Our week in Lawley

This week we’ve practised our computer skills, made a map of our classroom in Geography and learnt the parable of The Lost Son in RE 😊 We also have our TTrockstar and number not log ins in our reading records to practice at home.

Our star of the week is Elarni, who has worked really hard in maths and made sure her numbers are the correct way around. Well done Elarni ⭐️

Next week we will be learning about material properties in Science, brushing up on football skills in PE and map making our school in Geography.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Morgan

The first week in Lawley

We’ve had a lovely first week in Lawley, starting our everyday materials unit in Science, visiting the school library and using a compass in Geography!

Our star of the week is William, who has returned to school with a huge smile and can-do attitude ⭐️

Next week we will be learning about the lost son in RE, making patterns in art and practising football in PE.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Morgan 

This Week in Lawley

the children showed their knowledge of halves by working with a partner to put 2 halves together.

As part of our RE question – “What is a Muslim and how do they live?” We learned about what Muslims believe about Allah.