A week in Hawkstone class

⭐️ Star of the week Harri ⭐️

Well done Harri for his maturity in settling into year 4 with a positive attitude to learning. He has been a superstar.

In pe this half term we have been focusing on our ball sports, agility, coordination and balance.

In science, we have been organising toys into different groups, we brought our favourite toys in from home to talk about their features.

As part of our outdoor pe session, the children are focusing on football taught by our outside agency.

We have had a busy week and look forward to the next week. Thank you for your continued support.

Hawkstone News

⭐️ Well done to Ellie who is our first star of the week. 🌟

She has settled well into year 4 and has been a role model to the other children in the class. Well done.


This week we had our first pe sessions. We have football on a Tuesday and multi skills on a Friday. We rotated around the tasks and performed different skills- agility, balance and coordination.

Our geography unit is the local area. We recapped on what we knew about the world and then focused on our local area Oswestry. We used google maps to help us find familiar places such as our school, our home, shops and the supermarket.

Each year the children have the opportunity to become a member of the school council. They write a manifesto and present this to the class where they will vote for 2 members. The children did a fantastic job- we will announce the new members this week.


Hawkstone’s first week back

Welcome to the Hawkstone Class page and the start of an exciting new school year! We kicked off on Wednesday, with the children spending the rest of the week getting to know one another, sharing stories about their summer holidays, and settling into the classroom routine.

This year promises to be full of exciting opportunities, with engaging activities, trips, sporting events, and a rich, diverse curriculum to look forward to. We can’t wait to see what this year brings! Please visit our class page for the latest updates and photos showcasing the work we’ve been doing.

If you have any questions or need to reach me, feel free to contact me through Class Dojo. This week, we’ll be sharing the class newsletter and curriculum map, which will include all the key information for the Autumn term.

Miss Hutson

Our week in Hawkstone

Well done to Bobby who is our star of the week ⭐️

He as settled in brilliantly to Hawkstone class, and become part of the team. Well done.

In maths we have been recapping on 2D shapes and moved onto 3D shapes with nets.

In computing, we have been using scratch to create movement and continuous links


In DT we have been learning about healthy eating and the eat well plate, we looked at the different food groups and matched items to each group


Our first week back in Hawkstone Class

Well back to the last half term of the summer. This one is a busy one with sports day, a trip to the local art gallery, year 4 multiplication test and so much more.

Well done to Niamh who is our star of the week. 🌟

Niamh was chosen because of the writing. Niamh was able to describe a cave using key vocabulary and senses. Well done 🌟

In comprehension we have been using dictionaries and thesaurus’s to understand the key vocabulary within a text.

As part of our English unit, the children had to write a set of instructions using adverbs of time and imperative verbs. The aim was to draw out our plan and write the instructions using the grammatical features.

well done to all the children who have taken part in the multiplication test so far. We have another week ahead of the test so good luck to all this week.

Our week in Hawkstone

We have had another busy week.
Our stars of the week are:

Molly for her fantastic subject knowledge in maths.

Grace for her perseverance in pe, even when she found it hard, she never gave up


In art this week we made our own stencils and created art with our initials based on typography.

In science we made circuits with buzzers, motors and light bulbs .

During our pe session Kwick cricket, we learnt how to hold a bat properly and hit the ball off a tee.

Another pe session was sports day practice we will be having another session on Thursday.

For our computing session, we have been learning all about turtle academy whete we have been learning algorithms to control our turtle.

To finish science, we made switches to help us  light up a bulb by closing the circuit.

A week in Hawkstone Class

We have been very busy week this week and all children have worked exceptionally hard in all areas of the curriculum.

In maths, we have been learning more about time, we used mini clocks to support our learning when finding time in minutes and seconds and the duration of an event.

Our unit is Geography is coastal areas of the UK. This week we looked at the effects of erosion and discussed whether we would like to live near a coastal area.

This piece of work is presented beautifully and outlines the different effects of erosion.

In Art this week, we planned our own typography art using a single letter. From this, we will be creating a print art piece and then evaluating it.

The children wrote book reviews on books that they read for pleasure. We discussed the plot, characters, whether it was fiction or non-fiction and who they would reccomend the book to.


Well done Hawkstone Class

Welll done to Abbi who is our star of the week for her fantastic contribution as a worship leader.

In pe this week, we have been learning how to stop and pivot, landing on a foot and not letting it off the ground.

in Kwick cricket, we have been throwing a ball overall at the wicket, we then used our long barrier to stop the ball.

We have started our new science unit -Electricity. First we needed to understand the difference between battery and mains power, then sort appliances into the correct group. We then discussed electric cars and rechargeable batteries.

In English this week, we have been learning more about the rainforest, one session was to learn more about sloths. We created a fact file all about the life of a lazy sloth.

We began the week with a worship based of the value of Hope. We looked at the bible story Jesus calms the storm. We then discussed the Hope Jesus offered to the disciples through the storm.