Mental Health Week

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a restful weekend and you are all well.  As we discussed in our Key Stage One zoom meeting on Friday, this week we are taking part in Mental Health Week.  We will be focussing on our emotions and feelings, and trying to be as creative and hands on as possible through expressing ourselves, having a break from the screen time.  The Duchess of Cambridge has this important message for Mental Health Week:

Mr Dickson will be holding a zoom meeting today at 9.00am for Lawley and Wrekin and 9.30am for Caradoc to start our week off, this will be instead of our morning class zoom meetings.  However, these will continue the rest of the week as normal.  We will also be holding a relax and read session every day, please check our class dojo page for the daily link and time.

We have set up a timetable for the week to guide you through our daily lessons.  Every day a Maths and English activity will be set on our class webpage for you to complete.  For your afternoon lesson, you can choose a number of the activities from the timetable.  You do not have to follow the afternoon activities in the daily order, you can choose the activity you wish to complete from any of the days, but making sure you cover every day by the end of the week.  Under each afternoon there are a range of links, these cover all year groups across the school.  Please carefully look at the one you think is appropriate and manageable at home, ensuring you get permission before using any equipment or carrying out any tasks.

Here is the link for our timetable:

Health and Fitness Timetable

There is a daily well-being journal for you to complete every day, recording how you feel and describing your day.  The links can be found below, however if you would like a printed copy, please message your class teacher and we can arrange a printed journal for you to pick up.

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Friday

Please remember to check on our class page daily for our English and Maths, as well as any updates.

Let’s have a fun week, being creative and mindful!

Fun Friday Home Learning

Well done everyone for all of the fantastic work you have completed this week. Everyone at Holy Trinity is very proud of all of you super efforts and hard work. We also think that your parents and carers are doing a fabulous job helping you so make sure you take the time to say a big Thank you to them!

Please try to join in with your daily class Zoom session and Story time as this is the perfect time to talk about how you are getting on with your home learning and it is also lovely to be able to see each other. Don’t forget our Family Group Zoom on  Friday too. Your invites will be sent out on ClassDojo- see you there!


I hope that you have enjoyed taking part in our online reading sessions with different adults from our school.

Today, I would like you to  complete your spelling quiz which has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash. Try putting your spelling words into a full sentence. Can you make  a ‘silly sentence’?

Here are some reading comprehension questions for you to try:

Winter Stage 1 Comp – Comprehension Pack (1)


Log onto TTRockstars, Numbots or Mathletics today to practice your Maths skills. Remember to ask an adult to contact us on class Dojo if you are having problems logging on.


Hit the button is a great way to improve your recall of number facts:

Finally, I would like you to relax, take a deep breath and tune into our Friday Mindfulness session at ‘Zen Den’:


You may like to complete some mindfulness colouring which can be downloaded below or even create you own!



Lawley Home Learning Thursday 4th February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did your art work go?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Today I would like you to to write your news report about Gilly giraffe’s disappearance! You will use the work that you have completed this week to help you, including your missing poster and the interview work you did.

Watch and listen to these slides to get you started:

Missing Giraffe (3)

I would like you to take your time with this task. Make sure that you set your work out carefully, check your spellings and punctuation. Think about ways that you could improve your writing.

I can’t wait to read your reports!



Join in with our 2 times tables song:

Today I would like you to complete a ‘grouping’ activity. Watch the teaching video then complete the video:

thurs 2


Remember to get in touch on ClassDojo if you have any questions.



Afternoon learning activity

Today I would like you to use the facts that you found out yesterday about the Giant’s Causeway to create a fact sheet. Imagine that you are telling a visitor to Ireland all about the Giant’s Causeway. Think about what it looks like, where it is located and any other interesting facts from your research.

Home Learning Lawley Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did your art work go?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Today I would like you to interview some people who may have seen the giraffe go missing. You could ask someone who lives with you to help by taking on the role of a reporter and asking you some questions. You could answer in the role of someone from the town. Maybe you could find some props to help e.g. a wooden spoon would make a great microphone.

Here are some slides which may help, you could simply take part in the role play or you could challenge yourself to write a written report. There are some of the Year 1 and 2 common exception words on the slide and also if you choose to use any of the words from the 3/4 spelling list you can check the spellings.

Transcript (2)

Either take a photograph of your interview or ask a grown up to record your role play and send it on ClassDojo.


