Year 5 English, Maths and Reading Comprehension

I hope you all had a lovely weekend celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE DAY. I would love to see all your pictures – please send to

This week we will be focusing on work set on BBC Bitesize.

English – Learn to write a formal report

Formal language

The purpose of your writing, as well as your audience, will help you decide whether to use a formal or informal style of language.

In an informative report, formal language is used and may include the following features:

  • A serious instead of a chatty tone.
  • Clear and to the point.
  • Specialist vocabulary for the subject.
  • No slang or contractions ( there is instead of there’s ).
  • Includes complex sentences.


  • Formal: ‘We must go to the library and study.’

  • Informal: ‘We’ve got to head to the library and hit the books!’

The key features of a formal report:

  • Research your topic first – find out key facts, interesting information and organise into groups.

  • Brief introduction – explain what/who you are writing about and why it/they are special.

  • Sub-headings – break up your writing into easily identifiable sections.

  • Formal language.

  • Facts only – not your opinion – use statistics or studies to support your points.

  • Layout – make your report clear and use pictures to illustrate key points.


Please visit link below to watch videos and complete all work

Maths – Using a formula, learn how to work out the area of a shape.

I have added a few posters to remind you of area, you my find it easier to use squared paper.

Please visit link below to watch videos and complete work

Reading comprehension –

Please click on the links below to access the reading comprehension and questions

Captain Tom Moore Newspaper

QUESTIONS – Captain Tom Moore Newspaper

Please visit the BBC  BITESIZE sites and I will be posting more work this week.


Year 4 English, Maths and Reading Comprehension

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend celebrating the 75th anniversary for VD Day – I would love to see all your pictures – please send to

This week we are looking at work which is available on BBC BiteSize –

English – Recounts  To understand what a recount is.

A recount is when you describe an event that you’ve experienced to someone who wasn’t there. You could recount anything. For example: a day at school, a sports game you took part in or even a dream you had.

How to write a recount

1. Write in the first person ( I, me, my ) because it happened to you.

For example: I felt excited.

2. Use the past tense because it has already happened.

For example: It was the biggest fish I had ever seen!

3. Write in chronological order (this means the order in which events actually happened). Use adverbs of time to show this, such as: firstly, next, then and finally.

4. Use descriptive words and expanded noun phrases to help your reader imagine what happened.

For example: The huge, silver fish was shiny and slippery.

5. Focus on the most exciting parts. You don’t need to include all the boring details.

Please visit the site below to access the videos and work. 

Maths –  Problem solving with multiplication and division.

Here are a few reminders of the strategies we learnt prior to being off.

Please visit link below to access the work

Please work through the BBC BITESIZE. I will be setting more work thought out the week.

READING COMPREHENSION – below is a reading comprehension about VE Day please see attached reading comp and questions .

Y3-4 VE Day – Reading comprehension

QUESTIONS – Y3-4 VE Day – Reading comprehension


Following on from Mrs Thompstone’s VE Day post earlier in the week, if you are after something a little different see below.

The National Museum of the Royal Navy, the National Army Museum and the Royal Air Force Museum are joining forces to host a free online festival, bringing to life the stories of those who helped deliver Victory in Europe. Below are a few idea of what you could do over the weekend. Remember keep safe.



Please see party pack for a selection of craft ideas – VE_Day_75_ PARTY_PACK

Please send any pictures of your VE Day celebration to

Have a lovely day.

Natural History Museum – Virtual Tour

For our school trip we were due to go to the World Museum in Liverpool. However due to current situation we were unable to go and I didn’t want you missing out.

I can try and provide the next best thing.

Have you watched Night at the Museum?

This film shows you what it is like in a museum and from watching this last week, I thought how wonderful it would be to visit. The location for this film was the American Museum of Natural History in New York… Sorry I can’ take you to New York But I can take you on a virtual tour to  ‘ The National History Museum‘ in London.

London’s Natural History Museum plays itself in the Paddington movie.

Museum-map-March-2019 (1)

If you click on the links above and delve into the Museum from home with a virtual self-guided tour of the galleries, an interactive experience about Hope the blue whale and audio guides narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

Take time to explore click on the link below to access the teaching resources, there are lots of activities for you to do and you could carry on your own research to create a fact file, with a time line of history.

Also a range of try this at home activities 

You can hang ouf with the scientist  and join the Nature Live Online team on Tuesdays at 12.00 and Fridays at 10.30 for interactive talks featuring topical discussions with our scientists and cutting-edge research.

What a wonderful resource to have access to. Please forward any completed work to . I would love to see what you have found out.

Have fun and enjoy the journey! Also watch the movies above and enjoy the history. You could even write a film review.


