listened to them read must record in their diary.

Your child is expected to practise their spellings using Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check at least five times before the test on Friday. If you find that your child learns spellings best in another way, for example using a more hands on approach, using colours or rhymes to help them then please make sure we see the evidence that they have practised. This could be a photo sent to the class email or via Class Dojo.

Your child is also expected to write five sentences (starting with a capital letter and ending with a punctuation mark) containing as many of their spelling words as possible to demonstrate that they understand what each spelling word means and can use it in context. Their cheeky challenge is to include all ten spellings in their five sentences.

Homework books will be collected in on a Friday and a Spell Check will take place on a Friday.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Best wishes,

Mrs Holmes and Miss Salter

Monday 15th June Home learning for Stiperstones and Hawkstone

Good morning Everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

We are starting a new topic for this week on the Olympic Games – as of course they have had to be cancelled this year due to Covid 19.

Maths – Today’s session is about thousandths as decimals. Watch the video tutorial and then complete the activities provided. https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/resource/thousandths-as-decimals-video-tutorial/


English – Re watch the video that you watched on Friday – The Present https://www.teachingideas.co.uk/the-present

  • Why doesn’t the boy want to go outside at the beginning of the story? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
  • Pause the video at different points (e.g. 0.09, 0.44, 1.05, 2.40 and 3.10) and describe how each character is feeling. How do you know?
  • What does it mean to be disabled? What types of disabilities are there and how do they affect different people?
  • Investigate the achievements of disabled people around the world.
  • Find out about the Paralympics and investigate the achievements of athletes with disabilities.

Science – Some of you have already started your animal life cycles from the pack. If you haven’t you could choose one of the following. Watch the power point first.  Lesson Presentation Comparing Life Cycles

Activity Sheet Life Cycles Research

Activity Sheet Life Cycles Research

Week one of the Blue Peter badge challenge – Green Badge

Green badge ‘ Show your saving the planet’.

Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures and  things you make that are about or inspired by the environment, conservation or nature.


Here are a few ideas as to how you can achieve the Green Blue Peter Badge.

  1. Make a bird feeder,
  2. Create a garden box
  3. Plant some seeds
  4. Build a bug hotel
  5. Ocean crafts
  6. Endangered animal pictures
  7. Make a birds nest
  8. Create a poster linked to Chester Zoo and the impact of COVID 19
  9. Write a letter to David  Attenborough

To apply for a Green badge you must:

  • Be between 6 – 15 years old
  • Ask your parent or guardian for permission and ask them to read the Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page
  • Please tell us about what you have done to help the environment or send us something with an environmental theme to earn your Green badge. You could write us a letter to tell us about something you’ve done to help the environment, or a poem or story that has been inspired with a green twist. Perhaps you wish to create an artwork or model or idea for helping our planet, animals or nature.
  • Also include: your full name, your date of birth, your home postal address and postcode (not your school address) and that you are applying for a Green badge
  • Post it to Blue Peter with the correct stamp on it (you’ll need a ‘large letter’ stamp if sending an A4, or to pay for parcel postage if bigger than a letter)

Send your application letter and any other materials to the following address:

Blue Peter



M50 2BH

Alternatively, for a limited time, you can email your application and scanned documents to bluepeter@bbc.co.uk.

Need inspiration?

Why not check out the badge wall segment live on Blue Peter (Thursdays, 5:30pm on CBBC), catch up on BBC iPlayer OR visit the ‘Post of the Week’ page.

What happens when I’ve sent my application?

Thousands of children apply for badges each year and it can take up to 10 weeks for your badge to arrive, so please be patient! If you have any further questions, check out our badge Q&A pages.



Please note: Current UK government advice advises everyone to stay at home and so for the time being, you will not be able to visit Blue Peter Badge attractions.

Earn a Blue Peter Badge – competition for all!

‘What BP badge should you earn?

If you’re itching to get your hands on a Blue Peter badge, but don’t know where to start, this is the quiz for you! This quiz uses top of the range technology to decipher what BP badge is perfect for you.’


Click on the start at the top of the page and this will help you choose a badge to apply for.


To apply visit the Blue Peter link below and apply through their page.


There are eight badges you can earn…

Blue badge

Blue badges are awarded for sending in interesting letters, stories, pictures, poems, good ideas for the programme, and for having appeared on Blue Peter.

Once you’ve got a Blue badge you can apply for a Silver badge.

Green badge

Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures and makes that are about the environment, conservation or nature.


Silver badge

Silver badges are awarded to Blue badge holders who go on to make an extra effort. For example, if you won a Blue badge for an interesting letter or email, you could win a Silver badge by sending us something different such as a make, picture or a poem.

Fan Club badge

Purple Fan Club badges are awarded for joining the Blue Peter fan club and answering some questions about the show and the website.

Music badge

The Music badge is a very special badge, designed by superstar Ed Sheeran. It’s awarded to those who show off their passion for music by learning a new instrument or being part of a musical performance.

Sport badge

The Sport badge is awarded for getting active and trying a sport or physical activity that you have never tried before. Each year a new limited edition badge is released that is only available during the summer. This means you can collect a new Sport badge every single year!

Applications for 2020 are open now and will close in late September 2020. Due to current circumstances, earning your Sport badge is a little different this year, so remember to read all the instructions.

