Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Collective worship this week is brought to you by Miss Wright. The focus this half term is Faith and Belief, Miss Wright as made a PowerPoint (see below):

Collective Worship Miss Wright

Within the collective worship we focus on:   Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Miss Wright asks:

An event you may see around id the ‘Big Asthma Bake Sale’ please feel free to support this event if you see  it around this month. (click image to enlarge).

Please join in with the ‘let love shine through song’:



Let us pray –  a prayer for my friends (click image to enlarge):

Lawley’s week

We’ve had another busy week in Lawley! In English we have started looking at newspaper reports, focusing on the features and creating a success criteria for our own, as well as learning about conjunctions and adverbs.  In Maths we have been recognising quarters and halves, using shapes, cubes and pizzas!  In topic we looked at different towers around the world, creating our own fact files.  In DT we created our own castle collages with a range of cardboard, material and resources.  In Science we continued our learning of what plants need to grow, and in RE we continued our focus on The Big Frieze, concentrating on Incarnation.  Finally, in PSHE we discussed healthy eating and the different food groups.  With this we then made wrap pizza, which the children have taken home today to cook and eat.

Our Star of the Week in Lawley is Kobie.  Kobie always has a smile on her face and enjoys sharing her knowledge and ideas in class.  She has helped us all in our fractions lessons this week, and has retained her learning from each lesson.  Well done Kobie!

Collective Worship – Whole school Faith and Belief – Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This week collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Holland.

Collective Worship – celebrating cultural diversity

The focus this week us celebrating cultural diversity. We will look at the bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ -Luke 10:25-37.

Please join  in with the action song below:

We will end with a though for the day (click image to enlarge):

Lawley’s Week

We have had another brilliant week in Lawley, with the children working extremely hard in all lessons.  In Maths we have completed our Shapes unit and are now making a start on Fractions, with is looking at wholes and parts.  In English we have been using all our skills and learning from the last two weeks to write our own fictions stories based on The Tunnel by Anthony Browne.  The children have worked hard to ensure they use time connectives, expanded noun phrases, as well as full stops, capital letters, phonics and neat handwriting.  It has been a pleasure reading their fiction stories, with all the children using their fantastic imagination.

In Topic we have been learning about famous towers around the world, including using atlases to locate them, and in DT we planned our own tower and created them using Lego (unfortunately the ongoing rain stopped us visiting Forest School to build our towers in nature).  In Science we continued our learning on flowers and focused on the lifecycle of a sunflower, which included planting our own sunflower seeds.  We will be closely watching the seeds germinate!  In RE we continued our focus of the Big Frieze, concentrating on The Fall this week.  We discussed the Big Frieze picture and what we all thought sin meant.  We also thought carefully about why the word God is so important to Christians.

Our Star of the Week in Lawley this week is Miti T.  Miti has been working incredibly hard during our Shape unit in Maths, working practically and sharing his knowledge with the class.  He has developed confidence with counting the sides and vertices of 2D shapes, and the edges, faces and vertices of 3D shapes.  Well done Miti.

Please can I remind everyone that reading books must be returned to school every Friday.  We have seen numbers reduce dramatically over the last couple of weeks.  It is essential that all children are reading at least 5 times a week and that they have the opportunity to change their reading book once a week.  If your child did not come with their reading book on Friday, please can these been sent to school on Monday.  Thank you.

Collective worship – Whole School – NSPCC


Whole School collective worship this week is by Miss Scoltock, the theme this week is NSPCC

Collective-Worship-NSPCC (1)

Please click on the PowerPoint to access.

If you have time, please watch the following video:
We also have a bible link to Faith and Belief:


Let us prayer click image to emlarge:

Lawley’s Week

We have had another busy week in Lawley, where the children have been working so hard, put 100% effort into everything!  In English we have been learning about nouns, expanded noun phrases, creating a setting and creating our own characters in preparation for story writing next week.  In Maths we have focused on 3D shapes, learning how to count the faces, edges and vertices of a 3D shape.  In Topic we focused on History and learnt about castles through the ages, creating a timeline and looking at how castles have altered over the years.  We also had a DT lesson where the children designed, created and evaluated their own castle tiles – these were great fun to make.  In PSHE we focused on mental health, discussing different feelings we experience and the causes of these.  We finished the week off with our monthly birthday celebration party, where in Lawley we had a disco.

Our Star of the Week this week is Oskar.  Oskar has grown in confidence since returning to school after the Easter break, he is putting his hand up to answer questions, he shares his opinion and views, and discusses our work with his talking partner.  Oskar comes into class in the morning, sits down and starts his work straight away, he is working extremely hard.  Well done Oskar!

Earth Day Home Projects

Well done to everyone who completed an activity from my Earth Day post last week.  I have been amazed by your efforts!  Take a look below at the projects sent to me:

Lucas’ Earth Day poster

Odin’s Bug Hotel

Amelia’s Bird House

Hanna filling up her pond

Mia building their pond

Hanna and Mia’s completed pond

Kobie’s Bug Hotel

Alex’s Bird House

Anabel’s plants

Miti’s Earth Day poster

Indi’s acrostic poem

Indi’s Bug Hotel

Thank you to you all and to parents and carers for your ongoing support, what a difference you will make to our Earth through your wonderful projects.  You will all be awarded 5 class dojo points, and a small Earth Day prize will be passed onto you shortly.


