Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Please recap on Chapter 2 above. If you would like to read I have attached the document below:

Chapter 2 Iron man

Today you will be creating a story board based your character you created yesterday. As we have only read chapters 1 and 2 so far you can draw chapter 1 and chapter 2. However, no we will include your own character from now on. You need to have a think about what might happen in chapters 3-5 and finish the story board. You can think what will happen to the iron man, you can design your own story and outcome. Click image below to enlarge for the story board sheet. I have attached the document too.

Please see worksheet below.

Story Board IM

I have also included some examples of story boards for you to get an idea of what is  expected today Use 1 picture for each chapter and add a few words for each chapter.





Cooking / food technology

Today we will be making a selection of cakes – either  Rock cakes, or cereal cakes. This is linked to the bible story David and Goliath. See story below.


I am attaching a link to the cakes we will be making and ingredients needed.  Please choose the one which best suits.





Daily Maths – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd:



True of False –

Please use a STEM sentence opener to help you answer the questions.

  • I know….
  • I already know…..
  • I think that ….

Hawkstone: A carry on from yesterday’s lesson. Please look at PowerPoint and work through any of the questions.

Aut4.12.4-7-times-table-and-division-facts (1)

-Wheels-Activity-Sheets see example below:

T2-M-1573-7-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet_ver_3 – see example below:


True of False – Please use STEM sentence openers to help you answer the True or False:

  • I know that…..
  • I think…..
  • I already know that …

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter 2 from the video above. If you would like to read the chapter, I have attached it below:

Chapter 2 Iron man

Today you will be creating your own Iron man. Please think back to yesterday’s lesson to help you. You will need to include:

  1.  What he looks like? (Body parts/ how many and where?… Remember he is made from iron)
  2.  Who made your Iron Man and what materials they used? (Doctor, Scientist, Farmer,  Mechanic ETC)
  3.  What special skills does your Iron Man have / what makes him unique or different from others

Model below:

  • Two electrical eyes that glow green.
  • Tractor eating Iron Man with mighty, strong, tough arms that can destroy houses.
  • His handle like ears can hear from 50 miles away and move when he hears something suspicious.
  • He has gloomy white eyes and if you stare at them he will become frustrated.
  • His body is really rusted and is starting to fall apart.
  • Massive, heavy feet as hard as a shield and a head as firm as a boulder.


We will be junk model making our own Iron Man next week so keep you eyes peeled and start collecting whatever you have at home.

Please see worksheet attached below.

Iron man Worksheet






Wednesday afternoon PE and Take Aim Target Practice games.

This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Callum from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg3Eyl9e0Lc2A0ZZUpSQp7w


TAKE AIM: Goliath is the most well known giant in the Bible- today you task is to create a catapult or game to defeat the giant. see link for game ideas –  https://biblegamescentral.com/defeat-the-giant/

See images below for ideas. You job is to throw home made rocks to defeat Goliath.


Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd:




Again there is no video for the times tables lesson, I am attaching a number of lesson ideas to help you today.

PowerPoint – Multiply and Divide by 7

Vertical Format – Multiply and Divide by 7 SEE QUESTIONS BELOW


Can you explain your reasoning by using the STEM sentence openers:

  • I already know that…
  • I think that…
  • I know that……


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please recap on Chapter 1 of The Iron Man above:

I have also attached Chapter 1 as a document to read – THE IRON MAN Ted Hughes c1

Here is a description:

Down the cliff the Iron Man came toppling, head over heels. CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! From rock to rock, snag to snag, tumbling slowly. And as he crashed and crashed and crashed. His iron legs fell off. His iron arms broke off, and the hands broke off the arms. His great iron ears fell off and his eyes fell out. His great iron head fell off. All the separate pieces tumbled, scattered, crashing, bumping, clanging, down on to the rocky beach far below. A few rocks tumbled with him. Then Silence.

Click on below image to enlarge.

Task today is to write a set of instructions for putting the Iron man back together after he has fallen off the cliff top. Click image to enlarge.


  • To look at the muddled instruction and put them in order, please write them out in order- Muddled Instructions or write some of your own.



Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter one of ‘The Iron Man’. I have also attached chapter one of the book below.

Chapter 1 – The Iron Man – THE IRON MAN Ted Hughes c1 

Character description –  The Iron Man

Below is an extract from Chapter One with a few adjectives to describe the iron man (in bold).

Your task:  complete a character description of ‘The Iron Man’.

  1. First brain storm the character by using the image and key words from the chapter – (USE THE WORD MAT BELOW TO HELP YOU)
  2. Then put into full sentences  –  I have given you some sentence openers to help you.

Taller than a house, the Iron Man stood at the top of the cliff, on the very brink, in the darkness.
The wind sang through his iron fingers. His great iron head, shaped like a dustbin but as big as a bedroom, slowly turned to the right, slowly turned to the left. His iron ears turned, this way, that way. He was hearing the sea. His eyes, like headlamps, glowed white, then red, then infra-red, searching the sea. Never before had the Iron Man seen the sea.




  • The iron man is ….
  • He is….
  • The character has …
  • From the text, ….
  • The ….. iron man



Science investigation – The Iron Man – Forces & Magnetism

The Iron Man – Forces & Magnetism

The Iron Manby Ted Hughes is a well known children’s story. It follows the arrival of an Iron Man  who feeds on local farm equipment. When the farm hands discover their destroyed tractors and diggers, a trap is set consisting of a covered pit on which a red lorry is set as bait. Hogarth, a local boy, lures the Iron Man to the trap. The plan succeeds, and the Iron Man is buried alive. The Iron Man digs himself free out of the pit. To keep him out of the way, the boy Hogarth takes charge and brings the Iron Man to a metal scrap-heap. The Iron Man promises not to cause further trouble for the locals, as long as no one troubles him. Later on, an enormous space-being, resembling a dragon, moving from orbit to land on Earth. The creature crashes heavily on Australia and demands that humans provide him with food. The Iron Man hears of the fearsome creature and challenges him to a duel.  If the Iron Man can withstand the heat of burning petrol for longer than the space being can withstand the heat of the Sun, the creature must obey the Iron Man’s commands forevermore; if the Iron Man melts or is afraid of melting before the space being undergoes or fears pain in the Sun, the creature has permission to devour the whole Earth.The alien creature admits defeat.

Today we will be investigating magnets.



You can use: fridge magnets, magnetic letters or if you have any magnets in a tool box. Please look over the PowerPoints below to help you understand more about magnets:

Please complete the sheet below to identify if different objects at home are magnetic or not.

Key scientific vocabulary: force, magnetic force, magnet​, strength, bar magnet, ring magnet, button magnet, horseshoe magnet, attract, repel, poles, metal, iron, steel.