Orange badge

Orange badges are given to winners and runners up of Blue Peter competitions. To have a chance of winning one of these badges you have to enter a Blue Peter competition, which only run during certain times in the year. For more information on competitions and whether a competition is open or not visit the  competition page.

Gold badge

Gold badges are very rare indeed. Each year only a few are awarded in exceptional circumstances for outstanding achievements, for example being solely responsible for saving someone’s life, or showing amazing and unique bravery, courage and citizenship. (You must already have at least one of the other badges).

On very rare occasions, extraordinary adults can also be awarded a Gold Blue Peter badge. Recipients are high profile personalities who are considered to be role models, inspiring the nation’s children.


Watch Blue Peter live on Thursdays at 5:30pm on CBBC and iPlayer and join the Blue Peter Fan Club Live Chat every Thursday 5:30 – 6:30pm.




Year 5 Maths and English

English – Learn how to use synonyms and antonyms.


Why are antonyms and synonyms useful?

Antonyms and synonyms are especially useful for story writing (narrative) as they help a writer to:

  • Describe and explain in a way that creates a clear image in the reader’s mind.
  • Avoid repetition so your writing doesn’t become boring.


Two words are synonyms if their meanings are the same or similar.

Words such as:

  • rapid OR fast

  • road OR motorway

  • travel OR move


Two words are antonyms if their meanings are opposite.

Words such as:

  • fast OR slow

  • carefully OR carelessly

When completed the activities – visit the game  link below.



Maths –  Learn how to multiply unit and non-unit fractions by an integer.


When you’re multiplying fractions by an integer (or a whole number) you multiply the numerator of the fraction by the whole number, whilst the denominator of the fraction stays the same.

Think about the following example.

If you have an apple and divide it into 8 equal parts or slices, you are dividing it into eighths (⅛). 8 eighths make a whole apple.

If you eat 5 slices of this apple throughout the day, what fraction of the apple have you eaten?

Bar model showing 5 eighths

The equal parts that have been eaten are represented in yellow on the bar model above.

To calculate the fraction of the apple that has been eaten, you can add up all 5 parts.

⅛ + ⅛ + ⅛ + ⅛ + ⅛ = ⅝

You have eaten  of the apple. This method is called repeated addition.

You can also represent this through multiplication. You have eaten 5 slices of apple, and each slice of apple is ⅛ of the apple:

5 × ⅛ = ⅝

As you can see, the numerator (1) is multiplied by 5, but the denominator (8) stays the same.


Year 4 English and Maths

English – To be able to use the suffixes -ous and -sion.


suffix is a letter or a group of letters that can be added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

After completing the activities, if visit the link below you can access games linked to ‘ous’ and ‘sion’. This resource is available for free as part of BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons.


Maths – Learn how to add two fractions together.


Adding fractions with the same denominators doesn’t have to be complicated, so long as you remember the simple rule: only add the numerators.

When the denominators are the same number, you just keep it that way.

Home Learning – Art Lesson 6 Colour Monster

Hi everyone! Welcome back to your Art lessons online. I hope you have fun drawing along with the artist today.

Ceramic Artist James DeRosso . TV | OPB

In today’s lesson we are inspired by an artist who loves to draw and create little monsters. We are also going to learn a little bit more about the different type of colours and their names.

Bat Flop | ART Elements GalleryA Monster Party in the Art Room...James DeRosso inspired Monsters ...

You don’t have to copy my drawings exactly, for this lesson if you want to change the colours on your colour wheel or how your monster looks that’s fine, it is your art! If you don’t have the same resources at home don’t worry, just use what you have.

Home learning – Art Lesson on Tall Birds with Salvador Dali

In today’s lesson we are inspired by an artist who loves to draw his dreams, Salvador Dali. These pictures can look strange and sometimes very funny. I hope this lesson helps you to see the fun in Art and you can have a little giggle with as well!

Salvador Dali - 1162 artworks - painting

You don’t have to copy the drawings exactly, for this lesson you might want to change the animal that you add your long legs too or maybe you want your animal to have long arms, it is your art!

Salvador Dalí: Painting "Les Elephants", (1948) framed - ars mundiDo you think Salvador Dali was a great artist or just a showman ...

If you don’t have the same resources at home don’t worry, just use what you have. You could even try and make your own.

The Persistence of Memory Painting By Salvador Dali - Reproduction ...

I hope you have fun drawing and painting along with the artist.

Home learning – Art Lesson Illustrating and Dreaming with Quentin Blake

In today’s lesson we are inspired by an illustrator who has drawn pictures for lots of children’s books. I think you might recognise some of them! It’s also a time for you to think about your dreams, big or small.

BBC - Quentin Blake on working with a big friendly giant

As we are staying in and staying safe, now might be the perfect time to think of something that you would love to do one day, or maybe even start on your dream today!

Quentin Blake: Roald Dahl rewrote the BFG because of my drawings ...

You don’t have to copy thedrawings exactly, for this lesson you might want to change the character and you will definitely want to add in your own dream, it is your art!

Coronavirus: Quentin Blake makes rainbows to raise pots of gold ...

If you don’t have the same resources as the artist at home don’t worry, just use what you have. You could even try and make your own.

I hope you have fun drawing and painting along with the artist!