Our week in Hawkstone class

Well done to our star of the week Isla. ⭐️

Isla has been working on her handwriting joins and letter size, she has produced a wonderful description of the rainforest.

In art this week we have been exploring typography and created our initials with different resources.

In worship this week, we focused on the values of Joy and  Perseverance, where we looked at the parable of the lost sheep and picture news about never giving up.

In music, we have been using the glockenspiels and understanding the different keys. We then sang the chorus of black bird by the Beatles.


Fact of the Day:

Paul McCartney wrote this song is about civil rights for African Americans in support of the Black Power movement.

Our week in Hawkstone class

Our star of the week is Maria, she has settled well into our class and has worked hard to compete all home work set.

This week, we have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum.
In french, we have been taking part in role play asking our partner questions and telling then how we feel.

We had a visit from Booka bookshop who shared new and upcoming authors with us. We have the chance to buy the books- forms were sent out and need to be back in by Friday 26th  April.

In netball this week, we focused of stride stop and how to pivot, we recapped on our passes to help us.

In comprehension,  we have been using a dictionary to help us find definitions for key vocabulary, these words are lined to the different texts we read.

Hawkstone News

Star of the week ⭐️

Molly, she is caring, compassionate and respectful of others. Not only does she want the best for herself but for others around her.

On Thursday we visited Oswestry library to look at the author Micheal Morpurgo, we listened to extracts from his books, read the blurbs and found facts.

In PE, we focused on netball passes, the children looked at chest pass, bounce pass and shoulder pass.


Connect club this week focused on the New Testament and the good news from Gospel Mark.

In History we looked at early civilisation number systems and had a go at creating our own.


A busy week in Hawkstone

Well done to our values champion Allan for his perseverance in his work. Is half term Allan hasn’t given up when he’s found things hard and his efforts are visible in all areas of school life.

We have had a very creative last week.

we finished our Easter cards where we had to create a card with a lever or linkage. We linked them to Easter and have gave the, to the local nursing home and local church.

In PE,  we have come to the end of our mindfulness unit where th children have learnt different poses, breathing techniques and meditation relaxation techniques.

Thursday was our Easter service at Holt Trinity Church, well done to all the readers and singers and thank you to all parents, grandparents and carers who walked and came to watch the service.

As part of becoming a dementia friendly school, we dropped off our Easter card at the local nursing home.

For our science unit, we are learning all about the digestive system. Today we made a model of how the digestive system works.


In Re this week, we have been looking at inspirational leaders. We chose Paul Darlington from Holt Trinity Church as an inspirational leader of the church and our school. We then created top trump cards of ourselves as inspirational leaders. Below are a few of our cards.

Thank you for your continued support over the half term and hope you all have a lovely Easter.

Our wonderful week in Hawkstone Class


Our stars of the week are: Niamh for her wonderful English

and Riley for his hard work and perseverance

We received a reply back from David Attenborough, we wrote to him last week about our interest in his program and support for the environment.

We have had such a busy week. Please see the wonderful work we have been up to:

In maths we have been measuring the height of our class in m, cm and mm.

In science, we have been learning about the digestive system. We used our class model to understand the functions of the digestive system and how it all works.

In Re, we have been looking at our world. We then said what a Christian would do and what we would do to help.

Finally, for English, we have been researching whales, we wrote a paragraph about migration from the equator to the North Pole.

Our week in Hawkstone class

Well done to Gurbani who is our star of the week for her maturity everyday and positivity in every lesson.

In science, we looked at our eggs which we placed in different liquids the outcome was shocking.

This is connect club, run by members of Holt Trinity Church, it runs fortnightly in the library. This week the children discussed the old and New Testament.

In English, we have been researching whales and finding out how and what they eat.

In PSHE we have been learning about plastic pollution, this links with our English unit and the whales in the ocean. The children spoke to the kitchen staff about the amount of single use plastic we use. The kitchen are happy to work with us to reduce the amount of plastic we provide. Starting with school trips.

The choir went to the local nursing home to sing their favourite songs, well done all who went it was such a fantastic experience, we will be sending Easter cards to the nursing home in the last week before Easter.

We joined the other schools in St Chad’s academy trust for a collective worship celebrating St Chad’s Day

Well done to all the children for supporting world book day. Each child came home with a book voucher. Here are some pictures of the day.

Picture News this week was also linked to world book day. Well done to Molly  for reading the information and Fikayo for reading the prayer.

Our week in Hawkstone

what a busy week!

Wee started off the week with a visit from Oswestry fire brigade sharing information about safety at home.

In science, we have been conducting an egg investigate to see which liquid causes the most harm to an egg shell- this is the representation of a tooth and it’s enamel 🦷 Results are in next week!

In french we have been playing Simon says to our newly learnt body parts.

worship this week on Wednesday was all  about the lyrics to ‘this is amazing grace’.


We were inspired by our PSHE lesson where we looked at plastic pollution and discussed who was responsible. From this we are monitoring to usage of single use plastic in our school.


On Tuesday we went on our trip to Liverpool, it was such an interesting and informative visit to the different places of worship. The children have been writing reflections.

In athletics, we focused on FAST

F – Face forward – head still
A – Arms pump fast – hip to lip
S – Speedy feet
T – Trunk to be upright

In English, we have been learning about whales, we wrote a letter to David Attenborough sharing our own knowledge and facts and posted these off today – hoping to get a reply to our questions. We also wrote a poem about whales. Below are some example:

First week of Spring 2

Welcome back after half term.

Please check out the Hawkstone  Newsletter and  Curriculum map  to see what we are teaching this half term:

newsletter spring 2 final

curriculum map Hawkstone spring 2 final

The children have returned to school with a positive attitude to their learning.

Our star of the week was Fikayo who joined us after Christmas, she has settled well into Hawkstone class.

In our music unit this half term, we are learning the song ‘Lean on me’ by Bill Withers. For this the children took it in turns to sing the lines of the song.

Please look at our geography posters showing all the things we’ve learnt over the unit.

Well done to Abbi our worship leader who read the school pray out during worship this week.

We have been learning how to reflect on our work, for our art unit, we picked a piece of work we were proud off and a piece of work we could improve and how.

The children really enjoyed their visit to Oswestry Library where they were able to read a selection of books, look for the hidden dragons and create a book mark.


Hawkstone class

This week we have 2 stars of the week- I couldn’t choose one as both girls were amazing !

Liliana – for her increased confident and excellent gymnastics skills.

Valeria – amazing written work and description of Mt Vesuvius, including perfect past tenses, fronted adverbials and senses.

We have been busy this week in all areas of the curriculum. We have now finished our science unit – have a look at some of our posters to show what we have learnt over the unit.

In pe we have been learning the bunny hop and using this to help us onto the high box.


For art this week we read the poem ‘jabberwocky’ be Lewis Caroll and illustrated what we thought the ‘Jabberwocky’ looked like. (Pictures to follow as they were still wet from the paint.)


Thank you for the support for numbers day, winner of the jelly beans will be announced Monday and all money raised goes to NSPCC. Our maths lesson today involved jelly beans and we enjoyed eating them after.

On Tuesday, we will be visiting Oswestry library where the children will listen to stories being read and have a chance to look around.

We said goodbye to Miss Ashford our student teacher today who has been with us for over 8 weeks .

Friday is our last week before half term and have lots of fun activities next week.