Junk modelling Noah’s Ark

For Today’s lesson you will be making your own Noah’s ark using resources from your house (junk modelling). Please watch the video below for an example of one of the tasks we are setting.


Task 2: Junk model Noah’s Ark

What is buoyancy?

Next watch the BBC Bitesize video clip (which also features a game)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4qtvcw/articles/zytqj6f –


Now try your Noah’s Ark home-made boat in the bath:



Please send pictures of the before and after the experiment. But no photos of you in the bath.

Floating and sinking

When something is in water, there are two forces acting on it. Its weight and the force of the water pushing up, the upthrust.

If the weight is equal to or less than the upthrust, it floats. Things that float are buoyant.

If the weight is greater than the upthrust, it sinks.

Noahs Ark Science- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE – 

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session  with Callum.

This afternoon we would like you to carry out the science experiment below to create a rainbow like the one that appears at the end of the bible story Noah’s ark.


Please send in any photos or videos of you carrying the experiment out. We look forward to seeing them.

We would also like you to draw a rainbow. Then to be able to write a sentence explaining what a rainbow symbolises to you.

As always any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr



Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone



Please listen to the story again and then look at the image where dad and daughter are asleep. Imagine them dreaming of a future together. If you could dream, have wishes and hopes for the future what would you write?

Think about your life, family life, career / job, places to visit or live, pets, well wishes for others and travelling.

E.G In the future, I wish for…..

In ten years time I want to…

Please focus on capital letters, full stops and adverbs of time. Click on the image below to enlarge. Please complete writing template below.

wishes and hopes  sheet



Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Aut3.7.2 – Add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Cheeky challenge

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers



Aut4.11.2 – Multiply and divide by 3 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

There is no worksheet today this a recap of all of last week’s work. Please answer the questions in the video.

HINT: Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawktone

To describe your favourite items, using capital letters, full stops – concentrating on common nouns. Click on image to make bigger.

Think about your favourite items.

Prompts might include:

  • What was the texture of it/ What does it feel like to touch?
  • What sort of sound would it make?
  • If you stepped on it, what sort of sound would it make?
  • When it moves, how would you describe its movements?
  • What colour is it?
  • As you look at your object , what can you see?
  • Does your object have a certain smell or taste? Does it take you back to a certain time of place?
  •  How does it make you feel? Why?Emotions…

E.G My favourite item would be my red jewellery box because it was given to me by my nanna. It is red velvet and plays classical music. When I hold my red jewellery box, my mind goes back to the day my Nanna gave it to me!

To-describe-your-favourite-items 9am

Please watch the video below to help understand nouns.

Friday Funday Maths

What a fantastic week from both long Mynd and Hawkstone. I know its not the easiest to home school but the effort and dedication I have seen this week is fantastic.

For today’s maths I would like you to spend time on: Purple mash, Mathletics, Numbots and Time tables Rockstars.

Its time to have fun and play some games. I am attaching 3 games, read the instructions and i have also included the resources card. You may need a dice, however if you don’t have one make number cards and randomly pick one.

Shut the Box

Shut the box cards


Snap cards

Tug of War

 tug of war line

Music and PE

Please watch and listen to the songs about Noah’s Art,  try to learn and sign along.  I have attached the song lyrics in a word document. ENJOY!

LYRICS – The animals went in two by two

Hoorah! Hoorah!
The animals went in two by two
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The animals went in two by two
The elephant and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark
For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in three by three…

The animals went in four by four…

The animals went in five by five…

The animals went in six by six…

The animals went in seven by seven…

The animals went in eight by eight…

The animals went in nine by nine…

The animals went in ten by ten…


animals_two_by_two lyrics


PE – 

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session  with Callum.


Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd:


Cheeky challenge:

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers.



Cheeky challenge:

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers.

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please listen to the story by Miss Wright and complete the sheet below.

Reflect on the story, what dad and daughter have achieved so far. They are resting/ taking time to reflect! This is an ideal time to write a diary entry on what has happened so far. Remember to use full stops, capital letters and past tense.

E.G – Monday 11th January 2021

On Monday, dad and I gathered all of ours tools to start building, I was extremely excited, we used ours tools to put things together and take them apart. First, we…

Diary-Entry sheet

Click images to enlarge