Maths, English, Science home learning

I hope you all found BBC Bitesize good and easy enough to follow. I will be setting work for the next few days as I am in school Wednesday and Thursday.

I have set a few 2Dos on Purple Mash. Please try to complete a fact file about a number of famous people- Marie Curie and Charles Darwin. While looking through Purple Mash, I found a home learning activity page.  I have set 2 English activities. Please have a go and let me know what they are like. There are 2 sheet to accompany the work.

Grammar Printables Y5a – Parts of speech

Grammar Printables Y4c – Expanded noun phrases (1)

Also can I ask you to look back at the ART competition Mr Hughes posted. If you have any questions please contact myself at or Mr Hughes at


English Bitesize carry on from yesterday- year 5 it would be good if you can still recap year 4 Work ( you should be confident with fronted adverbials) . 

YEAR 4 To understand what fronted adverbials are and how to punctuate them correctly.

ACTIVITY 1 –  Complete this short activity by highlighting the fronted adverbials.

Remember: Fronted adverbials are used at the start of a sentence.



ACTIVITY 4 –  write six sentences about what happens in spring video using a fronted adverbial in every sentence.

YEAR 5 Learn how to use prepositions for effect in a setting description.

ACTIVITY 1 – highlight the prepositions in the text

ACTIVITY 2 – Think carefully about you can see. Write down five ideas.

3) Write three descriptive sentences about the image that include a preposition or prepositional phrase at the start of your sentence.


‘Far below the booming waterfall, a man stood staring at its enticing glow.’

‘High above in the twilight sky, the glowing light danced in the man’s eyes.’

Top tip!

  • Remember, prepositions or prepositional phrases can be used in different places within your sentences. In this example, a prepositional phrase has been used at the end of the sentence:

‘The dragon focused in on the cascading waterfall as he flew within the thick cloud’.

ACTIVITY 3 – A messy bedroom sheet A messy bedroom


Maths Bitesize carry on from today

YEAR 4 Learn how to multiply hundreds, tens and ones by ones

ACTIVITY 2 – Multiplying a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number

YEAR 5 Practise and become confident multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using the formal method



Have a good few days and if anyone needs any more packs or work please contact me.

Keep safe.

Curiosity English lessons 4 and 5

So the next stage is to reveal the contents of the suitcase…

Who does the suitcase belong to? Where have they been? Where will they go next?

So today and tomorrow, I want you to look over the diary entries and become familiar with how diaries are written. Read the examples and look at the Success Criteria of what to include.

Write a diary entry as if the suitcase belongs to you. It will will be written as if you have been on an adventure and reflecting on the day.(Maybe at the end of the day- before you go to bed).

Tell me all about your adventures, link this back to your senses. What you saw, can smell, taste, touch and hear. Try to include any spellings from the 3/4 or 5/6 spelling list you have been learning.


Use a variety of fronted adverbials and remember correct punctuation (we looked at the last week). Use a range of conjunctions ‘A WHITE BUS’. Again something else we looked at last week. And lastly, use expanded noun phrases to make your writing more interesting. I cannot wait to read the diary entries. Please email to

After your diary entry, please write a where you think they may go next on their adventure? Why might they be going there? Also who with? I am curious to see what you think.



dairy victorian_workhouse_diary diary

my_amazing_school_day diary

dairymy_amazing_school_day diary



I will be posting Holy Trinity Celebrations tomorrow, so please continue to send work examples. Thank you.

Home Art Lesson 5

Still Life Observational Drawings

Can you draw something right infront of you? Choose some objects in your house and place them together. Watch the video below and have a go!

Observational Drawing for Kids :: Tips for Getting StartedLeaf Drawings | Leaf drawing, Observational drawing, Drawings

estorick-morandi-still-life-21332.jpg | Modern graphic art, Art ...

Millicent Kaye Art Competition 2020

The Rotary Club of Oswestry established this award in 1996 in honour of Millicent Kaye, who died earlier that year.

The Award is based on a competition which is open to all students in Key Stage 2 at primary schools in Oswestry.

Prizes are awarded both to the individual artist and the school they represent. There is also an award for the school which has, in the opinion of the judge, made outstanding effort.

Each year the Club sets a theme for the competition which aims to be flexible and easily adapted to the curriculum. The theme for this year is ‘PLAYING‘.

The students can submit their 2D piece of artwork electronically and the Border Counties Advertiser and Oswestry Advertiser have expressed an interest in shwoing the winning entries in their papers.

Please send pictures of your ‘Playing’ themed 2D artwork to your class email by Sunday 10th May for judging.

Good Luck!