Hawkstone heroes

Today we came together as a school and hold our 2 minute silence in our classes, we also took part in the National Literacy Trust Zoom with other school nationally.

This week has been a creative week across the curriculum.  We have started our new dance unit where we are focusing on WW2. This week was to create a dance to an air raid siren and to the safety of a shelter.


In DT we have been exploring different styles of bags, their material, fastenings and purpose.


We started our new History unit where we looked at the term pre history and how archaeologists find and record evidence. We sorted the image of the equipment with a description and the title of their job role.


To finish our create week, in RE, we analysed the Trinity symbol and created our own new school Trinity badge with a focus on: God the father, son and Holy Spirit and hope.


Welcome back to Hawkstone class

Wellcome back the half term holidays, hope you have had a lovely week off.

The children came back to school ready to learn and what a wonderful week we have had, first we celebrate our Christian distinctiveness champion for last half term  of Thankfulness- Hanna, she has been such a wonderful role model for the other children with her positive attitude to learning in and out of the classroom.

We have started our new class txt and been making predictions what we think the book is about.


In maths, we have now moved onto addition and subtraction learning how to successfully add when exchanging.

In science year 4 for are learning about electricity and the use of appliances and in RE we have been learning about the Trinity .

Not only the wonderful class work but some children took part in bike ability where they pass3 the level one of the course – learning to ride with confidence.

This week we have parents evening – see letters which have gone out.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.


Hi Key Stage  2

We had an introduction to our exciting Space Week this week. This year’s topic is all about sustainability in space and how we can help to communicate our ideas around the world so that we do not end up with so ,many satellites in Space.

You can research this topic, design your poster, and create it  in what ever way you would like to.

Your entries will be judged by Mr Kenyon and School Council and winners will be announced in assembly with prizes.

All entries must be given in by 4th November

Hawkstone’s week

Our star of the week this week is Isla.

This week Isla has produced a wonderful piece of writing in English based on our class book ‘ Queen of the Falls’. Isla took all advice on board and created a detailed paragraph that included fronted adverbials and the correct use of commas.

This week has been another busy one. We have been to the forest areas in science identifying the minibeasts that live there, from this, we grouped them in a venn diagram


This was then followed by an editing session in English, where children learnt how to improve a piece of writing which then led them to edit their own work. Editing is a skill that takes time and all children were able to improve their work by identifying the correct punctuation to use, correcting and misspelt words, and including expanded noun phrases.

In Geography, we have been researching human life in a rainforest, one being the Kayapa Tribe. From the research, we will produce a comparison of their lives.


In PSHE this week we had a circle time session where we discussed the rights of a child, we were able to give our own opinions and share our beliefs.





Harvest week in Hawkstone

Hawkstone Newsletter and Overview

Hawkstone Newsletter autumn

Hawkstone curriculum map autumn 1

Another successful week by all.

Our star of the week this week is Kobie, she has an outstanding attitude to extra curricular subjects and is now learning the violin, recorder and has joined choir at lunch time. It’s lovely to see the enthusiasm.

This week has been busy with the harvest service at Holy Trinity Church, the children learnt  Makaton for a wonderful world. It was such a lovely turn out by all and we’ve never seen the church so full. All food donated will be given to the local food bank.

This week in computing and PSHE we have been learning about networking, how the internet works and how to keep safe while using the World Wide Web.

In french we are learning numbers to 20 then linking this to times table snow balls.

In RE, following on from the harvest service, we made a class covenant for our wonderful world and how to make it a better place.


Thank you all for your continued support and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Hawkstone ‘my happy place’.

Well done all for the hard work and dedication this week.

Well done to Amelia, who is our star of the week this week for her fantastic attitude to learning. She has asked for extra home work to pass her times tables, completed all English to a fantastic standard and been such a great role model to others with her behaviour.

We have been busy learning about place value in maths this week, a lesson in particular the children really enjoyed was 1/10/100/1000 more or less. We used resources to help us understand the concept.

This week in RE we have been understanding more about a Christian Wedding, with the focal point being the vows, the commitment and promise made.

In science, we have been learning how to group and class living things according to their characteristics: we used a classification key where we have to come up with our own questions.



Another busy week in Hawkstone

Another wonderful week and we have been busy with many different lessons.

Pshe this week (for year 4) is based on online respect where we discussed many scenarios and how to deal with online bullying.

In English, we have been learning about Annie Taylor – the lady who successfully plunged over Niagara Falls in a barrel. On Monday we will be writing a character description. We have been using a dictionary to understand new  words for descriptions.

In Geography, we used maps and atlases to identify where in the world rainforests  are focusing on the equator and the tropics. We have also been learning the different between tropical and temperate rainforests and the climates of each.


PE this week was very active where children have been learning how tag in tag rugby, the children had to work with a partner to attack and defend their tags.

And finally in art, we have focused on an artist called Sol Lewitt, who creates are by following rules. This is called wall drawing  #118. 

Im exhausted just thinking about all the work we’ve covered and the fun we’ve had.

Hawkstone class news

What a wonderful first week back. All children have settled into school with determination and a positive attitude.

We have started our new school units; in maths we are focusing on Place Value, English our focus is to write a recount diary based on the book ‘Queen of the Falls, for geography we are learning all about rainforests. One favourite so far is music and our topic is Mamma Mia.

All children have received a reading record and book matched to their reading ability, an individual times table to their own learning journey and homework is week is a reading comprehension- due in Friday.

To top of our fantastic week, we have the first star of the week 🌟 Toby 🌟  who has displayed the Christian value of perseverance through all the base line assessments, he has also been a positive role model for the younger children who have started in year 3.

We have also voted for our new class school councillors who will represent Hawkstone class in future school meetings, this year it’s Miguel and Teya -badges to follow

Well done all and have a lovely weekend, we are off school Monday due to the passing of the Queen.

Any questions please don’t hesitate ask, please send a message through dojo.



Welcoming you back to school and Hawkstone class.

It’s not long now until we welcome the children back to school and  I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine and managed to have a rest. Just a reminder the children will be returning to Hawkstone class where the classroom will be open from 8:40am.

I just wanted to introduce you to the class page where I will post the lessons, homework, information, celebrations and images. I will also be able to communicate through ‘Class Dojo’. I have managed to add most children to class Dojo, for the ones I have, I will send login details this week.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday and hearing all about the summer holidays.

Miss Hutson