Forest School!

So this week, we are starting Forest School!

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Dallow is leading our class on an adventure into the forest! Your child will need to bring with them:
Wellington boots (or old trainers if you don’t have them)
Old tracksuit bottoms
A coat
All brought together in a plastic bag, clearly named.

Your child will probably get quite muddy so the clothes that they bring will be so that they can get dirty and it won’t matter. They need to be in a plastic bag with their name on so that, afterwards, they can be taken off and the mud is contained.

Please make sure your child has these items in school, otherwise there is a chance that they will not be able to participate with the rest of their class. This will be in place of one of their PE sessions and will happen every week.

If you have any questions, please send me a message.
Thank you!

Our First Week

Good afternoon!

We have had a fantastic first week back. The children have settled back in beautifully and it’s like they never left.

Next week, we will be starting our proper timetable: including PE. The children will need to bring their PE kits in every Monday and then take them home on a Friday. This will ensure that every PE lesson, their kit is in school.

In their bags, the children have got two books. One is “Reading for Pleasure” book and one is a “Reading for Challenge” book. The Challenge book is closely matched with their reading ability. The other one is one that they have chosen from our book shelf. Please ensure both books are returned on Monday.

Thank you for an amazing week and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Welcome to Lawley!

Hello everyone and welcome to Lawley! Mrs Dallow and I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow! We have a fun-filled day planned ready for your return.

Please make sure you are in full school uniform, including jumper and appropriate school shoes. It is set to rain all week so please remember your coat!

There has been a change in our usual routine. School will now open at at 8:40AM for all children.

School will finish at 3:15PM each day and the children will be released from the usual doors, as is the same as last year.

We haven’t yet decided on PE days so I will confirm this later in the week. PE will commence next week, so please make sure all children have their full PE kits in from Monday – Friday each week.

See you tomorrow!

Lawley’s Week

Our final full week in Lawley has been yet another busy one, with everyone working their socks off in all lessons!  In English the children wrote their own diary entries as Jack form Jack and The Beanstalk, using a range of description and imagination.  In Maths we have been continuing our work on time, using the clocks to support our learning .  It would be extremely useful for you to continue testing the children on time at home.  In Topic the children have developed their sewing skills to make lavender bags, the end product is fantastic and they have all worked through the difficulties of sewing very well!  In Science we discussed a range of different habitats, the animals we may find in that habitat and what we might feel, see and hear there.  Finally in RE we created acrostic poems on God’s Great Earth.

A final reminder that we need all reading books returning to school as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Sports Day 2021

Wow, what a fantastic morning we had for Sports Day.  Thank you and well done to all of the children and thank you to parents, carers and family members for attending and  ensuring everything ran safely and smoothly.  Here are just a few of the photographs from our wonderful event:

Lawley’s Week

We have had a lovely, creative week in Lawley.  In English we have been planning our diary entries, where we are being Jack from Jack and The Beanstalk and the children have been considering his feelings and thoughts.  I look forward to reading our diary entries next week! In Maths we have been learning about time, the children have blown my socks off with how quick they are picking it up, and every 15 minutes we have been looking at our class clock and they have all told me the correct time!  In Topic we have planned flower lavender bags, we will be developing our sewing skills next week when making them.  In Art we pressed flowers to make a picture, these are currently being pressed and we can not wait to see the results!  In Music we worked well together using the Glockenspiels, learning to play c, d, e, f, and g forward, backwards and in time with the rest of the class. In PE we practised our Sports Day running races ready for next week.  Finally in RE, we have created our own Big Frieze pictures using the oil pastels ready for a whole school display.

Well done to Miti who was our Star of the Week in Lawley.  Miti has been an extremely kind friend and has been supporting a new girl in Lawley who can not speak English.  He has also worked hard in Maths with telling the time.

Please remember to follow the Parent Pay instructions to book a parents evening slot on either Tuesday, 13th or Wednesday, 14th July.  There are a range of appointments still left and I look forward to speaking to you all.

Our Sports Day will take place on Wednesday, 14th at 10.00am.  We are all excited to show off our skills.

Lawley’s Week

We have has a busy, sporty week this week in Lawley where the children have worked hard during our practises for our Sports Day next week.  We have also been learning about diary entries in English, odd and even numbers and division in Maths, creating our own Big Frieze picture in RE, and creating floral collages in art.  We also has a fantastic afternoon on Tuesday shelter building, where the children built a range of shelters outside in order to raise money for the charity Shelter Box.  We had cakes as a treat on Wednesday to say goodbye to Miss Earnshaw, along with more treats and a disco this afternoon to celebrate our monthly birthdays.

Well done to Teya who was our Star of the Week for her great effort in all lessons and being a fantastic role model to all children.  Teya is also developing into a beautiful reader and is starting to use expression.

Lawley’s Week

We’ve had a fun week in Lawley where we have been writing our own versions of Jack and The Beanstalk.  The children have worked hard remembering to use full stops, capital letters, adjectives, adverbs, suffixes, time connections and conjunctions (the list is getting longer!).  In Maths we have been making equal groups through grouping and sharing, learning the 5 and 10 times tables and dividing by 2.  In Science we focused on some of the things animals and plants need to stay alive, and in Topic we tested our senses with a range of foods.  In art we did printing, we used a range of leaves, twigs and flowers to paint on then print onto paper, and in RE we discussed Shelter Box ready for our Shelter Day on Tuesday.

Well done to Alfie who is our Star of the Week.  Alfie has worked hard over the last few months on his spellings and is achieving high scores every week.  He has developed beautiful handwriting and is taking pride in his presentation.