Music for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we are going to be practicing our whole school song – Any Dream Will Do.

Please work your way through the power point below and follow the instructions given.

We have attached a video of the song being performed live and the song sheet for you to learn the words.

Whole school song – Joseph

I closed my eyes

We have also attached the karaoke version for you to practice with the backing track.

Please send in any videos of you practicing at home with your families or by yourself. It is entirely up to you. We look forward to seeing them.

Once you have finished this we have attached a colouring activity for you do . You could maybe relax and colour and listen to the song in the background whilst working.

Colouring sheets

As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.



Daily English – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we would like you to re-listen to the story of Lost and Found.

The image above illustrates the boy researching where penguins come from. He discovered they are from the South Pole  For today’s task we would like to create a fact file including subordinating conjunctions. You can decide to either create a fact file about where penguins come from? or design a fact file all about penguins including interesting facts and statistics. I

Below are some examples of fact files and a PowerPoint link about penguins :-

fact file


Please click below for a blank fact file template but if you would like to create your own that is is perfectly fine.

blank fact file


Please send through your work via class dojo and as always any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


History for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Today we would like you to listen to the story of Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat and study the part of the story based in Egypt. Our focus will be to be look at the social hierarchy of the different social groups of Ancient Egypt.

We would like you to read through the power point attached below and work through the worksheet .

Egyptians Social Triangle Presentation

Social hierarchy worksheet

After you have completed the social hierarchy task we would like you to have a go at some Egyptian writing .The ancient Egyptians invented one of the earliest known writing systems. The symbols they used were called hieroglyphs, which comes from a Greek word meaning ‘sacred carving’. This is because the ancient Egyptians believed that hieroglyphs had been invented by the gods. This is not surprising because hieroglyphs were very beautiful.

Today’s task is to work through the powerpoint below and – write your name using the hieroglyphs sheet attached. Once complete can you send over your work via Class dojo.




English – Long Mynd and Hawkstone -Lost and Found

Our focus today is to think and consider the feelings of the characters within the story.  We would like you to consider how both  the young boy and penguin are feeling . It might help to imagine you are the character, and exactly think about how you would feel if you were them.

Your task is to watch the telling of the story of Lost and Found  and brainstorm adjectives of what type of person / character  is. E.G caring, happy.  Following on from your brainstorm – write a descriptive paragraph about the feelings of one of the characters .Focusing on capital letters, full stops and expanded noun phrases. See writing template below.

Character feelings worksheet

I have included a short video explain what expanded nouns phrases are and how to include them in your writing.

Cheeky Challenge: Think about your feelings at the moment, being in lockdown and learning from home.  Write a paragraph explaining how you feel and why.


English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English ,over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the book -Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers”.

We will be setting lessons based around the story, developing your English skills, handwriting and comprehension.



For Monday, we would like you to look at the front cover and write a prediction of what you think the book is about. Study the image, text and Tagline. We would like you to write a paragraph explaining your reason for your prediction.

Have a think about what is going to happen? Why you think it may happen in the story? What clues have you been given from the front cover of the book ? What characters may be in the book ?

See work sheet below:-

Monday Worksheet

Please don’t hesitate to contact either  Miss Kerr or Miss Hutson if you are unsure.

Thank you as always



Long Mynd and Hawkstone – Maths

Long Mynd:- 

Today’s lesson will be focusing on comparing statements. Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Comparing Statements

Cheeky challenge 

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.


Today’s lesson will be focusing on Written methods . Please listen to the video and work through the sheets provided below. We have added a cheeky challenge for you to have a go at once you have finished .

Worksheet- Written Methods 

Cheeky Challenge

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….

PE and RE- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE – With The Wright Way

Wake up , and MOVE with The Wright Way Group.

Why not start the new week off, with some fun PE with Callum.

Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next session


Over the next two weeks we will be focusing on the bible story-Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat .

We would like you to watch the video clip of Joseph and complete the activity for todays lesson explained below.

Using pencils or colouring pencils we would like you retell the story , rewrite the story or draw the drawing out in sequence in 9 steps.


Please see an example of story sequencing above. We have added an example of how you may wish to set your story sequence out, however if you would like to create your own please feel free to do so.

story sequence worksheet

If you could upload your work onto Dojo or via the class email address. Please remember no pictures of children via Dojo only class email.

Many thanks

Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr