Home learning

There are some home learning resources available below. Please note, if you are feeling unwell please do not feel any pressure to complete them!  RE work is split into two powerpoint as it was too large to upload as one. Please let me know if you are having any difficulty or questions at all!

English Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 

Uploaded to dojo/can be emailed if requested as too large to attach.


Please complete questions from the maths sheet below. If you cannot answer all of them, please do not worry! Just do what you can.

maths sheet


Uploaded to dojo/can be emailed if requested as too large to attach.

Any completed work can be brought back into school when next in, send a picture to me on dojo or emailed over if completed online.

I hope everyone is feeling O.K and if there anything at all we can do to help support you, please just let me know. Have a wonderful half term!

home learning

There are some home learning resources available below. I had a technical glitch which meant they were not uploaded yesterday. Please note, if you are feeling unwell please do not feel any pressure to complete them!  RE work is split into two powerpoint as it was too large to upload as one. Please let me know if you are having any difficulty or questions at all!

RE part 1

RE part 2

RE handout

Maths work. The children have completed all the learning for this block but may need some help as some did find it hard/struggled to understand the question. Please continue to practice timetables on TTRockstars.


Currently I am unable to upload our English work due to the powerpoint being too large! Please see dojo for this or I can email it to you if this is easier. Please continue to read 3 times a week and record this in your reading record.

Any completed work can be brought back into school when next in, send a picture to me on dojo or emailed over if completed online.

I hope everyone is feeling O.K and if there anything at all we can do to help support you, please just let me know.

Gods and Mortals- summer term

When we return to school, Long Mynd will be learning about Gods and Mortals, this also includes Ancient Greece. I have attached the half term curriculum map for you to look at.

CURRICULUM MAP gods and morals

Please click on image below to enlarge:


I have also attached a word map for you to learn the key names of the Greek Gods and a short video from Horrible Histories – Groovy Greeks.


See you all on the 19th April, keep safe Mrs Rowley and Miss Hutson

Easter Sunday Home learning

Good morning, as we have a number of children either self isolating or working from home. I have provided a PowerPoint and a number of activities for you to complete over the next few days.

I have attracted a church video for Easter Sunday on slide one and a rage of activities such as:

  • Re-tell the Easter story in your own words,
  • Reading comprehension – RIC  style questions,
  • Maths reasoning with STEM SENTENCES,
  • Easter card,
  • Easter garden,
  • Easter crossword.


Please work through the activities if you have resources available. Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us through Dojo.

Thank you and keep safe from myself and Mrs Rowley.

Classroom-worship-easter-sunday Home learning

easter cross competition

egg templates






Daily English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

This morning task is to write a letter. You need to either write a letter as if you are the boy to the penguin or pretend you are the penguin and write a letter to the boy. Have a think what you could include in your letter, at the end of the story the boy is sad and lonely. You could use the letter to express your feelings.


If you would like to read the story please see the link below.



f you are unsure on how to write your letter, have a look at the PowerPoint below for step by step instructions on how to set it out.

letter powerpoint

Use the image below to help you write your letter. Remember to say who your letter is to, why your are writing your letter and make sure you say who it is from at the end. Click image to enlarge.




Friday Fun day – Maths

You have all worked extremely hard this week with maths, both on zooms and independently.

For todays maths I would like you to go onto, Purple Mash, Times tables Rockstar’s, Mathletics or Numbots.






This afternoon in class the children will be watching Happy Feet to link in with the Story lost and found.


Thursday afternoon PE and French

This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Mr Wright from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.



This afternoon we will be looking at colours in French. Below is an interactive PowerPoint, as well as a Word map with all the colours on for you. Have a go at trying to pronounce the colours then have a look at the video’s below.

. PowerPoint- French Colours Powerpoint

Rainbow Worksheet- French Rainbow


Cheeky Challenge-




Word Book Day

Good morning, today is world book day, Miss Wright has kicked off the morning with a video  on the previous post and Miss Kerr has scheduled a live zoom at 9:30am, we look forward to seeing you all on the zoom. The whole school are focusing in the story, ‘The day the  crayons quit’.

Have a listen to the story below – click image to enlarge.

What is World book day? Why do we celebrate? Please see the power point for information about world book day  – us-t-2546067-world-book-day-pre-k-2-powerpoint_ver_3


We would like you to share your favourite book with your friends when returning back to school so please complete the following questions.. We would like to know

  1. What your favourite story is and why?
  2. Who is the Author?
  3. Who your favourite character is? 
  4. What you didn’t like.
  5. How the story made you feel? 
  6. What would you like to tell the author? 

Have a look at the worksheet below to tell us all about your favourite book.

Worksheet- Share a Story

For the rest of the morning we would like you to have a go at the activities set below. these are all focused around the book of the day ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Have fun!

We would like to see an image of you in your world book day costume -please email to longmynd@holytrinitycepa.co.uk or hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk.

Have a lovely day and enjoy the activities.

Wednesday afternoon PE and Art and DT (platting or weaving)

This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Mr Wright from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.




This afternoon you will be creating your very own technicolour dream coat just like Joseph. You will need to collect card/ paper or different coloured wool. Have a look at the YouTube video below to see what technique we will be using.

Platting with wool:

Paper weaving:


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help. Thank you and happy crafting!