Long Mynd and Hawkstone- Maths

Long Mynd:- 



Worksheet Multiply by 8 

Worksheet Divide by 8 

Cheeky Challenge

True of False –

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Wednesday afternoon PE and Music


This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Callum from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.


MUSIC: Today in music you will be looking at harps music, have a listen to the YouTube videos below.





Below I have attached some images of the Harp for you to have a look at.


Once you have listened to some of the harp music from the clips above you will be making your own harps from the resources that have been provided by school. You can decorate these however you would like, have fun.

See example below.


Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Maths

Long Mynd:-



Worksheet- Multiply by 4

Worksheet- Divide by 4

Cheeky Challenge

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Worksheet – Factor pairs

True of False –

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please have a listen to Chapter 4 above, If you would like to read the chapter please see the document below.

Chapter 4

Today, you will be creating a wanted poster for the ‘bird like space-being’ that attacks the Earth in Chapter 4. See image below.

‘On the fifth night, the astronomers saw that it seemed to be either a bat, or a
black angel, or a flying lizard – a dreadful silhouette, flying out of the center of that
giant star, strait towards the earth. What was coming out of the giant star?’


‘Terribly black, terribly scaly, terribly knobbly, terribly horned, terribly hairy,
terribly clawed, terribly fanged, with vast indescribably terrible eyes, each one as big
as Switzerland. There it sat, covering the whole of Australia, its tail trailing away over
Tasmania into the sea, its foreclaws on the headlands of the Gulf of Carpentaria’.


‘But the next morning, early, its giant voice came rumbling round the world.
The space-bat-angel-dragon was speaking. It wanted to be fed. And what it wanted to
eat was – living things. People, animals, forests, it didn’t care which, so long as the
food was alive. But it had better be fed quickly, otherwise it would roll out its tongue
longer than the Trans-Siberian railway, and lick huge swathes of life off the surface of
the earth – cities, forests, farmlands, whatever there was. It would leave the world
looking like a charred pebble – unless it were fed and fed quickly’.



I have attached 2 templates for you to look over an understand the layout of a wanted poster. You must include:

  • NAME:
  • AGE:
  • REWARD: £   …….

Wanted Poster Work sheet, see page 2.

Please click image to enlarge.

Have a look at the ‘WAGOLL’ what a good one looks like for ideas.



Tuesday Afternoon Design and Technology

Today you will be making your own rock bag using the resources that school have provided. This rock bag could be used by David to hold the rocks used to defeat Goliath.

Reaching into his pouch he pulled out a stone, put it into his slingshot and shot it at Goliath. The stone had hit him right between his eyes and suddenly Goliath started to loose his balance. He fell with a loud thud right on his face. David had done it, he beat the giant Philistine!

Below are 2 images of what the rock bag may look like.

Please watch the YouTube clip for instructions on how to make your rock bag.

Please be careful with sharp scissors and ask a parent or carer to help and supervise. You can decorate the pouch by adding beads, glitter, buttons etc if you have any items  at home but these are not essential.

I have attached a ‘David and Goliath’ game:  https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/crafts/pbagofstones-game.asp


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter 3 above. If you would like to read the chapter I have attached this below.

THE IRON MAN chapter 3

Today you will be writing a letter of apology to the Iron Man. In Chapter 3, Hogarth regrets trapping the Iron Man in the pit. He says,

“We’re sorry we trapped you and buried you,” shouted the little boy. “We
promise we’ll not deceive you again. Follow us and you can have all the metal you
want. Brass too. Aluminium too. And lots of old chrome. Follow us.”


You need to imagine you are Hogarth; you are feeling very guilty about trapping the Iron Man in the pit. Write a letter to express how you feel. Remember to explain why you believe you need to say sorry and how you intend to make up for your actions. Here is an example of the layout of an informal letter (click image to enlarge):

Please see worksheet below.


If you are unsure on how to write your letter, have a look at the PowerPoint below for step by step instructions on how to set it out.

Letter PowerPoint

Use the image below to help you write your letter. Remember to say who your letter is to, why your are writing your letter and make sure you say who it is from at the end. Click image to enlarge.

Remember to send a copy of your work through the class Dojo to Myself or Mis Kerr as  we both have access to both classes. Or to the class email:








Long Mynd and Hawkstone- Maths

Long Mynd:-

Aut3.11.1 – Multiply by 3 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Aut3.11.2 – Divide by 3 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Cheeky Challenge

Cheeky challenge

True of False –

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Spr4.1.2 – Multiply 3 numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo


Cheeky Challenge

True of False –

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter 3 above. If you would like to read the chapter please see the document below:

THE IRON MAN chapter 3

Today you will be creating a job application for the Iron Man. You need to include persuasive language to offer his services. You need to think about his skills and abilities,  and tell me why he should be hired and what he could would be useful for.

please see worksheet below.

Iron Man Advert- See page 2 


Here are some examples for persuasive writing to help you

Please listen to the video below to find out what persuasive writing can be used for.

Monday PE and Junk Modelling


This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Callum from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his TouTube channel and subscribe to today’s session.



JUNK MODELLING: Today you will be creating an Iron Man using resources you can find around your home. You could use boxes, tins, cans, tin foil or anything else you can find – use your imagination.

Please see images below for examples.

Send you images through dojo’s road the class emails.


Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Maths

Long Mynd:-

Aut3.9.1 – Multiplication – equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Cheeky Challenge

step 1 true or false

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….


Spr4.1.1 – 11 and 12 times-table from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Cheeky Challenge

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….