Monday, 11th January Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and have had a good, restful weekend.  We’ve got lots of exciting activities to take part in this week.  Remember to stay in touch, send me your work, and if you have any problems or questions, you can message me on dojo or my email:

Remember we have our first Zoom Meeting today at 9.30am.  Please do join this meeting, using the following details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 8865 9775
Passcode: 6uqRSr

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the daily live session of Read Write Inc on YouTube.  In Lawley we are doing set 3.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start our maths session off with counting to 100.  Please join in with our counting song – the counting and actions. 

Now, write your numbers from zero to one hundred, remembering to make sure your numbers are the correct way round.

In maths today we are going to focus on a Noah’s Ark problem.  Here is a picture of animals and the maths problem for you to solve:

Please solve the maths problem, this is one where you need to have a good think and use your number knowledge.  Good luck and remember to share your answers with me.

Cheeky Challenge: We have 30 children in Lawley.  How many legs are there in total?

English Home Learning

To start our English session, I would like you to think of as many adjectives to describe my picture below (remember adjectives are describing words):

For the next few weeks in English we will be focusing our work on a book by Oliver Jeffers called What We’ll Build.  This is something we are doing as a whole school.  Let’s start by listening to the story, read by Miss Wright.

Our activity today is to make inferences based on a picture, what this means is that you will be answering questions based on looking at a picture, where the answers will be.

Let’s have a look at the page of the book below:

Based on this page, we are now going to have a think and answer the questions below.  Discuss these with someone at home first, see if they agree with you, just like we do in class with partner talk.  Then, write down your answers and share them with me.

Cheeky Challenge: What would you like to build with your hands and why?

Please remember to carry out your daily reading and your daily spellings practise.

RE Home Learning

Over the next two weeks, and as a whole school, we are going to be focussing on the bible story, Noah’s Ark.

Let’s start by listening to this bible story.

Today, we are going to be making characters to perform this bible story.  I would like you to draw the characters, cut them out and use them to tell the story through role play.  You might have other equipment at home to make your characters from, such as lolly pop sticks, craft things, cardboard.  Here are some template ideas, but please be as creative as you can.

Once you have your characters ready, practise and perform your role play.  Ask someone at home to take pictures or record your version of Noah’s Ark.  I cannot wait to see these!

Have a great day, stay safe and keep in touch.

Wrekin, Lawley and Caradoc’s Zoom Meeting

Hello everyone!

We hope you are all well and staying safe.  We will be holding our first zoom meeting on Monday, 11th January at 9.30am and would like you all to join.  Children who are in school will also be part of the meeting.  The details are:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 8865 9775
Passcode: 6uqRSr

Have a good weekend, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Thompstone, Mr Hughes and Miss Wright

Friday, 8th January 2021 Home Learning

Good morning Lawley, and happy Friday!  I hope you are all well and staying safe and well.  I wanted to say a huge well done to those who have been completing their home learning tasks.  There are still so many of you I have not heard from, please do get in touch.  Well done and thank you to Jamie, Anabel, Indi, Alfie, Hanna, Miti K, Miti T, Kaden, Leyton, Ollie, Sienna, Simon, Odin, Elisa, Alex, Scarlett, Teya, Amelia and Jessie for being in contact and working extremely hard.  Let’s add more names to the list next week!

Here are our home learning lessons for today:

Phonics Home Learning

Please complete the daily live session of Read Write Inc Phonics.

Maths Home Learning

Today, and every Friday, we are going to give you the opportunity to complete Maths activities on TT Rockstars, Numbots and Mathletics.  With these websites, your progress is recorded so I will be able to see who has logged on and what you have completed.  Your login details are in the front of your reading records, however if you cannot find these, please send me a message.


English Home Learning

Friday’s are usually our spelling test day.  Today I am setting you new spellings to practise daily ready for an online spelling test to take place next Friday.  Please make sure you practise these every day, with your first practise being today.  You will find your groups spellings below, but if you cannot remember your group, please send me a message.




Also on a Friday, we started to complete reading comprehensions.  I am going to continue setting these on a Friday as these help us all with an understanding of what we are reading.  Here is our comprehension for today:

Finally, I would like you to carry out your daily reading.  If you do not have any spare reading books at home, please remember you all have access to Bug Club.  Again, if you cannot find your login details, please message me.  I am checking this regularly so I can allocate more books to the children who need them.

ICT Home Learning

In ICT we are going to continue developing our coding skills.  Everyone became very confident in logging onto Purple Mash and started to create their own codes for backgrounds.  

Please log onto Purple Mash, if you cannot find your login details, please message me.

You will then find a To Do set by myself for Free Code Scenes – I have set this for everyone.

Your task today is to complete stage one – to make your own space scene.  Do not worry if you have forgotten what to do, follow the onscreen instructions.

Have a great day Lawley and remember to stay safe.  If you have any questions, please do message me.  If not, I look forward to seeing your work today.

Thursday, 7th January 2021 – Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Thank you to the children who have sent me work from yesterday.  There are still many of you who have not been in touch, please send me a message so I know you are receiving my messages and are accessing our home learning.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the daily Read Write Inc Phonics Session.

Maths Home Learning

Today I would like you to start my joining in with our counting in twos song.  Once you have done this, please write your counting in twos numbers up to 50.

Today we are going to continue with our multiplication and division unit by making equal groups.  This is where we make a certain number of groups, with each group containing the same amount. 

For example, I have five pots and each pot contains 3 grapes.  This means I have five equal groups of 3.

Let’s start by watching the video: 

Spr2.1.2 – Make equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now we have looked at the concept of making equal groups, I would like you all to complete the questions on the following worksheet. Remember, you can write these on a piece of paper.

