English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English ,over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the book -Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers”.

We will be setting lessons based around the story, developing your English skills, handwriting and comprehension.



For Monday, we would like you to look at the front cover and write a prediction of what you think the book is about. Study the image, text and Tagline. We would like you to write a paragraph explaining your reason for your prediction.

Have a think about what is going to happen? Why you think it may happen in the story? What clues have you been given from the front cover of the book ? What characters may be in the book ?

See work sheet below:-

Monday Worksheet

Please don’t hesitate to contact either  Miss Kerr or Miss Hutson if you are unsure.

Thank you as always



Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Maths

Long Mynd:- 

Today’s lesson will be focusing on comparing statements. Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Comparing Statements

Cheeky challenge 

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.


Today’s lesson will be focusing on Written methods . Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Written Methods 

Cheeky Challenge

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….

PE and RE- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE – With The Wright Way

Wake up , and MOVE with The Wright Way Group.

Why not start the new week off, with some fun PE with Callum.

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next session


Over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the bible story-Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat .

We would like you to watch the video clip of Joseph and complete the activity for todays lesson explained below.

Using pencils or colouring pencils we would like you retell the story , rewrite the story or draw the drawing out in sequence in 9 steps.


Please see an example of story sequencing above. We have added an example of how you may wish to set your story sequence out, however if you would like to create your own please feel free to do so.

story sequence worksheet

If you could upload your work onto Dojo or via the class email address. Please remember no pictures of children via Dojo only class email.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr


Mental Health Week – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Morning and welcome to ‘Mental Health Week’, this week is a little different with less screen time and more creativity. We are having a more relaxed week where we will be posting a time table  (see below) for you to work through as you wish and what best suit you as a family. 

  • The focus for English is the book,  ‘A huge bag off worries’.
  • The Maths theme is shop and supermarket
  • The afternoons are based around five areas: Arts and Crafts, Music and Performance, Science and Discovery, Sports and Fitness, Design and Food Technology. 

This year’s theme is Express Yourself.

In the message, The Duchess of Cambridge said:


“This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is all about expressing yourself – about finding creative ways in which to share your thoughts, ideas and feelings. So whether that’s through photography, through art, through drama, through music or poetry – it’s finding those things that makes you feel good about yourself.

For Children’s Mental Health Week 2021, we will be encouraging children (and adults) to explore the different ways we can express ourselves, and the creative ways that we can share our feelings, our thoughts and our ideas.

Mr Dickson will be holding a zoom introduction at 9:30- link  on Dojo.


Meeting ID: 917 3364 2762
Passcode: Hello

Following on from this, Miss Kerr will be out of class home learning while Miss Hutson is back in class teaching. We will be holding a range of catch up support sessions daily where you can attend if you feel your child will benefit from any of the sessions.

Support sessions will include: handwriting, reading, sentence structure or please message if you feel you need 1:1 support with another area. Simply send a  message via DOJO or class email if you would like to set any of these up. Links will be sent the night before. All welcome.




Below we have attached a weekly journal, please work through this and send  the completed journal at the end of the week. Remember the aim for this week is to have less screen time, so we understand if you only log on the website once a week.







Time table: Mental Health Week

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Well done you have now finished the book The Iron Man, please watch the short video clip.  Today you will be designing your own book cover and blurb for ‘The Iron Man’ using your character you created at the beginning of the week.



  • Your favourite part
  • The characters – Iron Man, Space like bat
  • Junk yard
  • Hogarth
  • Iron Man on a cliff
  • Iron Man in pieces

Click to enlarge.

Have a look at some of the front covers below for inspiration.

Click to enlarge 

Here is a template to make your own.

If you want to design a new book cover and write a new blurb, I have attached a document below.  book cover and blurb


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please listen to Chapter 5 above, if you would like to read the Chapter please see the document below.

THE IRON MAN Chapter 5

We are now on the last chapter of the book. In todays lesson I would like you to write a diary entry as if you were Hogarth, you will need to reflect on the story to recall the events that have taken place so far. Remember to use Full stops, Capital letters and past tense.

Based on the day that he first set eyes on The Iron Man. Think about how he would be feeling that night….excited? Worried? Anxious? What happened  the next morning?


Monday 25th January 2021

On Monday I was out fishing when I came across a huge iron beast, I was so scared, I had never seen anything so big before. The first thing I did was run back to our farm to tell my dad; I was so nervous he was not going to believe me…


Dairy Entry Work Sheet


Have a look at these useful tips to help you write your diary entry.

Click to enlarge. 

Have a look at the video below for some tips on what you need to include.

Thursday afternoon PE and French


This afternoon you are to be doing PE and some French, I would like you to start with a PE session by Callum from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.



FRENCH: Today you will be learning family members in French, please watch the YouTube videos below and have a go.

Once you have had a go at the videos please have a go at making your family tree using the document below.

Click to enlarge.



Can you find all the family members in the French word search, see image below.

Click to enlarge.