Our week inHawkstone

⭐️ Our values champion this half term is Harry. ⭐️

He has settled well into KS2 with a positive attitude to learning. He is helpful in and out of the classroom and a delight to have in Hawkstone. Well done Harry- superstar.

Please meet Hawkstone librarians- Valeria and Isla.
Duties include: monitoring the book areas in Year 3/4. Recommending books to other children, talking about authors and listening to readers and simply sharing their love of reading with others.

For our outdoor Pe sessions, we have been focusing our skills towards tag rugby.  But when it rains, we don’t let this ruin our fun, indoor tag rugby still takes place.

We have set a whole kS 2 reading river home work project where children have been asked to collect and compete a river journey of their reading over half term. See image for examples. Any questions please message through dojo.

We have a number of children in year 6 who spend 3 mornings a week listening to children read for our ‘reading expect buddies scheme’. Here is Anwen and Jack, who read together and compete any Accelerated Reader quizzes.


In PSHE, we focused our learning this week on fire and bonfire safety, we discussed how to keep safe with sparkles and around bonfires 🔥. Hope you all have a lovely and safe half term.

REMINDER- Monday is Pd day, therefore children return to school on Tuesday 7th November.



Hawkstone News

⭐️Well done to Nayden  who is our star of the week ⭐️

His maturity and positive attitude to learning has been evidence in each and every lesson. Such a lovely smile everyday. Well done

In geography, we have been researching city  landmarks, we then made a comparison with London and Paris.

For PE, we have been learning about different skills needed for a range of activities. We have been working systematically.

For science, we have been learning about The Water Cycle. We conducted 2 experiments. One learning about precipitation and one where we made our own water cycle in a bag- we will observe this over time to see the outcome.

In comprehension, we have been modelling knowledge tests. This will be set as home work to enable the children to answer a selection of questions based on a text.

We have been looking at rights and responsibilities in PSHE. We discussed these giving examples of what they might look like in a real life situation.

Well done all for a fantastic week. As we approach the last week of the half term we are completing our units. We are in the middle of our independent write for English as can’t wait to share them with you.

Our week in Hawkstone

🌟 We start with out star of the week- 🌟

Paula with her fantastic increased confidence. It’s lovely to see her joining in with class discussions and asking questions.

In PE, we have been focusing on multi skills, this week we have been skipping, skipping runs, spotted circle. All skills with concentration and techniques needed.

In science, we have been heating and melting, and observing what happens to solids and liquids when changing the temperature.

Maths is supported with many concrete items and this week we used counters to help us order numbers. Our new vocabulary was ascending and descending.

For computing, we have been learning all about websites. We safely visited a number of sites to identify how they are presented, e.g icons, videos, links and images. This links with our PSHE where we are learning to show reset online.

A wonderful week had by all.

Hawkstone Class

⭐️ Well done to Grace who is our star of the week for her fantastic efforts in all areas of the curriculum especially handwriting. Her continued efforts have been noticed. ⭐️

In Science, we have been looking at solids, liquids and gasses. We conducted an investigation to see the density of liquids, discussing how viscous certain liquids are. We then observed the buoyancy of raisins when adding then to a carbonated drink.

In art, we used watercolours to add colour to the images we drew last week in our view finders- drawing what we can see.

We attended Holy Trinity Church for our Harvest Service, thank you all for the donations which will go to the local food bank . All children joined in with our class  ‘Thank a farmer’ speech.

In PE, we have been working on multi skills, we have been skipping, balancing and learning a controlled throw into a target.

For Geography this half term, we are learning about Europe. This week we looked at the different flag and currency.


Our week in Hawkstone

We have had such a busy week in Hawkstone and all children have worked exceptionally hard

⭐️ stars of the week ⭐️

Jack and Scarlett

Jack for his fantastic attitude transitioning from KS1 to KS2.

Scarlett for her effort in maths, not only is she challenging herself but asking if she’s unsure,

In Hawkstone, we love sharing our favourite books with others and every week bring our books in from home and discuss the author, characters and plot with our friends.

In RE, we have been looking at our school motto- hope for ourselves, others and the world. We researched Eco-churches and Mucknall Abbey who offer hope to others. As a school we are collecting dried food for the local food bank for Harvest.

Here we made posters to share with others.

In English, we have been looking at a diary WAGOLL- what a good one looks like and exploring its features, we then wrote our own based on the book ‘Gorilla’.

In PSHE, we are learning about internet safety and respect online. These are some comments the children came up with. We had a good discussion about social media sites and ages children are allowed to access them.

In maths, we use our working wall to support our learning, this enables children to seek support if they are unsure or forgot a strategy. This unit is all about adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, and 100s. The children were secure knowing which column changes for each question.

Such a great week by all and thank you for your continued support, we are able to answer any questions through the class dojo or the school office. Thank you.

Hawkstone class

We are now settled into our new class, subjects have started and the children have already produced plenty of work to be proud of.

⭐️ Allan was our star of the week  last week where he displayed a fantastic attitude to learning and he was a superstar all week.  ⭐️

In maths, we have been using concrete resources to secure our knowledge of place value. The children have been understanding how many tens are in hundreds and how many hundreds and in thousands. We also used a part part while model to partition numbers and ordered numbers on a number line.

On focus in Hawkstone class is number formation. We will be sending formations home for a number of children to practice at home.

At Holy Trinity, we are fortunate to have a lovely well resourced library. We had a look at at the book and selected ones for our reading for pleasure afternoon.

The books below are the books we brought from home and shared our favourite books with the class, discussing the author and why we enjoy reading these books.

Welcome to Hawkstone Class

Hello everyone – I just wanted to say what a wonderful first few days back! It’s been lovely to hear about everyone’s summer and I’m really impressed with how well everyone has settled in.

In our first few days back we’ve come up with some class rules, had a game of rounders, elected 2 school councillors and a worship ambassador.

Just to let everyone know, our PE days are Thursday and Friday but more information about subjects will be sent out next week.

All children have come home with a TTRS and a Dojo letter – any difficulties logging on please let me know.
We will be handing out reading books and records and spelling as of Monday. We are also encouraging a love of reading  therefore, if you have a reading book at home you child would like to read during our reading for pleasure sessions, please bring it in Wednesday and Friday, this can be anything from magazines, fiction or not fiction books.

As a school we would like to develop our ‘Garden of Hope’. Each class has had an opportunity to create a tranquil garden where they can spend time reading, reflecting and taking in the ‘wows’ of the world. In time we will be asking for volunteers to help develop this area- (more to come TBC).

Well done to Elsie and Grace would were elected to be Hawkstone’s school councillors.
And Abi our worship ambassador.


A busy week in Hawkstone Class

Our stars of the week ⭐️

Miguel-for his fantastic attitude and behaviour on the school residential.
Jessie- for her effort in homework with maths. When she’s completed a task in class, she will ask for work to complete at home to consolidate her learning.

A huge thank you for all the support with Big Green Week, we have successfully recycled a good amount of clothes with the Salvation Army and we had a huge amount of posters and information to inform others.

In DT, we took part in a sensory session where we tasted a selection of pizzas. We focused on the appearance, smell and taste and rated them.

For our computing session we planned and created our own games on scratch, we used our knowledge of coding and designed with care.

In PE, we have been practicing how to hit the ball using a tennis racket.

This week we celebrated RSE day for part of our PSHE. The theme this year is KINDNESS, we listened to songs with a message of support and completed a selection of activities to help us understand being kind and how to support others.