Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd:


Cheeky Challenge:

Remember to get into the habit of using a range of STEM sentence openers to explain your reasoning and problem solving.



Cheeky Challenge:

Remember to get into the habit of using a range of STEM sentence openers to explain your reasoning and problem solving.

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Today’s lesson is a character description of dad. Re-watch the telling of the story and brainstorm adjectives of what type of person / character dad is. E.G caring, happy.

Then write a descriptive paragraph about dad. Focusing on capital letters, full stops and expanded noun phrases. See writing template below

From the story

I have included a short video explain what expanded nouns phrases are and how to include them in your writing.

Tuesday PM – Science – The water cycle

We will be focusing  on the water cycle. I have attached two images of the water cycle and a powerpoint to look over. Once you have looked at the powerpoint, I want you to either conduct an investigation ( see below) or if you don’t have the correct equipment, draw the water cycle.

water cycle explanation powerpoint

water cycle experiment

The next experiment you can do is the rain cloud

Experiment see below – experiment 2

Have fun and please send lots of pictures through the class emails:

Longmynd@holytrinitycepa.co.uk  or Hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk


Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawktone class.

Following on from yesterday, the next lesson in the sequence is as followed:

Long Mynd:


Cheeky Challenge:

True or false

HINT: Prove it to me by working out the answer, is it 58? If not, where did they go wrong? Can you work out the correct answer?

Remember to use get in the habit of using the STEM sentence openers to help you reason and problem solve.



Cheeky Challenge:

HINT: Remember the greater than, less than symbol. Work out each side first. The calculation is saying the one on the left is the bigger answer. Is this true of false?

Remember to use get in the habit of using the STEM sentence openers to help you reason and problem solve.

E.G I used my knowledge of division to……


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Tuesday

Please listen to the story by Miss Wright and complete the sheet below.

Brain storm the word ‘build’ then write the brainstorm into a paragraph, focusing on capital letters, full stops and conjunctions.

FOCUS Q – What do you think they will build and why?

Refer to the words used in the text. E.g love, boat, fortress. Try to use all the words from the book and brain storm.

E.G In the book ‘What we’ll build’, I think they will build a fortress because it will keep them safe.

what we’ll build – ‘build’. sheet


Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today I am setting work for both Long Mynd and  Hawkstone class carrying on the sequence of learning  from the previous week.

Long Mynd:


Please complete sheet above.

Cheek challenge:

When answering the cheeky challenge, please try and explain your reasoning! Try to use a stem sentence opener to extend your learning! If you need to draw and prove it then a place value grid may help you.

Hawk stone:


Please complete sheet above.

Cheeky challenge:

When answering the cheeky challenge please try and explain your reasoning! Try to use a stem sentence opener to extend your learning! If you need to draw and prove it then a place value grid may help you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or Miss Kerr if you are unsure.

Thank you

Long Mynd and Hawkstone English and RE

For English over the next two weeks we will be focusing at the book “What we’ll build by Oliver Jeffers”.

For Monday, we would like you to look at the front cover and write a prediction of what you think the book is about. Study the image, text and Tagline. We would like you to write a paragraph explaining your reason for your prediction.

See work sheet below:-


For RE, we would like you to Watch the video clip of Noah’s ark. Using pencils or colouring pencils retell us the story , rewrite the story or draw the drawing out in sequence.

Please see an example of story sequencing above.

If you could upload your work onto Dojo or via the class email address. Please remember no pictures of children via Dojo only class email.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr

Long Mynd and Hawkstone Week commencing 11th January 2021

This week Miss Kerr will be in teaching in class with Miss Salter. Miss Hutson , Mrs Rowley and Miss Russel will be doing the online learning and zoom meetings for both classes.

Our afternoon activities will be based around the Bible Story Noah’s Ark for two weeks. There will be a range of Art, Music, Geography, Science and PE.

Watch out for work scheduled via the website to be live on Monday.

English will be based on the story What we’ll build by Oliver Jeffers. Work will be allocated daily over a two week period.

Maths will also be allocated daily.

Please do not hesitate to contact us either via Dojo or via the class emails below.



Thank you for your continued support .

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr.

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please find the link below for today’s English Lesson.  I would like you to have a go at answering the comprehension questions, designing a front cover for one of the books in the picture or re writing the silly sentences adding adjectives and adverbs.