Join in with this warm up song. Knowing your number bonds to 10 is really important and will help you to do calculations quickly as you move through the school:

Today we are focusing grouping equal groups. Watch the teaching video below and follow the Powerpoint to help you to complete the worksheet:

wed 2

wed 2

Cheeky Challenge:


Your afternoon learning activities this week are linked to the ‘Giant’s Causeway’ in Ireland.

Look carefully at the slides below:

Giants Causeway PP

Make notes about any interesting facts. You could use ‘Kiddle’ to do some extra research.

Now sort these statements  under the headings True, False or Opinion (this means what somebody thinks)

Giants Causeway



Lawley Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed your home learning activities yesterday. How did you get on with the Big Bird Watch organised by Mrs Platt?

Try to join your daily Zoom session  as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.


Todays English is linked to our text the Smartest Giant in town. You can listen to the story again by clicking the link below:

Smartest Giant In Town Reading (2)


Gilly the giraffe has gone missing! I would like you to create a wanted poster to help find her.

Look at the slides below:

Missing poster (1)

There is a WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) to show you what you need to include to be successful. Look at this carefully. Then you will need to plan your wanted poster, remember to include a picture of Gilly. We would love to see your posters on Class Dojo. You will be writing a news report about the missing giraffe at the end of this week and this will help you.



First, join in with our warmup counting song with Jack:



We are still focusing on making equal groups by sharing. Watch the teaching video below and then follow the teaching slides:

tues yr 2

tues yr 2

Cheeky Challenge:





Art and Design

I would like you to create a piece of artwork which shows a scene from the bible story David and Goliath. You can choose the materials you will use, it is entirely up to you. You could use objects which you find in the  house or garden.  Make sure you ask permission first! This video may give you some ideas:



Home Learning Monday 1st February

Good morning,

I hope that you are all well and eager to begin our home learning this week. Try to join your daily Zoom session with your class teacher as this will give you the chance to talk about your home learning and ask any questions you need to. Invites will be sent out daily on ClassDojo.



You can join in with daily RWI Phonics sessions each morning with Rosie on Youtube. These sessions are streamed live at 9.30 each morning and are available for 24 hours.

You can access your reading books and reading activities on Bug Club, where we can track your progress. Don’t forget to send a message to your teacher if you have any difficulties logging in.

As your warm up activity today I would like you to look carefully at the picture below:

What can you see?

Collect a list of adjectives (describing words).

Now challenge yourself to put these into a descriptive sentence. Can you use two adjectives in your sentence?

I would now like you to click on the link below to access a Grammar lesson with St Peter’s School. Don’t forget to share your work on class Dojo:


First I would like you to join in with our warm up song.


Today, we are going to complete a maths problem challenge.

This is called Different Sizes, just like how David and Goliath were different sizes.

We need to put the shapes in order from smallest to biggest.

You can download a sheet which may help here:



Can you arrange them in a pattern which shows doubling?

Could you draw some different pictures that also show doubling?


Now, what about HALVING? Could you make an arrangement or new picture to show halving, again and again?



We have been focusing on the Bible story of David and Goliath. I would like you to add sound effects or musical accompaniment to your puppet show.

It would be fantastic if you could ask a grown up to film this and send it on Class Dojo!

Again, well done for all of your wonderful efforts with learning from home. We know it isn’t always easy but we are all here to help you when you need it. We look forward to seeing you on our daily Zoom meetings. Well done and keep up the good work!

Friday, 29th January Home Learning

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

Well done for all the hard work that has gone into your home learning this week, it has been great seeing your photographs and work.

Well done to everyone who joined our zoom meetings this week.  We will be having two zoom meetings today.  On top of our class zooms, we will also be holding a Key Stage One Zoom at 2.00pm.

Here is the link for our Key Stage One Zoom:

Lovely Lawley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Key Stage One Zoom
Time: Jan 29, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 933 3180 0370

Here are our home learning activities for today:

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

Today, and every Friday, we are going to give you the opportunity to complete Maths activities on TT Rockstars, Numbots and Mathletics.  With these websites, your progress is recorded so I will be able to see who has logged on and what you have completed.  Your login details are in the front of your reading records, however if you cannot find these, please send me a message.


