๐ŸŒŸ Long Mynd celebrations ๐Ÿฅณ ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŒŸ

Star of the week goes to:

Star of the week Austin Hamilton
Austin has been working extremely hard this week in all area of the curriculum. He had been asking to read to an adult every morning which is fantastic and now other children are following suit.
He designed a fantastic pizza using all the key vocabulary correctly- he even took his pizza home which he made for his family and wants to make it at home ย again for homework! What wonderful initiative!

Superstar! ๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŒŸ

We are also celebrating the success of passing times tables and spellings this week, well done all.

Pizza Fractions in Long Mynd

Our maths topic this half term is Fractions and what a creative way to finish the unit. We have been learning about halves, quarters, thirds, unit and non unit fractions, numerator and denominator.

Today we designed our own pizzas and created it to then take home for our tea! They looked delicious!

We even got a lovely pizza ๐Ÿ• picture from tea time!

Collective Worship – Whole school Faith and Belief – Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This week collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Holland.

Collective Worship – celebrating cultural diversity

The focus this week us celebrating cultural diversity. We will look at the bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ -Luke 10:25-37.

Please joinย  in with the action song below:

We will end with a though for the day (click image to enlarge):

Keep your eyes peeled for our DT project

The children in Long Mynd class have been working hard to create a wonderful DT project, this is linked to our ‘Ancient Greece’ topic.

Here is a sneaky peak… we hope to reveal to finished project by the end of the week.

“I will never leave Crete unless I can first slay the Minotaur, and save my poor companions, and deliver Athens from this cruel tribute.”


Can you guess what it might be?

Celebrations in Long Mynd

Isaac Earthy

Isaac joined us at the beginning of the year and he was very nervous, after a number of weeks in school he has grown in confidence, gained a nice little group of friends and a good relationship with adults.
He has grown in confidence in maths and enjoys times tables. He finds reading challenging however reads everyday to an adult to enable him to progress.
Well done Isaac.
We also have a selection of children who received certificates for passing their spellings and times tables: well done!
What a great achievement keep it up and lets see if we can add to the number of children next week!

Collective worship – Whole School – NSPCC


Whole School collective worship this week is by Miss Scoltock, the theme this week is NSPCC

Collective-Worship-NSPCC (1)

Please click on the PowerPoint to access.

If you have time, please watch the following video:
We also have a bible link to Faith and Belief:


Let us prayer click image to emlarge:

Earth Day Home Projects

Well done to everyone who completed an activity from my Earth Day post last week.ย  I have been amazed by your efforts!ย  Take a look below at the projects sent to me:

Lucas’ Earth Day poster

Odin’s Bug Hotel

Amelia’s Bird House

Hanna filling up her pond

Mia building their pond

Hanna and Mia’s completed pond

Kobie’s Bug Hotel

Alex’s Bird House

Anabel’s plants

Miti’s Earth Day poster

Indi’s acrostic poem

Indi’s Bug Hotel

Thank you to you all and to parents and carers for your ongoing support, what a difference you will make to our Earth through your wonderful projects.ย  You will all be awarded 5 class dojo points, and a small Earth Day prize will be passed onto you shortly.


๐ŸŒŸ Star of the week ๐ŸŒŸ

Millie Penney
Millie is our star of the week for being more independent. She is now more confident in asking a partner for help. She can also log onto the computer and learning sites independently. Millie has shown a more positive attitude during play times and lunch time.
She is maturing and the children in class enjoy working with Millie as she shares some fantastic ideas .
Well done Millie I am so proud of what you have achieved since returning after Easter Half Term.

Collective Worship – Faith and Belief – Pedal Power

This week we have a collective worship by Mrs Platt, she is focusing on believing in yourself and never giving up – The Big Pedal.

See Power Point below:

Collective Worship pedal power

Mrs Platt has included a few links having faith in what you do and when riding a bike.

See the song below and join in:

See the story below about faith:


Please click image below to enlarge the prayer:

Thank you and have a wonderful day.