Lawley’s week!

Welcome back to everyone following half term. The children have settled in very well and have been eager to learn.  Our Topic this half term is Dinosaur Planet, and everyone was eager to share the knowledge they already have. We have found out all about the different dinosaurs this week, followed by an art session where we created dinosaur skeleton pictures.  In English we have been reading Where the Wild Things Are, are have been looking at the features of narrative and creating our own dinosaur character and setting. In Maths we have been learning how to add and subtract a 1-digit number with a 2-digit number, using base 10, number lines, and column addition and subtraction. In Science we investigated what happens to ice, chocolate and bread when we apply heat.  The children had fun using the heat from their hands to see what happened to the chocolate! In PSHE we have started looking at diversity and equality by looking at where we all come from.  Using a world map, we discussed and shared where ourselves and our families come from, focusing on how we are all still treated equally no matter where we are from. In RE we discussed the question ‘why does Christmas matter to Christian’s’ and looked at the signs of Christmas

Congratulations to our star of the week, Amelia! Amelia has been working extremely hard with her spellings and phonics to ensure her writing is to the highest quality.  We have introduced a word of the day, and Amelia has made sure she has been using this correctly.  Amelia always has a positive attitude and is a helpful, kind member of our Lawley class.  Well done Amelia.

Dinosaur Planet Overview

This term our topic is Dinosaur Planet.  We have got lots of exciting things to look forward to in a variety of our lessons.  Here is an overview of our half term.

This will also be sent home next week for you along with recommended books to read at home and a home learning project to share together with your child.

Friday’s Phonics Session: oi

Good morning everybody and happy Friday!

We’ve made it to the end of the week and I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Monday (in your PE kits remember)!

Here is our final phonics session for the week.  There’s a little background noise sorry, it’s my two girls trying to play the recorder!

Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.

See you Monday,

Mrs Thompstone 🙂


Lawley’s Final Week!

Well done to all of Lawley for settling in so well over our first half term.  Everyone had worked extremely hard and adapted to our new environment very well.

During our final week, children wrote their own alien narratives with our recurring language “the aliens are coming”.  Included in our narratives were adjectives, travel through space and lots of rocket crashes! They were a pleasure to read.  In maths we have been looking at ten more and ten less, as well as adding and subtracting in tens.  In Topic we finished off by having a space day (see our separate post).  We also designed our own Christmas cards, which children have taken home with them along with an order form.

On Thursday afternoon the whole school took part in a zoom harvest festival meeting.  We sang hymns, prayed and watched children across the school share poems and prayers based on our wonderful world.  Thank you to Mrs Holmes for organising this.

Our star of the week is Leyton, who has tried so very hard with his handwriting, ensuring his letter formation is correct.  He has recognised his errors and fixed them straight away.  Well done Leyton.

Each child has been sent home with some daily phonics homework as well as a homework booklet.  Please allow your child some time over the week to complete these activities.

Thank you for your ongoing support.  We hope you all have a happy, relaxing and safe half term.

Take care,

Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan

Moon Zoom Fantastic Finish!

We have ended and celebrated the end of our Topic, Moon Zoom, by holding a space day.    The children wrote alien stories, made aliens out of clay, discussed the food they would like to take to space, ate space food and created their own space food design. The children all had great fun, with Miti saying “this is the best day ever” and Odin saying “the clay is so much fun.”

Calling all of our budding artists in school…

Calling all of our budding artists in school…

It’s that time of year again! Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education is looking for someone to design this year’s Christmas card. The winning design could become the Diocese official Christmas card for 2020. Make your design using any of the following mediums:




Digital Media


Be creative and let your imagination run free.


To enter a design it must be A5 in size and has a theme of Christmas Joy. Closing date is Thursday 5th November. Please drop your entries off at the school office.