Collective Worship – Faith and Belief – Pedal Power

This week we have a collective worship by Mrs Platt, she is focusing on believing in yourself and never giving up – The Big Pedal.

See Power Point below:

Collective Worship pedal power

Mrs Platt has included a few links having faith in what you do and when riding a bike.

See the song below and join in:

See the story below about faith:


Please click image below to enlarge the prayer:

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Lawley’s Week

We have had a great first week back in Lawley class for the start of our Summer Term, all helped with the beautiful sunshine!  In class we have started our new topic of Towers, Tunnels and Turrets with our Stunning Starter – a virtual trip to Whittington Castle.  We made an imaginary bus to start with, before going back into class to watch myself and Mr Hughes at Whittington Castle.

In English we have been reading The Tunnel by Anthony Browne, learning about commas and the features of a fiction story.  In Maths we have continued our learning of shapes, focusing on sorting and making patterns with 2D shapes, as well as counting the vertices and sides.  In Science we have started our unit on Plants with a nature walk looking at the common plants and trees we have within the school grounds.  In RE we have looked at the Big Frieze, finding out what it means and represents to Christians, and focusing on Creation.  In PE we focused on catching a ball after one bounce and hitting it with a cricket bat in preparation for Kwik Cricket over the next half term.  In DT we made projectiles out of lollypop sticks and blue tak to see how far they would travel and if they would be suitable for a castle attack.

We welcomed a new Trainee Teacher in Lawley Class this week, Miss Earnshaw will be with us until July.

Just a reminder to everyone – our reading books and diaries need to be sent into school every Friday so we can change books.  There were quite a few forgotten this week, so please do make sure they are sent in weekly.  Due to Friday being a PD day, we will be changing them Thursday, 29th April.  Also, Lawley’s PE sessions are a Monday and Friday, children must come to school in their school PE kits on both of these days.

Finally, congratulations and well done to Mollie who was Lawley’s Star of the Week.  Mollie is working hard to improve her phonics and reading.  She is also such a kind and helpful member of Lawley class and we are all very impressed with her efforts.  Well done Mollie.

Earth Day – Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Hello everyone! It’s Mrs Thompstone here and I would like to tell you about Earth Day 2021.  This is a worldwide event where we come together to celebrate our wonderful Earth, and today, Thursday, 22nd April 2021, is Earth Day.  Every year there is a particular theme, this year the theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Our Earth is precious and it is important to make sure we look after it.  Here are two video clips explaining the history of Earth Day.

I would like you all to take part in an activity based on Earth Day.  Below you will find a range of different activities for you to choose from, or you may wish to come up with your own activity idea.  You can take part on your own or with a family member, you will be able to share your ideas and plans, as well as develop your understanding and learning of Earth Day.

Once you have completed your activity, please take a picture and either send it to your class teacher through your class email, class dojo, or please email them direct to me at Lawley@holytrinitycepa.co.uk.  The deadline for our activities is Thursday, 28th April, and everyone who enters will receive a prize!

Please do have fun, be creative and resourceful, develop your understanding of our wonderful world, and get your family members involved.  Remember to stay safe and please do ask permission from a grown up before using any resources.

Build a Bug Hotel

Build a hotel made from natural resources that any creepy, crawling insect would love to call home!  The image below give you some ideas- they’re a little bigger than you may create but it gives you an idea of what you can use to make it. Make a Bird Feeder

Create, build or decorate your own bird feeder that robins, blue tits, wrens or any number of garden birds would love to feast from!  You could use natural resources or materials you have at home. You may want to make a single feeder or a bird feeding station! 

Create a Nature Garden

Dedicate a small section of your garden to nature and the animals that visit it! Add a small area of water for bees or birds to drink from, add natural materials insects can call home or even add a box for a hedgehog. 

Decorate a Bird Box

Create a lovely home for a family of birds by decorating a bird box. You may choose to build your own bird box to decorate or decorate one that is bought.  

Create a Eco Poster

Pick an Eco topic that you are passionate about and create an eye-catching poster that informs people on your topic of choice. This could be using less electricity, recycling more, reducing the amount of plastic used, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing deforestation for example.  Whatever topic you pick, make sure your poster is really eye catching and gets your message across. You could do this on paper, card, on the computer or in any inventive way your like!

Bake Earth Cookies

Follow the receipt to create your own Earth Cookies.

Climate Change Fact File

Carry out research and create an interesting fact file on climate change.  Find out what climate change is, how it is caused and what we can do to reduce this.  You may wish to research Greta Thunburg for support on your fact file.

Earth Day Acrostic Poem

Create an acrostic poem based on Earth Day.  You may wish to use the words such as Earth Day, World or Restore our Earth.

Let us prayer together to celebrate our wonderful Earth.

Dear God,

Help us to care for and love our Earth, and all of creation you have blessed us with.


Good luck everyone, I cannot wait to see the activities you have completed.