Whole School Collective Worship – Justice and Humility

The whole school collective worship is brought to you by Mr. Kenyon.

This week we will be focusing on Justice.

Collective Worship Mr Kenyon

Have a look at the hall of fame below to learn more about images and statues linked to Justice  (click link to enlarge):

If you are interested in ‘Lady Jusitce’ , please take time to look at ‘Verity’ created by Damien Hirst which is placed on the docks at Ilfracombe, Devon.

A 66 foot stainless steel and bronze sculpture named Verity, created by world famous artist Damien Hirst, stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour looking out over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. It has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to “truth” and Hirst describes his work as a “modern allegory of truth and justice”.



The bible story we will refer to this week is Jonah and the whale:


Justice could mean giving wrong doers the punishment they deserve i.e… the punishment fitting the crime- just desserts, an eye for an eye, etc. However, it could also mean giving all people- particularly the poor and oppressed – what is right and fair for them to have i.e… life, health, freedom, and dignity- this is social justice.

We have used many different bible stories to emphasize this: Jonah and the Whale is one.


Please join us for one of our daily prayers (click to enlarge):

Lawley’s Week

We’ve had a lovely week in Lawley with everyone working very hard.  In English we have continued our learning of suffixes as well as describing Jack, the Giant and the setting of Jack and The Beanstalk.  In Maths we have been making equal groups, making doubles and learning about arrays using chocolate hoop!  In Science we have started our new unit of Living Things, with our focus this week being on living things and non living things.  In Topic we made a pizza garden by planting herbs and vegetables, and in art we went outside with the wax crayons and looked at different textures.  In PE we are practising our Athletic skills. We were also very fortunate to take part in an author festival with Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

Well done to Alex who is our Star of the Week.  Alex has been working hard in Maths with our multiplication and division unit, trying his best and persevering until he reaches the correct answer.  Alex also has a smile on his face and is such a good friend.

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):

Lawley’s Week

Welcome back to our Summer Term.  It’s been a lovely warm week to start our new topic, The Scented Garden.  We had an explore around the school grounds looking at the different plants, flowers and trees we could find, and learnt about the artist, Georgia O’Keefe, mirroring her artwork of flowers.  In Maths we have started our new unit on Multiplication and Division, with the children revisiting equal groups, adding equal groups, and understanding the multiplication symbol.  In English our new unit is Traditional Tales, we have been looking at Jack and the Beanstalk, and children have been learning all about the features of a traditional tale as well as suffixes.  In Science we looked at the lifecycle of a flower, which will help us over the coming weeks with out new topic.  In PE we learnt how to hold, position and throw a javelin, which was a little tricky with a strong breeze today!

Well done to Sienna who was Lawley’s Star of The Week.  Sienna is a brilliant role model, a great friend and an excellent helper to all children and staff.  Sienna always puts 100% into everything she does, and has been working extremely hard with her handwriting and presentation.  Well done Sienna.

Whole school collective worship – Justice and Humility

As we start a new half term, our Christian values also change. We will be focusing on  Justice and Humility.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will aim the collective worships around the two values with links to bible stories.

Collective worship this week is from Mr Hughes,  where he will focuses on the word ‘Humility’. (click images to enlarge)


Please click on the power point below.

Justice and Humility collective worship

Within the worship, we focus on the bible story:

John 13: 1-17Jesus washes his disciple’s feet

We also look at

The Prideful Ant  – A Story about Pride and Humility

 Philippians 2:3-4, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Please join us with a prayer focusing on humility:

Lawley’s Week

We had an enjoyable week in Lawley, especially with our Castle Day (see our separate post).  Throughout the week we completed our Fractions topic in Maths, wrote newspaper reports in English based on an imaginary attack at Whittington Castle, and learnt about how water in transported in flowers in Science.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Kaden, who has started to develop hugely in confidence by raising his hand, talking to his talking partner, and sharing his ideas and thoughts.  Kaden is a brilliant reader, and he is now using a louder voice so we can enjoy listening to him read.  Also, well done to Millie who was Lawley’s Values Champion.  This half term our values have been faith and believe, Millie has demonstrated many times that she believes in herself and others, she always carries on despite things being tricky sometimes.  Well done to Kaden and Millie!

I hope you all have an enjoyable half term, stay safe and have a good rest!  Please do remember to continue with your reading, and you could log onto Purple Mash, Numbots, TT Rockstars, Bug Club or Mathletics.

Castle Day in Lawley and Lawley News Report

Wow, what an incredible day!  It has been fantastic to see the effort children have gone to with their costumes, and how much they have enjoyed the day.  Thank you parents and carers for your ongoing support.

We have also recorded a news report based on an imaginary attack on Whittington Castle:

Here are some of our photographs from today:

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Today’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Thompstone.

Mrs Thompstone’s Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Again we will be looking at our Christin Values – Faith and Belief: (Click on image below to enlarge)

Today, we are going to focus on the bible story where Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee.


Psalm 46 1-2 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…”


Please click on the image for The Lord’s Prayer:

Lawley’s Week

The children have had the opportunity to show off their excellent Maths and Reading skills this week during our assessment week.  I am very proud of each of Lawley class as everyone has tried their best!  On top of our assessments, in Maths the children have been continuing their learning of fractions, focussing on quarters and thirds, as well as writing the fraction correctly.  In Topic we looked at a range of bridges from our country and around the world.  The children then designed their own bridge, and created on using paper straws and masking tape – it was great fun!  In RE we have focused on the Gospel from the Big Frieze, talking about how to be thankful and to consider the good news delivered by Jesus.  In Music we continued learning our Friendship song and the children had an opportunity to learn notes G, E and G on the Glockenspiels.  Then in PE we have practised a range of Athletic games.

Well done to Elisa who is our star of the week in Lawley.  Elisa has shared fantastic knowledge of fractions, applying this to her work and the activities.  She has also been able to recall and explain the numerator and denominator.  Well done Elisa!