English Home Learning

Today is our spelling test day.  You can either ask someone in your household to complete your spelling test, or you can log onto Purple Mash where there is a spelling test quiz set as a To Do.  This will then let me know how well you have practised your spellings.  Your new spellings will be uploaded onto our class spellings tab.

Also on a Friday, we complete a reading comprehension.  Please make sure you read the text first, this will then help you answer the questions correctly.  This is the skill we are working on today.  Here is our comprehension for today:

Finally, I would like you to carry out your daily reading.  If you do not have any spare reading books at home, please remember you all have access to Bug Club.  Again, if you cannot find your login details, please message me.  I am checking this regularly so I can allocate more books to the children who need them.

ICT Home Learning

In ICT we are going to continue developing our coding skills.  Everyone became very confident in logging onto Purple Mash and started to create their own codes for backgrounds.  

Please log onto Purple Mash, if you cannot find your login details, please message me.

You will then find a To Do set by myself for Free Code Scenes – I have set this for everyone.

Your task today is to complete stage four – to use a code to make spooky characters come alive. Do not worry if you have forgotten what to do, follow the onscreen instructions.

Have a great day and remember to stay safe.  If you have any questions, please do message me.  If not, I look forward to seeing your work today.

Thursday, 28th January Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

We are seeing some fantastic home learning, well done everyone for the fantastic effort you are putting into your work.

You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through Class Dojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!  If you have any issues accessing Zoom, please do get in touch.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our Maths lesson by joining in with our days of the week.  Once you have done this, please write down all the days of the week, making sure all letters are formed correctly and in the right order.  As an extra challenge, can you write down the months of the year?

Today, we are going to continue with our Multiplication and Division unit, with our focus today being on making equal groups by sharing.  This is where we share out a number or amount into equal groups, meaning each group has exactly the same amount.  Let’s start by watching the lesson video:

Spr2.3.1 – Make equal groups – sharing (recap) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, let’s complete the worksheet:

Make equal groups – sharing

Cheeky Challenge: Using the skills you have just learnt, please complete the true or false question and the maths problem.


Remember, you can also access Numbots, TT Rockstars and Mathletics to support your maths learning.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English lesson by looking at the picture of the forest.  I would like you to list as many as adjectives as possible to describe the forest.  Imagine you are stood in the forest, think about your senses.  Once you have done your list, please use your adjectives in sentences.

Now, let’s listen to our story, The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

Today you are going to focus on writing and completing your own story about The Smartest Giant in Town.

You are going to write your story following The Smartest Giant in Town but using the change you made on Tuesday.  Have a look at the slide below:

Your story writing is going to be finished today.  Today, I would like you to complete your ending.  I would like you to use lots of description in your story, remembering those exciting adjectives.

Remember it is important to write in full sentences, use capital letters, full stops, phonics and neat handwriting.

Once you have completed your story, you can then add illustrations to go alongside what you have written.

Cheeky Challenge:  Read your completed story and check you have included full stops, capital letters, phonics and neat handwriting.  Also, can you add any more adjectives?  This is called editing and improving.

Please complete your daily reading, remembering you can all access Bug Club.  Please also practice your daily spellings.

Science Home Learning

To start our science lesson, let’s complete an odd one out starter.

Have a good, close look at the three balls below.  Think about and discuss:

  • How are they similar?
  • How are they different?
  • Which is the odd one out and why?

Today, we are going to complete two science activities.  First of all, I would like you to complete Mrs Platt’s whole school science investigation activity.  You will find this on our class news page.  Remember to send me your work so I can pass these onto Mrs Platt.

Next, we are going to be looking at skeletons.


Below is a link for our PowerPoint.  On the PowerPoint you will see a link for a video to watch along with information and your activity for today.


Here is your skeleton cut out worksheet.  If you are unable to print this off, don’t worry, why not draw your own skeleton!

Skeleton worksheet

Remember to share your work, if you have any questions, do get in touch.  Have a good day and stay safe.

Wednesday, 27th January Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

Well done for your hard work so far this week, keep it up!

You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through Class Dojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!  If you have any issues accessing Zoom, please do get in touch.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our Maths lesson by joining in with our counting in tens song.  Once you have done this, please write down all numbers up to 100 counting in tens, making sure they are all formed correctly and in the right order.  As an extra challenge, can you write the numbers backwards from 100 to 0 counting in tens?