07.01.21 Worksheet

Cheeky Challenge: Now you have completed the worksheet on making equal groups, have a go at the cheeky challenge below:

English Home Learning

To start with, I would like you all to think of as many words that contain our special friend ‘oy, toy for a boy.’

I was really impressed with the stories I was sent yesterday, you have been working hard!  Today, I would like you to watch the film, The Butterfly Book by Michael Leunig:

What did you enjoy about the video?  How do you think the man felt when the butterflies came out of the book?  How would you feel if a book came alive?

I would now like you to read the description based on the video:

Your activity for today is to write your own description of the video clip.  I want you to think about what you see, how you would feel, and use your senses – what you see, hear, feel, taste and touch.

Remember, you must use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • adjective
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge:  Which book would you like to come alive and why?

Science Home Learning

To start with, I want you to have a think about:

Think about the following questions:

Would you like humans to hibernate?  Why, why not?

In Science we have been learning about animals, including humans.  We have already looked at the lifecycle of a frog, today we are going to be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly.

Please watch the video below:

Now, I would like to create your own poster showing the lifecycle of a butterfly.  Your poster needs to include the different stages in pictures, with a caption under each picture telling what each stage is.  All information can be found in the video above, or you could carry out your own research.

Have a good day Lawley.  Please remember to send me your work.  Keep in touch and stay safe.

Home Learning: Wednesday, 6th January 2021

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Here is our home learning for today.


Please join in with the set 3 phonics session on the Read Write Inc YouTube page.

Maths Home Learning

Let’s start our maths session by counting to 100.  Join in with the song below, then write down numbers from 0 to100 independently.  Remember to make sure your numbers are the correct way round!

Let’s Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann – YouTube

This term we are going to be learning about multiplication and division.  We carry this out by sharing things in equal groups.  Today, we are going to concentrate on recognising equal groups.  

What does equal mean?

Yes, well done, equal means the same, so two equal groups would have the same number of items in them.

Let’s watch the learning video together:

Spr2.1.1 – Recognise equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now you have watched the video, have a go at completing the worksheet.  Do not worry about printing the worksheet out, you can complete this on a piece of paper.

06.01.21 Worksheet

Cheeky Challenge:  Have a go at the two cheeky challenge cards below using your knowledge of recognising equal groups.

English Home Learning

To start with, I would like you to spend 1 minute writing down as words as you can think of that rhyme with ‘make’.

Today, we are going to be writing a story based on a picture.  Can you tell me what i expect to see in all our writing?

Yes well done:

  • capital letters
  • finger spaces
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting

Today, I would also like you to use adjectives – describing words, these will make your story sound really interesting!

Look at this picture and think about the following questions:

  • What do you think will happen to the girl with the red balloon? 
  • Where will they go?
  • Why has the girl got a red balloon?

Now it is time for you to write your story.  Your story is going to start from the girl getting the red balloon and what happens next.  Please remember to check the list above for the parts you need to include.  Once you have finished, read through your work to make sure you have included everything and it makes sense before you send it me.  I can not wait to read your stories, you all have such great imagination!

Cheeky Challenge: On the wall it says ‘there is always hope.’  What do you think this might mean?

Art Home Learning

Today, I would like you to create a piece of artwork based on your story from English.  The original picture is of a little girl with a red balloon.  Your picture must show me one part of your story.  You need to include detail, take your time, and if possible, use colour.  The picture I have used is by an artist called Banksy, if possible, research Banksy, then create your picture based on his technique.  Send me a picture of your artwork once complete.

Websites to use

Here is a list of online websites all children in Lawley have access to.  Everyone has their own login details glued in the front of their reading diaries.  If you have any problems or can not find log in details , please let me know.

In Lawley we have access to:

Bug club Reading: ActiveLearn: Login (

Mathletics: Mathletics United Kingdom | Empowering Maths Learning Online

Numbots: NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families

TT Rockstars: NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families

Welcome back Lovely Lawley!

Good afternoon Lovely Lawley, I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Here is a little hello video from me, Mrs Thompstone:

I will be setting daily home learning on a daily basis through our class page on the school website. I will also post a link here on dojo. It is essential that all children participate in our home learning program. Photographs (with no one else in the background) can be taken of work completed and sent to me via dojo or (preferably) our class email:

If you do not have access to our home learning online, please do let me know as I can arrange a printed pack for you to collect. Everyone should also have passwords for the following programmes. If you have not, please do message me and I will find them for you:
– Mathletics
– Bug Club/Active Learn
– Purple Mash
– TT Rock Stars/Numbots

I will be holding weekly class zoom meetings where all members of Lawley are expected to join, and will be posting regular learning videos for you to watch. Let’s get through the next six weeks together, stay in regular contact and have fun with our learning.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan

Read, Write, Inc. Phonics sessions

Daily Read, Write, Inc. phonics session films will be available at 9.30am from Monday to Friday.

Each film is approximately ten to fifteen minutes long and will be available on
YouTube for 24 hours during school closure.

Daily films:
• Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling: for children in Reception
and children who are new to English.

• Set 2 Speed Sounds and Spelling: for children in Year 1 and 2 (and those in
Reception that can read Set 1 Speed Sounds.)

• Set 3 Speed Sounds and Spelling: for children in Year 1 and 2 that can read
Set 2 Speed Sounds.

• Read longer words: for children who can read Set 3 sounds and words

• Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink
and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these
in Year 1.

• Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey
Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Y2.

• Read and Hold a Sentence 1: reading and writing practice for children
reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For
children reading and writing with Set 1 sounds confidently and learning Set 2

• Read and Hold a Sentence 2: reading and writing practice for children
reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children
reading and writing words with Set 2 sounds confidently and learning Set 3

All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.

The schedule can be downloaded here:

ruth miskin schedule

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher via classdojo.