Today, we are going to continue with our Multiplication and Division unit, with our focus today being on the 10 times table.  Our counting in tens song will help us with the ten times table.  Let’s start by watching the lesson video:

Spr2.2.5 – 10 times-table from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, let’s complete the worksheet:

10 times table

Cheeky Challenge:  Using the skills you have just learnt, please complete the maths problem.

Remember, you can also access Numbots, TT Rockstars and Mathletics to support your maths learning.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English lesson by looking at the picture of the fairy garden.  I would like you to list as many as adjectives as possible to describe the fairy garden.  Imagine you are stood in the fairy garden, think about your senses.  Once you have done your list, please use your adjectives in sentences.

Now, let’s listen to our story, The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

Today you are going to focus on writing your own story about The Smartest Giant in Town.

You are going to write your story following The Smartest Giant in Town but using the change you made yesterday.  Have a look at the slide below:


Your story writing is going to take place today and tomorrow.  Today, I would like you to complete your beginning and middle sections.  I would like you to use lots of description in your story, remembering those exciting adjectives.

Remember it is important to write in full sentences, use capital letters, full stops, phonics and neat handwriting.

Cheeky Challenge:  Read your story so far and check you have included full stops, capital letters, phonics and neat handwriting.  Also, can you add any more adjectives?

Please complete your daily reading, remembering you can all access Bug Club.  Please also practice your daily spellings.

Topic Home Learning

Today we are going to focus on the different seasons we have through the year.

Write down what you already know about the different seasons.

Let’s start by watching this video:

What are the seasons? – BBC Bitesize

Now, I would like you to choose one of the seasons.  You are then going to write a fact file about your chosen season.  You need to include:

  • The season name.
  • The months of that season.
  • Typical weather and temperatures.
  • What you would usually wear.
  • What the trees look like.
  • What about animals and plants?
  • An interesting fact.


You could carry out our research using books you have at home or by researching on


Please create you own fact file, make it bright and colourful with all the facts written down neatly and in full sentences.

Remember to share your work, if you have any questions, do get in touch.  Have a good day and stay safe.

Tuesday, 26th January Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well and continuing your hard work at home.

You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through Class Dojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!  If you have any issues accessing Zoom, please do get in touch.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our Maths lesson by joining in with our number bonds to ten song.  Once you have done this, please write down all number bonds to 10, making sure they are all formed correctly and in the right order.  As an extra challenge, can you write the number bonds to 20 using your knowledge of the bonds to 10?

Today, we are going to continue with our Multiplication and Division unit, with our focus today being on the 5 times tables.  You have all become confident with our counting in fives song over the last few months, this will support your learning of the 5 times table.  Let’s start by watching the lesson video:

Spr2.2.4 – 5 times-table from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, let’s complete the worksheet:

5 Times Table

Cheeky Challenge:  Using the skills you have just learnt, please complete the problem.

Remember, you can also access Numbots and TT Rockstars to support your maths learning.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English lesson by looking at the picture of the castle.  I would like you to list as many as adjectives as possible to describe the castle.  Imagine you are stood in the castle, think about your senses.  Once you have done your list, please use your adjectives in sentences.

Now, let’s listen to our story, The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

Today, we are going to be changing one part of the story.  This can be any part, it is up to you.  For example, you might want to change:

  • The animals the giant helps.
  • The clothes the giant buys and hands out.
  • The setting of the story (where the story takes place).

It is entirely up to you!

First of all I would like you to write a description about the change, allowing me to read exactly what you are changing and imagining.  Please use lots of detail and those important adjectives so I can really picture what you are describing.  Next, you can draw the change you have made, again using lots of detail for really show off your change.  You can use your own paper or use the template below:


Remember it is important to write in full sentences, use capital letters, full stops, phonics and neat handwriting.

Cheeky Challenge:  Why did you decide to change this part of the story?

Please complete your daily reading, remembering you can all access Bug Club.  Please also practice your daily spellings.

Art Home Learning

Let’s start our lesson my watching and listening to our new bible story, David and Goliath.

Today we are going to create and decorate our own stones. 

David manages to defeat Goliath with a slingshot and stones.

I want you to think of the story, and think of a time where you have had to be brave. Write a sentence explaining a time when you have been brave or shown bravery.

Using these ideas, you are going to decorate a stone.  If you do not have any stones, you could use cardboard or paper.

Remember to share your work, if you have any questions, do get in touch.  Have a good day and stay safe.